There are very few Trinitarians and even Binitarians for that matter who know the details of this doctrines and beliefs.
The trinity doctrine became the doctrine of the RCC by the end of the 5th century and later of the mainstream Protestants from the 16th century AD and on.
This god model with its incorporated core pivotal set of self-developing doctrines began in primitive forms during severe times of political and religious turmoil and persecution, over several centuries. The early Christians of the first century would not recognize most of these doctrines as the word of God.
Essentially, this god model states there always existed one eternal divine nature or essence or substance presented in the form or as part of three different and unique personalities or persons who collectively are called the one god or the triune god – a triad god. And it says that all three personalities operate interdependently as the one creator, the sovereign, the omnipotent, omnipresent ‘one’ god. And these three persons are labelled as three different roles or titled gods, although it insists they are not considered three separate gods. They are three person god titles in one strict order, as the first, the father, the second the son and third, the holy spirit.
Additionally, this god model calls for Jesus, as only being a divine person, acquiring or 'taking on' human nature through a process they call incarnation incorporated from Greek philosophy when he also donned human flesh and became a human male. And that means this person called Jesus after this process of incarnation of one divine hypostasis, is not or cannot be a human person under any circumstance. He was a human anhypostasis. Jesus had to be void of a human personality and therefore had no sense of human self or awareness, strictly speaking. And further, Jesus was also enhypostasis, his human nature was personalized to/into his divine person, as the 2nd person of the Trinity. And how all this occurred is fit for science fiction.
I hope so far all this is at least as clear as mud to everyone.
Deductively then, there are four outstanding points to be made thus far:
1. For this model to function, all three divine natured personalities must always function collectively, in-synch, transparently ubiquitously as one divine being of three divine persons else the triune god would fragment into separate person pieces. If just one of these cited three persons were not present, in synch or did not contribute to any action on this earth or in heaven, then their god would fragment into dust as certain myth.
2. For this model to function, Jesus Christ can only be a divine person and not a human person because then there could not be a triune god. Their triad or triune god would then become a quadrune god, of three divine persons and one human person.
3. For this model to function, Jesus Christ at some point in time acquired human nature besides divine nature, and therefore two natures in one divine person existed. And then at some later point in time discarded his human nature or kept it as dual natures in only one divine person. This would be critical in preserving the integrity of the triune god model. Does scripture ever remotely speak to this type of divine personality of Yahshua, the son of the true God.
4. For this model to function, Jesus must have pre-existed before he was incarnated into human flesh with the inclusion of human nature, absent of being a human person.
Now what impact does the presence of this type of Christian triune god have on scripture and the teachings of men and on people that receive this god? A great deal indeed! And we see the effects of this type of complex and undefined teaching today.
This is the reason for this thread, to list as many impacts caused by this triune god model on our beliefs, scripture, the teachings from religious writers and scholars, from Bible translators and from the orators who ride the pulpits on Saturdays and Sundays to many impressionable and ignorant human souls.
Does this god model bring folks close to the one true God, and does it really support the word of God when it says that Christ the Son of God clearly was born a HUMAN PERSON – a Son of MAN? According to John the gospel writer, this point is critical for belief for one’s salvation. One of the main threads and themes of the gospel of John especially, was to define and describe who was and is this man called Yahshua or Jesus - the true Son of God of a common born man.