Free-willer Straw Man Argument

Our minds are also part of our human nature. It might be hard for you to believe that people can actually use their minds. Most people are inclined to do what their minds tell them to do or what others tell them. Enough with your rabbit holes. Now it's time for you to understand that we are volitional beings. It's a sham to sit back, be inert, do nothing, and wait for the zapping. One must willingly believe in Christ. God is not fooled.

So, no answer. That's okay, I didn't expect intellectual honesty from you.
Yes, everyone is born with the ability to believe, but nobody believes something that they aren't convinced is true. It's not a matter of free will choice. You can't choose to believe you can fly by flapping your arms unless you're insane.

More important, you're ignoring the inclination part. Were you born with that, or did God give it to you?
Conviction can bring it on.
According to scripture

The reason they refuse to believe is

John 3:19–21 (KJV 1900) — 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

but man may be convicted of his sin and repent
Exactly they choose to believe or remain in unbelief . Bible Basics 101 which is being denied
I'm calling out your infantile behavior. That's what I'm doing. You are a model Calvinist, a credit to your clan.

You're mocking God. God does not zap anyone with belief. God does open the eyes, ears and hearts of the elect, and belief/faith follows. All you're doing is making up a caricature and misinformed interpretation of how it works and making it seem ridiculous. That's called trolling. And I don't care if admin deletes the word, because that's what you're doing.
You're mocking God. God does not zap anyone with belief. God does open the eyes, ears and hearts of the elect, and belief/faith follows. All you're doing is making up a caricature and misinformed interpretation of how it works and making it seem ridiculous. That's called trolling. And I don't care if admin deletes the word, because that's what you're doing.
You're the one mocking God by mocking His creation, man. As a typical Calvinist, you degrade man by not recognizing the mind and heart he is gifted by God in the first place. You have no inderstanding of human nature. You further degrade man by imposing a reprobate/elect caste system. Only a pagan god creates reprobates. Your Supremacist view is really telling and is exposed for what it is.
You're mocking God. God does not zap anyone with belief. God does open the eyes, ears and hearts of the elect, and belief/faith follows. All you're doing is making up a caricature and misinformed interpretation of how it works and making it seem ridiculous. That's called trolling. And I don't care if admin deletes the word, because that's what you're doing.
But he does irresistibly, unilaterally infuse faith in man.i
You're the one mocking God by mocking His creation, man. As a typical Calvinist, you degrade man by not recognizing the mind and heart he is gifted by God in the first place. You have no inderstanding of human nature. You further degrade man by imposing a reprobate/elect caste system. Only a pagan god creates reprobates. Your Supremacist view is really telling and is exposed for what it is.

You openly worship the creature rather than the creator.
So you choose to hold onto to your Sit Back, be Inert, do Nothing, and Wait for the Zapping belief, I see. May you and your Zapping Thor/Zeus god be happy with each other. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Even worse.... they tell others to wait instead of coming to Jesus Christ like God commanded it. It is never "today". There message is "wait".....

People refuse to accept Christ until God "overwhelms" them...........

Isn't it interesting that they claim such are not accepted by sinners until man is regenerated... yet here they are..... WAITING....

It is such a silly ridiculous proposition. At so many fundamental levels it is just "crazy".....
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