How can there be so many different ways to get saved?

And who are you again? Sounds like you are conducting some IFB legalistic inquisition? Salvation is if and through the ✡️ Jews not Gentiles.
Luk 1:68 BARUCH HASHEM ELOHEI YISROEL, for Adonoi has visited his Am Berit and accomplished a pedut kofer ransom for the Geulah of his people.
Luk 1:69 And Hashem raised up a Keren Yeshuah (Horn of Salvation), a mighty Moshia, for us in the Beis Dovid, His eved,
Luk 1:70 Just as Hashem spoke through the mouth of His neviim hakedoshim meOlam (holy prophets from long ago), [YIRMEYAH 23:5]
Luk 1:71 That we should have Yeshuat Eloheinu from our oyvim (enemies) and from the hand of all the ones who regard us with sinas chinom (baseless hatred).
Luk 1:72 Thus Hashem has demonstrated his rachamim (mercy) to Avoteinu (our Fathers) and has remembered his Brit HaKodesh (Holy Covenant), [MICHOH 7:20; TEHILLIM 105:8,9; 106:45; YECHEZKEL 16:60]
Luk 1:73 The Brit HaShevuah (the Covenant of the oath) which He swore to Avraham Avinu to grant us, [BERESHIS 22:16-18]
Luk 1:74 Having been delivered from the yad haoyvim (hand of enemies) of us to serve Hashem fearlessly,
Luk 1:75 In kedushah (holiness) and tzedek (righteousness) before Him all our yamim (days).
Luk 1:76 And you also, yeled (child), will be called Navi HaElyon (Prophet of the Most High); for you will go LIFNEI HAADON (before the L-rd) to prepare the DERECH HASHEM (The Way of the L-rd) [MALACHI 3:1; YESHAYAH 40:3]

Keren Yeshuah is/in/by/through Mashiach

ואתה הילד נביא עליון יקרא לך כי לפני יהוה תלך לפנות את־דרכיו׃
ולהורות דרך הישועה לעמו בסליחת חטאתיהם׃
בחסד אלהינו וברחמיו אשר בהם יפקדנו הנגה ממרום׃
להאיר לישבי חשך וצלמות ולהכין את־רגלינו אל־דרך השלום׃
ויגדל הילד ויחזק ברוח ויהי במדברות עד־יום הראתו אל־ישראל׃

Shalom Achi-Tehi Barukh.
I said we are to test the spirit to see if it is of God and you won't answer very basic questions, Salvation is by Gods grace through faith in Jesus, Jesus taught

John:14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
You don't need to quote scripture, because I know the scriptures better than you. You are not answering my questions. Maybe you are a 'fake' Christian ✝️? God only knows there are plenty of them out and about.
I said we are to test the spirit to see if it is of God and you won't answer very basic questions, Salvation is by Gods grace through faith in Jesus, Jesus taught

John:14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
My salvation is in Yeshua Hamashiach and that is between Adonai, Ruach Hakodesh and I.
You don't need to quote scripture, because I know the scriptures better than you. You are not answering my questions. Maybe you are a 'fake' Christian ✝️? God only knows there are plenty of them out and about.
I doubt that from what you post but the only reason I haven't answered yet is because you didn't answer me and just rephrased the same question, so here you are doing the same and still calling names, I am happy to answer any questions if it is actually a discussion, So I started here

Do you believe people are saved by the Gospel presented by Paul here?

1 Corinthians 15:1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures

And have you received Jesus in you?
I doubt that from what you post but the only reason I haven't answered yet is because you didn't answer me and just rephrased the same question, so here you are doing the same and still calling names, I am happy to answer any questions if it is actually a discussion, So I started here

Do you believe people are saved by the Gospel presented by Paul here?

1 Corinthians 15:1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures

And have you received Jesus in you?
Maybe your illiterate or have dementia, but I gave you my answer in my previous post.
Seems like you are getting on the stupid train.
Maybe your illiterate or have dementia, but I gave you my answer in my previous post.
Seems like you are getting on the stupid train.
You are saying you want to keep it secret,So that is not an answer, how about yelling it from the rooftops, or be ready to an answer for the hope that is in you.?
You are saying you want to keep it secret,So that is not an answer, how about yelling it from the rooftops, or be ready to an answer for the hope that is in you.?
I would would have enough to worry about with your own legalistic hypocritical religion. I'm getting close to putting a pinhead like you on ignore.
Trying is key word, but failing, still waiting for your answer, Did you ever believe in Jesus to be saved?
Every true Christian is a believing one. Soteriology is about how one becomes a believing one.

Some people think it's a free will choice to believe. But nobody believes anything of their free will choice. People believe whatever they are convinced is true. The people I just spoke of believe it's a free will choice to believe because they're convinced that's true. Some people believe the moon landing was faked, because they're convinced that is true. Some on this board used to believe Calvinism is true. Then they became convinced that Calvinism is false.

And belief alone is not salvific. You believe there is one God? Good. So do demons and they shudder. Saving belief is faith (believing - continual), not choosing to believe something is true, even if that were possible.
It really bothers me that depending on what Christian Denomination you go to, the way you get saved is a little different. For some Churches it is just pray and ask Jesus into your heart. Other ones want you to do that and plus get baptized. Some think you are already chosen before the foundation of the world. Some think that getting baptized is what saves you.

I've been thinking about Arminianism, Calvinism, Universalism, some of the other various smaller isms. Eternal Security, Conditional Security, and Sinless Perfectionism. I get the feeling that all of these exist as away to try and deal with the fact that after a person starts associating him or herself, with Christianity. They realize that sin is still a problem. How do we explain why, what is done about it, and how does salvation work etc. But I think the bottom line is getting saved from sin.

Really my mind just spins in circles. You can't put God in a box. You can't explain how God works. People want certainty. I am no different... I wish I could go back to a simpler time. Ask Jesus into my heart and live a somewhat sinless life... The older I get, the more confused I become. In some ways I envy those that can sit around and argue these things. I can't. Cause I'm not smart enough, and I want to focus on the words in the Bible, and follow Jesus the best way I can.

I think all of this is scary. The very idea of that there are some people who believe they are saved, when in reality they didn't get things right.
There is only one basis for being saved.
That's what the Mosaic Covenant is all about. That's why the sacrifice for the sins of the children of Israel in covenant with God.
Certainly, the high priest for hundreds of years after offering sacrifices for the children of Israel and praying for the children of Israel did not leave the Holy Land and go to Gentiles and offer sacrifices and pray for them, did he?
No, he did not.
But he stayed home and did all these things for the children of Israel to atone - even if yearly - for the sins of the children of Israel.
And if there is no precedence in the Hebrew Scripture of the high priest offering sin sacrifices and prayers for Gentiles then there is no New Testament reality - no matter how one wants to re-interpret the Hebrew Scripture. If God wanted Gentiles (non-Hebrews) to be saved in the Old Testament under the Mosaic Law He would have said clearly so that it all wouldn't come down to interpretation but would state as clearly as it does that the Abrahamic Covenant is with Abraham and his seed, and the Mosaic Covenant is with the children of Israel, and the New Covenant is with the House of Israel and Judah.
Does the Old Testament Scripture make such clear well-defined claims?
Every true Christian is a believing one. Soteriology is about how one becomes a believing one.

Some people think it's a free will choice to believe. But nobody believes anything of their free will choice. People believe whatever they are convinced is true. The people I just spoke of believe it's a free will choice to believe because they're convinced that's true. Some people believe the moon landing was faked, because they're convinced that is true. Some on this board used to believe Calvinism is true. Then they became convinced that Calvinism is false.

And belief alone is not salvific. You believe there is one God? Good. So do demons and they shudder. Saving belief is faith (believing - continual), not choosing to believe something is true, even if that were possible.

So if so, how did you think you became a believing one?
The Bible doesn't give us a formula for getting saved. If it did, then we could simply follow that formula and take credit for it. The Philippian jailor asked Paul and Silas, "What must I do to be saved?" Notice their answer. They did not tell him to do some physical thing. Rather they INTRODUCED HIM TO THE SAVIOR AND TOLD THEM TO BELIEVE IN HIM: "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, ..." Acts 16:30-31 In verse 32 they gave them more information about who Jesus was and what He said. They believed in Jesus - they were saved.

Remember the Jews in John 6:28 asked Jesus "What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?" Did he tell them to get baptized? No. Did He tell them to confess Him as Lord? No. Did He tell them to do good works? No. Did He tell them to become a member of a church? No. Did He tell them to believe a specific doctrine? No. Did He tell them to take communion? No Did He tell them to keep the ten commandments? No Did He tell them to obey the Law of Moses? No.

Jesus told them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent."

Jesus Himself IS salvation. He IS the purpose and meaning of life. He IS the Savior of the world, but only those who believe in Him will be saved. To be saved is to be introduced to Jesus, the Savior, and His words, and to believe Him and them. To trust Him as mankind's ONLY way into salvation, the only Truth to bring into salvation, and the ONLY life that is salvation - all of these will bring salvation to that person.

This is not a formula. This is an encounter with God in the flesh, to realize that He is humble, meek, righteous, merciful, pure in heart, a peacemaker, true, gracious, loving, the only atonement for our sins, to believe that He is all one needs in this life and the next, to be pleasing to God.
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