Lets get back to the idea one must believe in Christ to be justified by the faith of Christ
It is certainly
your idea, and others, yet
not the teachings of the word of God.
While we would agree based upon God's testimony that
without faith one
cannot know his free justification through Jesus' obedience, faith and righteousness.
John 20:31
“But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”
God has given his word to his children, that they might believe that Jesus is the Christ~apart from the scriptures, truths would still be the truth, yet
unknown by us~ the scriptures are only
our source of information revealing to God's elect the hidden counsels of the Father for his chosen people~so, the scriptures was God's choice of imparting understanding to us concerning himself, and his works that he has purposed to do according to his own will. The scriptures were given that we might believe, and believing, we might have life (the sense meaning....we might have
"the knowledge of the life we have by grace alone" ) through his name~that is: his faith, obedience and righteousness, not our works, since we were enemies when Christ reconciled his people to God~Romans 5:10. Not even born as of yet, before we had done any good, or evil in our own person~Jesus reconciled us to God legally when he cried out...IT IS FINISHED!
What must one do according to the text to be justified by the faith of Christ?
Do as in works?
Nothing! The very book that Galatians 2:16 comes from is given over to warned us of not being bewitched by false brethren who were bent on corrupting the pure gospel of grace, laboring to convinced the saints in
Galatia that they must
DO, this, that, or the other
before they can be saved, and then
continue in the same! They were adding to the gospel certain works that they had to do in order for them to be commended unto God, as though they could do
so perfectly through the energy of their own flesh, in the process of this rejecting the gospel of Jesus Christ, whereby
he secures eternal life for God's elect by his own life of perfect faith, and obedience. They were
mixing their works in with what Christ did, making his life, death, to be in vain and frustrating the doctrine of free grace.
Now we will agree, faith is the medium through which we look to Christ and trust in him alone for our free justification, but this faith which God's elect have was secured for them by Christ and freely given to them so that they could trust in Christ for eternal life, and not in themselves. Consider:
Since you are adamantly set on man's personal faith as the means of his legal justification I want to consider the subject of faith as the word is used in the NT, in reference to Jesus and the doctrine of justification.
I will not get finished with one post, please allow me to finished before commenting, so you will have my overall thoughts on this subject, not totally, but enough.
How Faith is Put For Christ~I think most would agree that the word faith is used in different senses in the scriptures, therefore it is diversely understood, by most. Sometimes faith is meant for knowledge~
Romans 14:22; Sometimes faith is meant for the doctrines of the scriptures~
Jude 3; Sometimes faith is mentioned for the power to believe~
Galatians 5:22; Sometimes, and quite often faith has reference to Christ,
Romans 4:13; Galatians 3:16 with 11-23. In Galatians 3 around at least ten times in Galatians alone, faith has reference to Jesus Christ the
true source of faith in this world, the very author and finisher of our faith.
Hebrews 12:2.
I want to concentrate on the faith
of Christ more, and why we believe in Christ, that we might be justified
by his faith legally speaking and not our
imperfect faith at it best and most holy (if such a thing can be said about mortal man) acts of faith.
In the scriptures what Is proper to Christ
only is often attributed to
faith as well to show our union with him in his faith which becomes our saving faith.
So the scriptures do oft give that to faith
which is proper to Christ, as "we live by faith:" Gal.2:20; "by Christ," John 6:57.
"We have remission of sins by faith," Acts 13:38, 39;
"by Christ," Eph. 1:7, Col. 1:14.
"We are justified by faith," Rom. 3:28, Gal. 3:24;
"by Christ," Isa. 53:11, Rom. 5:9.
"We have peace with God by faith," Rom. 5:1,2;
"by Christ," Eph. 2:3 and 3:12.
"We are sanctified by faith," Acts 15:9;
"by Christ," Heb. 10:14, 1 Cor. 1:30.
"We overcome the world by faith," 1 John 5:4,5; "
by Christ," John 16:33, 1 Cor. 15:57.
"We are the sons of God by faith," Gal. 3:26;
"by Christ," Eph. 1:5.
We "have an heavenly inheritance by faith," Acts 26:18;
"by Christ," Gal. 4:7.
"We have eternal life by faith," John 3:16~ it declaring a bible truth not conditions yo be meet by man. 1st John 5:11,12
"We are saved by faith," Eph. 2:8;
" but by Christ's faith," and even in the context of Ephesians 2 is clearly seen to be Christ' faith not man's!