Eternal Justification !

If you believe any of the above you become a expounder of the Man-made 5 Points of tulip and an enemy of the True Gospel. Not only does this stance on Eternal justification and it's attack on the character of God and It crosses the fence of Who God really is — it spits in the face of the True Gospel.

The True Gospel is the good news that God saves sinners. Man is by nature sinful and separated from God with no hope of remedying that situation. But God, by His power, provided the means of all Mankind's redemption in the death, burial and resurrection of the Savior, Jesus Christ for those that willingly Believe in Him. Justification by grace alone through faith alone.
Yes that’s gospel 101 which is not tulip
Yes that’s gospel 101 which is not tulip
Those of us in the reformed community have always believed that the outward call of the gospel goes out to all people who hear without exception, but sadly they all resist this outward call, not because God coerces them, but because of their own stubborn unbelief.

So the gates are open for all who want to come in but apart from being one of the Elect, no one does. As Calvinist we are often accused of not sharing the gospel. But that's not accurate as we do declare to the world, "trust in Jesus Christ and you will be saved." But men love darkness and hate the light and will not come into the light John 3:19-20.

Man is stiff necked and will not come yet amazingly God IS STILL merciful. Through the call of the gospel He extends mercy to more ill-deserving sinners than any man can count in spite of themselves.

If he left us to our own so called "free will" then no one would be saved since we all willfully run the other way... left to our own devices, we would all be hopelessly lost if it wasn't for predestination in which God chooses certain individuals to be saved.

Jesus declared, "the Spirit quickens, the flesh counts for nothing...that is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me grants it." John 6:63, 65.
Those of us in the reformed community have always believed that the outward call of the gospel goes out to all people who hear without exception, but sadly they all resist this outward call, not because God coerces them, but because of their own stubborn unbelief.

So the gates are open for all who want to come in but apart from being one of the Elect, no one does. As Calvinist we are often accused of not sharing the gospel. But that's not accurate as we do declare to the world, "trust in Jesus Christ and you will be saved." But men love darkness and hate the light and will not come into the light John 3:19-20.

Man is stiff necked and will not come yet amazingly God IS STILL merciful. Through the call of the gospel He extends mercy to more ill-deserving sinners than any man can count in spite of themselves.

If he left us to our own so called "free will" then no one would be saved since we all willfully run the other way... left to our own devices, we would all be hopelessly lost if it wasn't for predestination in which God chooses certain individuals to be saved.

Jesus declared, "the Spirit quickens, the flesh counts for nothing...that is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me grants it." John 6:63, 65.
i can agree with biggest part of this in the words of Adreian Rogers the elect is the whosoever will/shall

.that is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me grants it." John 6:63, 65.

how do You know that He granted it ? the Holy spirit draws us in which is through conviction . its at that point we have to decide do we accept or do we reject.. i rejected it for years . then one night in a revival service He spoke to me saying its NOW or Never i chose the Now . i am not heavily oppose to reform/Calvinism to call it false teaching .. how ever there are those who think they helped write the Bible and can not be wrong.
there are a few things i agree with as i do in many doctrines

As Calvinist we are often accused of not sharing the gospel.

the dogmatic claim they share but still hold only the chosen frozen get saved.. they cant even tell if one can know they are chosen.
i usually dont post in this type forum post.. But i liked how you worded the post .

for years i posted in carm forum it was a regular Blood bath frèe for all no holds bared . they was the only ones who had it together
i can agree with biggest part of this in the words of Adreian Rogers the elect is the whosoever will/shall

how do You know that He granted it ? the Holy spirit draws us in which is through conviction . its at that point we have to decide do we accept or do we reject.. i rejected it for years . then one night in a revival service He spoke to me saying its NOW or Never i chose the Now . i am not heavily oppose to reform/Calvinism to call it false teaching .. how ever there are those who think they helped write the Bible and can not be wrong.
there are a few things i agree with as i do in many doctrines

the dogmatic claim they share but still hold only the chosen frozen get saved.. they cant even tell if one can know they are chosen.
i usually dont post in this type forum post.. But i liked how you worded the post .

for years i posted in carm forum it was a regular Blood bath frèe for all no holds bared . they was the only ones who had it together
They cannot tell a lost person that Jesus loves them and that He died for their sins. That should tell us all we need to know.
i can agree with biggest part of this in the words of Adreian Rogers the elect is the whosoever will/shall

i am not heavily oppose to reform/Calvinism to call it false teaching
I am. I can't see anything more hardly to be against as compared to a teaching that God doesn't love the sinner. It most certainly can steer people away from thinking God will receive them or love them after the bad things they've done. So no offence but why shouldn't you call it false teaching. I think it goes right down along the line of he that does not gather with me scatters.

there are a few things i agree with as i do in many doctrines
Sure John but lets keep clear what we meaning here. You can be against Calvanism which is taken to mean the things of T.U.L.I.P. but Calvinists themselves believe in important beliefs like the Trinity etc. But don't be afraid to say Calvinism in the context of what we're meaning is false doctrine.
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But don't be afraid to say Calvinism in the context of what we're meaning is false doctrine.
one thing straight in this post i am not afraid to say anything. i am not Pentecostal but there a some thing i agree with some i dont . so when i say some things i can agree with some i cant. then that's what i mean
Exactly what is the timing of Justification ? When is one for whom Christ died Justified before God ? John Gill gives reasons why he believes that the saint is Justified before God, from everlasting. I concur with his sentiment and here's why, and of course in pursuit it is reasonably concluded why Justification before God is before Faith:

1. Faith is not the cause, but the fruit and effect of justification. The reason why we are justified, is not because we have faith; but the reason why we have faith is because we are justified. Was there no such blessing of grace as justification of life provided for the sons of men, there would be no such thing as faith in Christ bestowed upon them, nor, indeed, would there be any use for it; and though it is provided, yet since not for all men, therefore all men have not faith. The reason why some do not believe, is, because they are not of Christ's sheep; (John 10:26) they never were chosen in him, nor justified by him, but are justly left in their sins, and so to condemnation; the reason why others do believe, is, because they are ordained to eternal life, (Acts 13:48) have a justifying righteousness provided for them, and are justified by it, and shall never enter into condemnation and, in asserting this, I say no more than what Dr. Twisse, the famous Prolocutor to the Assembly of Divines, has said before me. His words are these: "Before faith the righteousness of Christ was ours, being in the intention of God the Father, and Christ the Mediator, wrought out for us; and, because wrought out for us, therefore God, in his own time, gives us grace of every kind, and among others, faith itself, and, at last, the crown of heavenly glory." And, a little after, he says: "Before faith and repentance the righteousness of Christ is applied unto us; since it is on the account of that, that we obtain efficacious grace, to believe in Christ and repent." Likewise the judicious Pemble writes to the same effect, when, observing a two-fold justification, he says, the one is "In foro divino, in God's sight, and this goes before all our sanctification; for even whilst the elect are unconverted, they are then actually justified, and freed from all sin, by the death of Christ, and God so esteems of them as free, and, having accepted of that satisfaction, is actually reconciled to them. By this justification, we are freed from the guilt of our sins; and because that is done away, God, in due time, proceeds to give us the grace of sanctification, to free from sin's corruption still inherent in our persons." The other is, "In foro conscientiae, in their own sense, which is but the revelation and certain declaration of God's former secret act of accepting Christ's righteousness to our justification." And Maccovius says, "That because that God justifies us, therefore, he gives us faith, and other spiritual gifts." Now, if justification is the cause, and faith the effect; then, as every cause is before its effect, and every effect follows its own cause, justification must be before faith, and faith must follow justification.
psst all you have given here is your interpretation. you have given no scripture . you have proved nothing .all i see is bunch of garbled words aka wind doctrine blows in and out like hot air
psst all you have given here is your interpretation. you have given no scripture . you have proved nothing .all i see is bunch of garbled words aka wind doctrine blows in and out like hot air
I have given scripture, have you read the thread ? And what you read there if you read it, was from a another writer that I referenced
Eternal Justification is a act of Justification before God, an Eternal Act of God, whereby He does not impute sin upon all for whom Christ will die, hence, discharging them from all guilt and condemnation solely premised upon Christ's Promise to Perform the Covenant obligations for them in Time !

So, before the Mind of God, The Performance of dying for the sins of the Elect was performed, by Promise Rev 13:8

8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Thats why even from the beginning of His Public Ministry, The Father's Testimony of Him was this Matt 3:17

And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Thats because of His Promised Covenant Engagement which did culminate in His Death !

The Father was no more Pleased for the accomplishment of Christ's sacrifice after His Death as He was before it and even when He Covenanted it before the World began ! 4
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