Do you think that we need to be a 100 percent sin free in order to get God to listen to us?


Active member
I don't feel like my prayers get answered enough. I have heard many times that the prayers that get answered are the ones that line up with God's will. The closer you get to God then the better your life and heart lines with God's will.

Another thing I hear is unconfessed unrepentant sin prevents prayers from being answered. I also hear that some people struggle with persistent sin.

I think that I have some persistent sin in my life. For example, at the bottom of heart and body, I desire a female. I don't want us to get into any kind of big circular frustrating debate over this. But I mention it as a possibility that maybe my feelings on the matter keeps my prayers from being answered.

Another issue I see with myself is that I'm not very optimistic. I don't praise the lord in the storm. That sort of thing doesn't come naturally to me. So I wonder if maybe that flaw in myself gets in the way of prayer being answered.

Then I got to wondering, if sin can hinder prayers, then how do we know if asking Jesus to save us, really works at all. It's like, He's ok with you asking for forgiveness for being a sinner, and asking him to come inside, and yet the sins you struggle with after, those are the ones that get in the way.

As human beings, I don't think any of us are perfect, and if it takes 100 percent perfection. Meaning no sin, ever, for a prayer to get answered, then I would think that no prayers ever really do get answered.

I got to wondering, if sin hinders prayer, how much sin, and what specific sin does hinder prayer.

I don't enjoy being a sinner. I find that the sins I commit are all internal sins. They are temptations based on my feelings and inside thoughts.

Since I don't do well at fixing myself. I often try to pray and ask God to fix these internal problems. But if my sin prevents prayers from being answered, then that would mean that God is not hearing those prayers. When I was still a member of christianityboard, I tried to create prayer requests about this. It was really hard to get anyone to pray for me. This kind of prayer request is very usual, because most people will ask for physical healing, or for someone who is physically sick or something like that. Where as my prayer requests was more of a spiritual and emotional nature.

Do you think that we need to be a 100 percent sin free in order to get God to listen to us?
I don't feel like my prayers get answered enough. I have heard many times that the prayers that get answered are the ones that line up with God's will. The closer you get to God then the better your life and heart lines with God's will.

Another thing I hear is unconfessed unrepentant sin prevents prayers from being answered. I also hear that some people struggle with persistent sin.

I think that I have some persistent sin in my life. For example, at the bottom of heart and body, I desire a female. I don't want us to get into any kind of big circular frustrating debate over this. But I mention it as a possibility that maybe my feelings on the matter keeps my prayers from being answered.

Another issue I see with myself is that I'm not very optimistic. I don't praise the lord in the storm. That sort of thing doesn't come naturally to me. So I wonder if maybe that flaw in myself gets in the way of prayer being answered.

Then I got to wondering, if sin can hinder prayers, then how do we know if asking Jesus to save us, really works at all. It's like, He's ok with you asking for forgiveness for being a sinner, and asking him to come inside, and yet the sins you struggle with after, those are the ones that get in the way.

As human beings, I don't think any of us are perfect, and if it takes 100 percent perfection. Meaning no sin, ever, for a prayer to get answered, then I would think that no prayers ever really do get answered.

I got to wondering, if sin hinders prayer, how much sin, and what specific sin does hinder prayer.

I don't enjoy being a sinner. I find that the sins I commit are all internal sins. They are temptations based on my feelings and inside thoughts.

Since I don't do well at fixing myself. I often try to pray and ask God to fix these internal problems. But if my sin prevents prayers from being answered, then that would mean that God is not hearing those prayers. When I was still a member of christianityboard, I tried to create prayer requests about this. It was really hard to get anyone to pray for me. This kind of prayer request is very usual, because most people will ask for physical healing, or for someone who is physically sick or something like that. Where as my prayer requests was more of a spiritual and emotional nature.

Do you think that we need to be a 100 percent sin free in order to get God to listen to us?

If God only listened to us when we are 100 percent right, then He would never listen to us......

I've often asked God to help me only to realize later just how difficult I can be to get along with at times. Don't get me wrong. Most people generally believe I'm easy to get along with. However, my sense of sinfulness is different than mosts. Attitudes and kindness are important to me. Empathy and caring is an essential aspect of Divinity. We are often so unlike our Master. Our Lord Jesus Christ. He is so enduring and kind. Gentle. Caring. Understanding or own limitations and position in maturity. When others thought God should punish me, He has done nothing but LOVE ME.

I share my opinion about prayer. Prayer is about attitude and expectation. I'm not saying to expect miracles. I'm saying that the attitude and expectation of God caring enough to take care of you is important...."when you pray". Pray is also an issue of daily importance. Not reputitious nonsense but meaningful relationship. I thank God throughout the day and when I'm wrong, I ask God to forgive me. I don't spend countless hours dealing with the same "things" over and over again. I don't pray openly. I avoid it. When I do pray opening, I don't seek to teach others. I seek to keep it short and acknowledge that I know God cares and loves me.... and that I do the same toward Him.

Now. The difficult aspect of prayer to me.....

Knowing where I begin and God begins. "Asking according to His will" isn't just asking for anything and expecting something. Asking "according to His will" is about having the attitude that God knows what is best for us.

To me, John speaks to this

1Jn 5:14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:
1Jn 5:15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

It is confidence in God's accurate judgements of our requests.

There are times in my life I have been total consumed with things I take no pleasure in. Even to the point of asking God to take them from me. However, I've learned that asking God to take them away is really not what I need.

What I need is to recognize the comfort I have with Him being with me through it all. Prayer is treasuring our Lord beyond our circumstances.
If God only listened to us when we are 100 percent right, then He would never listen to us......

I've often asked God to help me only to realize later just how difficult I can be to get along with at times. Don't get me wrong. Most people generally believe I'm easy to get along with. However, my sense of sinfulness is different than mosts. Attitudes and kindness are important to me. Empathy and caring is an essential aspect of Divinity. We are often so unlike our Master. Our Lord Jesus Christ. He is so enduring and kind. Gentle. Caring. Understanding or own limitations and position in maturity. When others thought God should punish me, He has done nothing but LOVE ME.

I share my opinion about prayer. Prayer is about attitude and expectation. I'm not saying to expect miracles. I'm saying that the attitude and expectation of God caring enough to take care of you is important...."when you pray". Pray is also an issue of daily importance. Not reputitious nonsense but meaningful relationship. I thank God throughout the day and when I'm wrong, I ask God to forgive me. I don't spend countless hours dealing with the same "things" over and over again. I don't pray openly. I avoid it. When I do pray opening, I don't seek to teach others. I seek to keep it short and acknowledge that I know God cares and loves me.... and that I do the same toward Him.

Now. The difficult aspect of prayer to me.....

Knowing where I begin and God begins. "Asking according to His will" isn't just asking for anything and expecting something. Asking "according to His will" is about having the attitude that God knows what is best for us.

To me, John speaks to this

1Jn 5:14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:
1Jn 5:15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

It is confidence in God's accurate judgements of our requests.

There are times in my life I have been total consumed with things I take no pleasure in. Even to the point of asking God to take them from me. However, I've learned that asking God to take them away is really not what I need.

What I need is to recognize the comfort I have with Him being with me through it all. Prayer is treasuring our Lord beyond our circumstances.

I agree with your logic.

People who support the idea of sin hindering prayers write articles like this:

But I wonder if He is using the Bible out of context too much. Because like you said, if we had to be at 100 percent then none of our prayers would be answered. People like that author might not even be asking this question. "Am I sin free enough?"
Of course sin hinders prayer.

But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear. (Isa. 59:2 NKJ)

When you spread out your hands, I will hide My eyes from you; Even though you make many prayers, I will not hear (Isa. 1:15 NKJ)

Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife... that your prayers may not be hindered. (1 Pet. 3:7 NKJ)

You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. (Jas. 4:3 NKJ)

We are not talking about sinless perfection here, nor prayers for sanctification.

Obviously no one is sinlessly perfect, and we can't pray for sanctification without being sinful.

But our own heart deceives us about the purity of our motives—maybe we are "asking" for sanctification but it's NOT what our heart really wants.
The pure of heart can see God, sin blocks our perception of God.

Just because you cannot perceive communication from God, does not necessarily mean God is not present.

In terms of getting what you want, that's another matter that is dealt with on a case by case basis between God and the person praying.
The bible talks about faith making any prayer possible, but it also speaks of the type of faith that makes it possible.

The type of faith is described as a tree that is grown from the smallest seed that becomes nourishment and shelter for the whole ecosystem.

So pray your prayer, and with your faith, ask through your actions.

Today, our concept of faith is different than the original believers almost 2000 years ago. So having the right type can take some time where God transforms your heart so the faith is just the right kind of faith.

Do I always get what I want? No, but I trust God anyway.
Of course sin hinders prayer.

But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear. (Isa. 59:2 NKJ)

How long had they sinned before God declared this? I submit that the average Christian does not fully know the extent of their sin.

Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife... that your prayers may not be hindered. (1 Pet. 3:7 NKJ)

Joint prayer. All about relationship. Even then, I still maintain that the average Christian does not really know the extent of their sin.

You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. (Jas. 4:3 NKJ)

99 percent of prayer falls under this. We ask to get what we desire. If we really believe God is everything we need, then why do we pray?

We are not talking about sinless perfection here, nor prayers for sanctification.

Obviously no one is sinlessly perfect, and we can't pray for sanctification without being sinful.

But our own heart deceives us about the purity of our motives—maybe we are "asking" for sanctification but it's NOT what our heart really wants.

Then we agree? We do not know the extent of our sin. We don't. We never really have.
We could.

If we meant what we prayed, and kept at it.

I know that first hand.

I've been asking for such for a very long time. Since I was a young Christian. Yes, I've found enlightenment in such but it is never ending enlightenment. I see more and more. I never see all of it. Jesus told His disciples that he had many things to tell but they could not tolerate them. We are all like this to one degree or another. Not an excuse. Reality.
I don't feel like my prayers get answered enough. I have heard many times that the prayers that get answered are the ones that line up with God's will. The closer you get to God then the better your life and heart lines with God's will.

Another thing I hear is unconfessed unrepentant sin prevents prayers from being answered. I also hear that some people struggle with persistent sin.

I think that I have some persistent sin in my life. For example, at the bottom of heart and body, I desire a female. I don't want us to get into any kind of big circular frustrating debate over this. But I mention it as a possibility that maybe my feelings on the matter keeps my prayers from being answered.

Another issue I see with myself is that I'm not very optimistic. I don't praise the lord in the storm. That sort of thing doesn't come naturally to me. So I wonder if maybe that flaw in myself gets in the way of prayer being answered.

Then I got to wondering, if sin can hinder prayers, then how do we know if asking Jesus to save us, really works at all. It's like, He's ok with you asking for forgiveness for being a sinner, and asking him to come inside, and yet the sins you struggle with after, those are the ones that get in the way.

As human beings, I don't think any of us are perfect, and if it takes 100 percent perfection. Meaning no sin, ever, for a prayer to get answered, then I would think that no prayers ever really do get answered.

I got to wondering, if sin hinders prayer, how much sin, and what specific sin does hinder prayer.

I don't enjoy being a sinner. I find that the sins I commit are all internal sins. They are temptations based on my feelings and inside thoughts.

Since I don't do well at fixing myself. I often try to pray and ask God to fix these internal problems. But if my sin prevents prayers from being answered, then that would mean that God is not hearing those prayers. When I was still a member of christianityboard, I tried to create prayer requests about this. It was really hard to get anyone to pray for me. This kind of prayer request is very usual, because most people will ask for physical healing, or for someone who is physically sick or something like that. Where as my prayer requests was more of a spiritual and emotional nature.

Do you think that we need to be a 100 percent sin free in order to get God to listen to us?
I heard recently that repentance is us turning away from sin. Believe it or not that isn't true repentance. It is works.

Know this, Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith, not us, Hebrews 12:2. What I see you doing is on the right course. You are acknowledging that you are a repeat sinner and the only way you can be righteous, let alone holy is to do the impossible - be like Jesus. But that can only happen if you surrender and give up trying to be good and ask Jesus to literally take away all desire to sin. In other words to change our old man, our nature. Romans 6:5-7. "5 For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, 6 knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. 7 For he who has died has been freed from sin."

Then His first step is taking away lawlessness. 1 John 3:4-5. " Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. 5 And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin." You see there are two types of sin (1 John 5:16-17) and lawlessness (sins against the commandments of God) are sins unto death. The Catholics call this type mortal sins. 1 John 1:9 is the first prayer to become born again of the Holy Spirit. " If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness." You are then clean. This is how to receive the Holy Spirit as in Acts 2:38 "Repent, ... and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. You will know it when the Holy Spirit enters your nature. Your desires are all about God. He becomes an addiction. All you want to do is read His word and listen to sermons instead of sports.

Also your conscience will become super-sensitized, and you will only want to obey. 1 John 3:21-24. "Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. 22 And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. 23 And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment. 24 Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us."

If you know anything about Catholics there is another type of sin that I see you struggling with - venial sins, or as 1 John 5:16-17 calls them - sins not unto death. These are from immature fruit of the Spirit - sins not unto death.

Abiding in Jesus is the key to salvation. It is required to stay IN Jesus so you will never desire to commit sins unto death that was taken out of your nature. Abiding in Jesus is also the key to maturing in all the fruit of the Spirit, though I've found it took 47 years! See the gospel of John 15:1-4 and see that when Jesus cleansed us of all unrighteousness, it is not necessary to keep using 1 John 1:9 anymore than you need to receive the Holy Spirit again from repenting in Acts 2:38. You are clean. Again the key is ABIDING IN JESUS. 1 John 3:24 and John 15:3-4.

John 15:1-4
“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He [a]takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. 4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
I don't feel like my prayers get answered enough. I have heard many times that the prayers that get answered are the ones that line up with God's will. The closer you get to God then the better your life and heart lines with God's will.

Another thing I hear is unconfessed unrepentant sin prevents prayers from being answered. I also hear that some people struggle with persistent sin.

I think that I have some persistent sin in my life. For example, at the bottom of heart and body, I desire a female. I don't want us to get into any kind of big circular frustrating debate over this. But I mention it as a possibility that maybe my feelings on the matter keeps my prayers from being answered.

Another issue I see with myself is that I'm not very optimistic. I don't praise the lord in the storm. That sort of thing doesn't come naturally to me. So I wonder if maybe that flaw in myself gets in the way of prayer being answered.

Then I got to wondering, if sin can hinder prayers, then how do we know if asking Jesus to save us, really works at all. It's like, He's ok with you asking for forgiveness for being a sinner, and asking him to come inside, and yet the sins you struggle with after, those are the ones that get in the way.

As human beings, I don't think any of us are perfect, and if it takes 100 percent perfection. Meaning no sin, ever, for a prayer to get answered, then I would think that no prayers ever really do get answered.

I got to wondering, if sin hinders prayer, how much sin, and what specific sin does hinder prayer.

I don't enjoy being a sinner. I find that the sins I commit are all internal sins. They are temptations based on my feelings and inside thoughts.

Since I don't do well at fixing myself. I often try to pray and ask God to fix these internal problems. But if my sin prevents prayers from being answered, then that would mean that God is not hearing those prayers. When I was still a member of christianityboard, I tried to create prayer requests about this. It was really hard to get anyone to pray for me. This kind of prayer request is very usual, because most people will ask for physical healing, or for someone who is physically sick or something like that. Where as my prayer requests was more of a spiritual and emotional nature.

Do you think that we need to be a 100 percent sin free in order to get God to listen to us?
There's so much to unpack here.

1- do you trust in Jesus to be your sin carrier?
Romans 4:23-5:1.
Hebrews 7:25

2- are you spiritually regenerated? Jesus said- unless you are born again you cannot enter/see the kingdom of God.
John 3:3-5

3- if the answer to these questions are yes, then you are what's referred to in ephesians as- IN CHRIST.

Faith is not an emotion. Emotions can indeed rise out of faith in Jesus, but it's not something dependent on emotion.

Please read 2 Peter 1:2-4, 5-8, 9, 10-11, 12-13
Then please read Titus 2:11-14
And 1 John 1:5-2:2.

God is promising that once you are IN CHRIST, he's going to teach you everything you need to follow Jesus successfully.

Focus on the first few verses of the 2 Peter 1 passage.

Also, please read Philippians 1:6, Psalms 138:8, and Philippians 2:12-14.

I could sit here all day and night giving you verses which are designed to encourage you.

God hears you, even if you don't feel like he does.
I'd like to add...
In Hebrews 10:10-14, and Colossians 2:6-12, We're given the perfection of Jesus.
So... my next set of questions...

Are you reading the bible daily?

It's long been described to me that the Bible is God's Word, and as Jesus quoted Moses...
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
It's your food, as a follower of Jesus.

Are you talking to God daily?
I understand that you feel like he's not listening.
According to the Bible, He is!
1 John 1:9-2:2, 3:19-24, 5:10-13.

3- are you involved with other people who are learning to follow Jesus?

4- are you... even if seemingly insignificant, telling others about Jesus?

These things matter and will help you grow in Jesus.

This is a relationship with the True and Living God. He adopted you. Jesus is your brother.
1- do you trust in Jesus to be your sin carrier?
Romans 4:23-5:1.
Hebrews 7:25

Those verses are not about Christians, they are about those before Christ and the Law.
2- are you spiritually regenerated? Jesus said- unless you are born again you cannot enter/see the kingdom of God.
John 3:3-5
Yes. It is interesting that until I was 30 years old not one prayer was ever answered. But then I repented in a new way that I had never been taught, and was filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit, and since then 100% of my prayers have been answered. The key is abiding in Jesus.
3- if the answer to these questions are yes, then you are what's referred to in ephesians as- IN CHRIST.
Not In Christ if before He was born.

Please read 2 Peter 1:2-4, 5-8, 9, 10-11, 12-13
Then please read Titus 2:11-14
And 1 John 1:5-2:2.
2 Peter 1:2-11 is one of my favorite passages. 1 John 1:5-10 are contrast verses of Light vs. Darkness. As John said, they are written so you will not sin. The dark verses 6, 8 and 10 are liars that claim with their mouth they are a Christian, but are NOT. "Say" is the key word. Read 1 John 2:4.
I'd like to add...
In Hebrews 10:10-14, and Colossians 2:6-12, We're given the perfection of Jesus.
So... my next set of questions...
The perfection of Jesus is what He has promised to make us. It is not a covering, but a reality. For this to happen we MUST abide in Jesus.
Are you reading the bible daily?
I read many chapters at night until I get sleepy.
I don't feel like my prayers get answered enough. I have heard many times that the prayers that get answered are the ones that line up with God's will. The closer you get to God then the better your life and heart lines with God's will.

Another thing I hear is unconfessed unrepentant sin prevents prayers from being answered. I also hear that some people struggle with persistent sin.

I think that I have some persistent sin in my life. For example, at the bottom of heart and body, I desire a female. I don't want us to get into any kind of big circular frustrating debate over this. But I mention it as a possibility that maybe my feelings on the matter keeps my prayers from being answered.

Another issue I see with myself is that I'm not very optimistic. I don't praise the lord in the storm. That sort of thing doesn't come naturally to me. So I wonder if maybe that flaw in myself gets in the way of prayer being answered.

Then I got to wondering, if sin can hinder prayers, then how do we know if asking Jesus to save us, really works at all. It's like, He's ok with you asking for forgiveness for being a sinner, and asking him to come inside, and yet the sins you struggle with after, those are the ones that get in the way.

As human beings, I don't think any of us are perfect, and if it takes 100 percent perfection. Meaning no sin, ever, for a prayer to get answered, then I would think that no prayers ever really do get answered.

I got to wondering, if sin hinders prayer, how much sin, and what specific sin does hinder prayer.

I don't enjoy being a sinner. I find that the sins I commit are all internal sins. They are temptations based on my feelings and inside thoughts.

Since I don't do well at fixing myself. I often try to pray and ask God to fix these internal problems. But if my sin prevents prayers from being answered, then that would mean that God is not hearing those prayers. When I was still a member of christianityboard, I tried to create prayer requests about this. It was really hard to get anyone to pray for me. This kind of prayer request is very usual, because most people will ask for physical healing, or for someone who is physically sick or something like that. Where as my prayer requests was more of a spiritual and emotional nature.

Do you think that we need to be a 100 percent sin free in order to get God to listen to us?
Nobody is 100% sin free in this world. I Yochanan 8-10 Jewish Messianic Version
If we claim not to have sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we acknowledge our sins, then, since He is trustworthy and just, he will forgive
them and purify us from all wrong doing. If we claim we have not been sinning,
we are making Him out to be a liar, and His Word is not in us.

When I do my morning prayers like Shlomo (Solomon) I always
ask for wisdom. With Adonai's wisdom you can navigate life's
challenging issues.
Those verses are not about Christians, they are about those before Christ and the Law.
Ok. This is confusing.
With all due respect,
I wasn't talking to anyone other than @AlwaysOnAJourney .
While I appreciate your response, this is their thread, and i was dealing with their specific points.
And as a matter of fact, Romans was written to the church in Rome.
The Hebrews was written to Hebrew believers who were in danger of leaving off from following Jesus and returning to temple/levitical Judaism.

Yes. It is interesting that until I was 30 years old not one prayer was ever answered. But then I repented in a new way that I had never been taught, and was filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit, and since then 100% of my prayers have been answered. The key is abiding in Jesus.

Not In Christ if before He was born.

2 Peter 1:2-11 is one of my favorite passages. 1 John 1:5-10 are contrast verses of Light vs. Darkness. As John said, they are written so you will not sin. The dark verses 6, 8 and 10 are liars that claim with their mouth they are a Christian, but are NOT. "Say" is the key word. Read 1 John 2:4.

The perfection of Jesus is what He has promised to make us. It is not a covering, but a reality. For this to happen we MUST abide in Jesus.

I read many chapters at night until I get sleepy.
Praise God!
Keep following Jesus.
I don't feel like my prayers get answered enough. I have heard many times that the prayers that get answered are the ones that line up with God's will. The closer you get to God then the better your life and heart lines with God's will.

Another thing I hear is unconfessed unrepentant sin prevents prayers from being answered. I also hear that some people struggle with persistent sin.

I think that I have some persistent sin in my life. For example, at the bottom of heart and body, I desire a female. I don't want us to get into any kind of big circular frustrating debate over this. But I mention it as a possibility that maybe my feelings on the matter keeps my prayers from being answered.

Another issue I see with myself is that I'm not very optimistic. I don't praise the lord in the storm. That sort of thing doesn't come naturally to me. So I wonder if maybe that flaw in myself gets in the way of prayer being answered.

Then I got to wondering, if sin can hinder prayers, then how do we know if asking Jesus to save us, really works at all. It's like, He's ok with you asking for forgiveness for being a sinner, and asking him to come inside, and yet the sins you struggle with after, those are the ones that get in the way.

As human beings, I don't think any of us are perfect, and if it takes 100 percent perfection. Meaning no sin, ever, for a prayer to get answered, then I would think that no prayers ever really do get answered.

I got to wondering, if sin hinders prayer, how much sin, and what specific sin does hinder prayer.

I don't enjoy being a sinner. I find that the sins I commit are all internal sins. They are temptations based on my feelings and inside thoughts.

Since I don't do well at fixing myself. I often try to pray and ask God to fix these internal problems. But if my sin prevents prayers from being answered, then that would mean that God is not hearing those prayers. When I was still a member of christianityboard, I tried to create prayer requests about this. It was really hard to get anyone to pray for me. This kind of prayer request is very usual, because most people will ask for physical healing, or for someone who is physically sick or something like that. Where as my prayer requests was more of a spiritual and emotional nature.

Do you think that we need to be a 100 percent sin free in order to get God to listen to us?
Something else I want to add....

Regarding the sinless perfection...

We are given the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus.

In 2 Corinthians 5:21, it's written,

2Co 5:21 WEB For him who knew no sin he made to be sin on our behalf, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Then, according to Isaiah 54:17, we read

Isa 54:17 WEB No weapon that is formed against you will prevail; and you will condemn every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of Yahweh’s servants, and their righteousness is of me,” says Yahweh.

And in Jeremiah 23:6, we read

Jer 23:6 WEB In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell safely. This is his name by which he will be called: Yahweh our righteousness.

The primary thing God is asking for is our trust in Jesus.
He'll give you everything you need to follow Jesus. Including sin-less-ing.
I don't feel like my prayers get answered enough. I have heard many times that the prayers that get answered are the ones that line up with God's will. The closer you get to God then the better your life and heart lines with God's will.

Another thing I hear is unconfessed unrepentant sin prevents prayers from being answered. I also hear that some people struggle with persistent sin.

I think that I have some persistent sin in my life. For example, at the bottom of heart and body, I desire a female. I don't want us to get into any kind of big circular frustrating debate over this. But I mention it as a possibility that maybe my feelings on the matter keeps my prayers from being answered.

Another issue I see with myself is that I'm not very optimistic. I don't praise the lord in the storm. That sort of thing doesn't come naturally to me. So I wonder if maybe that flaw in myself gets in the way of prayer being answered.

Then I got to wondering, if sin can hinder prayers, then how do we know if asking Jesus to save us, really works at all. It's like, He's ok with you asking for forgiveness for being a sinner, and asking him to come inside, and yet the sins you struggle with after, those are the ones that get in the way.

As human beings, I don't think any of us are perfect, and if it takes 100 percent perfection. Meaning no sin, ever, for a prayer to get answered, then I would think that no prayers ever really do get answered.

I got to wondering, if sin hinders prayer, how much sin, and what specific sin does hinder prayer.

I don't enjoy being a sinner. I find that the sins I commit are all internal sins. They are temptations based on my feelings and inside thoughts.

Since I don't do well at fixing myself. I often try to pray and ask God to fix these internal problems. But if my sin prevents prayers from being answered, then that would mean that God is not hearing those prayers. When I was still a member of christianityboard, I tried to create prayer requests about this. It was really hard to get anyone to pray for me. This kind of prayer request is very usual, because most people will ask for physical healing, or for someone who is physically sick or something like that. Where as my prayer requests was more of a spiritual and emotional nature.

Do you think that we need to be a 100 percent sin free in order to get God to listen to us?
If you were 100% sin free you wouldn't need a Saviour.

Which is exactly why learning to understand the scriptures matter so very much!
Amen. Even though:

that horrible "...sin that dwelleth in me" [flesh] (Rom 7:17, 20 AV), but:

Thanks Be Unto God For What He Has for renewing my 'heart, mind and spirit', eh?:

That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto​
All Riches Of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement​
of The Mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ" (Col 2:2 AV)​
Amen. Even though:

that horrible "...sin that dwelleth in me" [flesh] (Rom 7:17, 20 AV),
yes it is!  


Thanks Be Unto God For What He Has for renewing my 'heart, mind and spirit', eh?:

That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto​
All Riches Of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement​
of The Mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ" (Col 2:2 AV)​
This is where I wish we could post stickers, or gifs.

For the gif of choice here I'd go for


Rom 8:3-9 WEB 3 For what the law couldn’t do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God did, sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, 4 that the ordinance of the law might be fulfilled in us who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6 For the mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace; 7 because the mind of the flesh is hostile toward God, for it is not subject to God’s law, neither indeed can it be. 8 Those who are in the flesh can’t please God. 9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if it is so that the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if any man doesn’t have the Spirit of Christ, he is not his.

We learn to focus our thinking on spiritual things.
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