Did Jesus Shed His Humanity at the Ascension?

There are many instances before he was raised from the dead where they did not recognize him for they had thought they had seen a ghost and were frightened while on the sea. There are many explainable reasons for pople not recognizing Jesus before and after he was raised from the dead.
Are there two where they don't recognize him?
Correct there was no resurrection of Jesus in his theology since by definition resurrection means bodily. Without a body being resurrected there is no resurrection as that would be an oxymoron to claim a resurrection without a body. That would be like Lazarus coming out of the tomb as a spirit leaving his bod behind in the tomb- Absurd.
how may times will I tell u before u stop misrepresenting me.'
Yes Jesus resurrected, just like we will.
But not the way you see resurrection/
I'd like to believe my prior posts addressed the concerns he raised. What I shared about Jn 21 I think was clear. They were not up close to Jesus at all when it's stated none dared to question who he was. The other poster left the impression that they were. So because they were not up close to Jesus and it was daybreak, sunrise.....mixture of dark and light.....well of course they didn't know by at least by sight that it was Jesus.
But they were both on the beach. It states it both times. when He resent them out and when He fed them John 21:4-12
how may times will I tell u before u stop misrepresenting me.'
Yes Jesus resurrected, just like we will.
But not the way you see resurrection/
how many times will you deny the following proving I'm correct ?

no human body means no resurrection.

its real simple to cut through all the semantics here sethproton.

Yes or no question here.

Does Jesus in heaven now have a human body, is He still a man with a human body? yes or no
how many times will you deny the following proving I'm correct ?

no human body means no resurrection.

its real simple to cut through all the semantics here sethproton.

Yes or no question here.

Does Jesus in heaven now have a human body, is He still a man with a human body? yes or no
No human body, He had been lowe han the angers for a while, now He isn't
I'd like to believe my prior posts addressed the concerns he raised. What I shared about Jn 21 I think was clear. They were not up close to Jesus at all when it's stated none dared to question who he was. The other poster left the impression that they were. So because they were not up close to Jesus and it was daybreak, sunrise.....mixture of dark and light.....well of course they didn't know by at least by sight that it was Jesus.
Civic pretends that he has proven somewhere that the new body is flesh. He has not but his post always assumed he has proved.
The truth is there was no visible body when the tomb was opened. WE see bodies later, but they don't look like Him.
But they were both on the beach. It states it both times. when He resent them out and when He fed them John 21:4-12
What are you talking about? He DID NOT send them out! Why do you keep saying this? Don't give me a range of verses like John 21:4,12 and tell me it's in there somewhere that he sent them out. What actual verse the number tells you he sent them out?
Civic pretends that he has proven somewhere that the new body is flesh.
Well in one sense he shouldn't have to prove anything like this to you Seth. Why should one have to prove clear statements of scripture? See the verse below,

Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. Jn 24:39

I'll illustrate on another subject. About the virgin birth. One can ask when Jesus was born of a virgin? One can ask where was Jesus born of a virgin? One may even ask why was Jesus born of a virgin? You don't have a right to ask that is as a Christian was Jesus born of a virgin? LIKEWISE Seth you cannot ask was Jesus resurrected body flesh and that's what you're doing. Jn 24:39 says it was! If I were you I'd dial back from what you've been asserting immediately.

What are you talking about? He DID NOT send them out! Why do you keep saying this? Don't give me a range of verses like John 21:4,12 and tell me it's in there somewhere that he sent them out. What actual verse the number tells you he sent them out?
john 21:6. They were at the shore. you can not cast out nets from the shore. He tells them to cast out and when they realize it is Him, Peter swim's back
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Well in one sense he shouldn't have to prove anything like this to you Seth. Why should one have to prove clear statements of scripture? See the verse below,

Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. Jn 24:39

I'll illustrate on another subject. About the virgin birth. One can ask when Jesus was born of a virgin? One can ask where was Jesus born of a virgin? One may even ask why was Jesus born of a virgin? You don't have a right to ask that is as a Christian was Jesus born of a virgin? LIKEWISE Seth you cannot ask was Jesus resurrected body flesh and that's what you're doing. Jn 24:39 says it was! If I were you I'd dial back from what you've been asserting immediately.
Yes, somethng is happening with Thomas, but then the Bible makes a strong statement flesh and blood cannout inhereit the kingdom/
john 21:6. They were at the shore. you can not cast out from the shore. He tells them to cast out and when they realize it is Him, Peter swim's back
They were NOT on the shore you're making that up! And you're making that up to have it your way but you can do that all you want but it's very clear they were NOT on the shore.

1) they're out there in the water fishing all night out there away from the shore.
2) Jesus at dawn stood on the shore and called out to them and it even tells us how far they were from the shore....200 cubits (100 yards) John 21:8 To call means to express oneself in a loud fashion so as to be heard.

But you're wanting to assert they were all on the shore right up beside him....thus to back your claim he must have had a body they didn't know. Sorry Seth but if you continue your claim in light of what I've just shared it really becomes just stonewalling against the truth of scripture which is absolutely clear on the matter.

of fish.
When people are saying "human body" they don't mean a body that breathes air, sweats and defecates do they?!

I'm just wondering on this point.
They were NOT on the shore you're making that up! And you're making that up to have it your way but you can do that all you want but it's very clear they were NOT on the shore.

1) they're out there in the water fishing all night out there away from the shore.
2) Jesus at dawn stood on the shore and called out to them and it even tells us how far they were from the shore....200 cubits (100 yards) John 21:8 To call means to express oneself in a loud fashion so as to be heard.

But you're wanting to assert they were all on the shore right up beside him....thus to back your claim he must have had a body they didn't know. Sorry Seth but if you continue your claim in light of what I've just shared it really becomes just stonewalling against the truth of scripture which is absolutely clear on the matter.

of fish.
John 21:3 says they went and got in the boat.
Then they had come back to the shore empty. in verse 4 Jesus is on the beach with them and sends them out again, He sent them back out, they didn't know who He was. When they catch fish, John and peter know who He is.
When people are saying "human body" they don't mean a body that breathes air, sweats and defecates do they?!

I'm just wondering on this point.
According to Civic. No human body no resurrection
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