Did Jesus Shed His Humanity at the Ascension?

The doctrine of the incarnation does not teach that a change took place in the personality of the Son of God. There was a change in the form in which He appeared, there was a change in the state in which He manifested Himself, but there was no change in His personality, He is the same Person always. In the womb of the virgin Mary, and lying as a helpless babe in the manger, He is still the second Person in the Holy Trinity.

He ascended In the form of a man after His earthly ministry and will return the same way.
And all Gods children said : AMEN !
My next post I put down might add another perspective as to just why Jesus, still is a man and never gave up his humanity. I trust and hope our good friend Seth might reconsider his position.
I consider everything you guys except i don'read Cicivic much anymore.
Sorry I just don't get it. To me if it says a white horse it's a white horse.

"You use the word metaphorical to indicate that you are not using words with their ordinary meaning, but are describing something by means of an image or symbol. It turns out Levy is talking in metaphorical terms. Synonyms: figurative, symbolic, emblematic, allegorical More Synonyms of metaphorical." Dictionary

But I'm sure you know what you're talking about.
what about this old phrase. "It's raining cats and dogs" What do you expect to see outside?
what about this old phrase. "It's raining cats and dogs" What do you expect to see outside?
Nice way to avoid the topic we are discussing the Bible. Why are you avoiding the text?

what about this old phrase. "It's raining cats and dogs" What do you expect to see outside?
In case my last post was to long for you to read here us a shorter sentence that’s easier to understand. I know how you hate reading long posts.

If the plain sense makes good sense, seek no other sense, lest it result in nonsense.
In case my last post was to long for you to read here us a shorter sentence that’s easier to understand. I know how you hate reading long posts.

If the plain sense makes good sense, seek no other sense, lest it result in nonsense.
this is something i always think about - What makes the most sense?
this is something i always think about - What makes the most sense?
Well it's good that you do Seth but really.....does it truly make the most sense to you that Jesus would show people his hands, feet and side with the wounds and have it that they weren't the REAL things? I believe you said before you considered they were just an appearance but really does that make the most sense to you?

Wouldn't that demand of you an interpretation from you that he wouldn't create an illusion which wasn't really true? That's a pretty big clear claim right....these ARE my hands and put your finger into MY SIDE.
Well it's good that you do Seth but really.....does it truly make the most sense to you that Jesus would show people his hands, feet and side with the wounds and have it that they weren't the REAL things? I believe you said before you considered they were just an appearance but really does that make the most sense to you?

Wouldn't that demand of you an interpretation from you that he wouldn't create an illusion which wasn't really true? That's a pretty big clear claim right....these ARE my hands and put your finger into MY SIDE.
Nice way to avoid the topic we are discussing the Bible. Why are you avoiding the text?

typical Civic and why I avoid you.
You criticise me about talking about Bible interpreration, then the resr of your post is about Bible interpretation
You have some need to cririticice everything I do. You are overwhelmed by the need to correct me.
Well it's good that you do Seth but really.....does it truly make the most sense to you that Jesus would show people his hands, feet and side with the wounds and have it that they weren't the REAL things? I believe you said before you considered they were just an appearance but really does that make the most sense to you?

Wouldn't that demand of you an interpretation from you that he wouldn't create an illusion which wasn't really true? That's a pretty big clear claim right....these ARE my hands and put your finger into MY SIDE.
All the first appearances, nodody knows Him, that is the pattern that is set up.
MAry early morning does not know His face or body, (read all the versions)
The men on the road to emmause do not know who they are talking to
John and Peter getting the catch in the morning don't know who He is
Some of the men after eating the fish on the beach. are not sure it is Him

All these people early on can;t recognize Him

I saw a pattern, knowbody knows Him on first sight, so Who did? At the Table he suddenly let people see who He was then vanished,

Then we get Thomas and the holes. Maybe The one person who recognices Him on sight John 20:26-28

The point then, Jesus was introducing a new way to know Him: By the Spririt
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typical Civic and why I avoid you.
You criticise me about talking about Bible interpreration, then the resr of your post is about Bible interpretation
You have some need to cririticice everything I do. You are overwhelmed by the need to correct me.
It’s Bible principles for all of us why would you reject them ?
All the first appearances, nodody knows Him, that is the pattern that is set up.
MAry early morning does not know His face or body, (read all the versions)
The men on the road to emmause do not know who they are talking to
John and Peter getting the catch in the morning don't know who He is
Some of the men after eating the fish on the beach. are not sure it is Him

All these people early on can;t recognize Him

I saw a pattern, knowbody knows Him on first sight, so Who did? At the Table he suddenly let people see who He was then vanished,

Then we get Thomas and the holes. Maybe The one person who recognices Him on sight John 20:26-28

The point then, Jesus was introducing a new way to know Him: By the Spririt
Typical seth denying the scriptures below that answers your skepticism. Shy don’t you believe Gods word below ?

Luke 24:16- But their eyes were prevented from recognizing Him.

Luke 24:31-32- Then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him;
All the first appearances, nodody knows Him, that is the pattern that is set up.
MAry early morning does not know His face or body, (read all the versions)
Well we talked about Mary who came when it was dark in my prior post. And we talked about the two disciples on the road.

John and Peter getting the catch in the morning don't know who He is
And you do know the Bible says they were 200 cubits, or about 100 yards away out in the lake.....could you clearly see who someone is 100 yards away? Courts of law would probably conclude you perhaps couldn't.

Some of the men after eating the fish on the beach. are not sure it is Him

All these people early on can;t recognize Him
Hold it right there Seth. Let's go over the actual verses, and let's pretend we're flying over the scene with a helicopter. What are we ACTUALLY seeing take place from start to finish.

Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it), and plunged into the sea. But the other disciples came in the little boat (for they were not far from land, but about two hundred cubits),(that's 100 yards) dragging the net with fish. Then, as soon as they had come to land......So what are we seeing there looking down? Peter is on land, we just saw him swim to shore. The other disciples are still on the way to land. Then it states, (now watch this closely Seth)

"....they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread."
We can assume they're still quite a few feet away from Jesus. I'm guessing maybe 100-200 feet....still in the water but yes at the shore. But at the shore doesn't after to mean on the shore. Now watch this --->Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish which you have just caught.”Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to land, (see there! The boat with the disciples is still in the water for Peter went and draged the net....TO LAND.

full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so many, the net was not broken. Jesus said to them, “Come and eat breakfast.” Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him, “Who are You?”—knowing that it was the Lord. (Now Seth know this.....when the Disciples concluded this remember.... they were still out in the water....they weren't close up....and your post stated prior

"Some of the men after eating the fish on the beach. are not sure it is Him"

No that's not the way it was. They WERE NOT sitting with him on the beach when they dared not ask him who he was. He was still probably away from them at this point about maybe 100 feet or whatever distance. The fact is they were NOT up close to him. Remember ...Peter went out to them....and dragged the net to land.

At the Table he suddenly let people see who He was then vanished,
So you're talking about the ones on the road....then they went to a house.....and then he let them know who he was....Well then there's no reason you shouldn't accept then when he let those two now recognize him it was because they saw his hands, and the wounds like Thomas saw....Thus the resurrection physical body.
Then we get Thomas and the holes. Maybe The one person who recognices Him on sight John 20:26-28
So then you can conclude then the template of seeing Jesus in reality is seeing his hands, feet and wounds like Thomas did. So it seems you're coming around to believing this was the real physical body of Jesus albeit resurrected. At least I would hope that's what you're doing.
The point then, Jesus was introducing a new way to know Him: By the Spririt
Well we do follow Jesus after the Spirit but such doesn't mean he doesn't have his physical body anymore.
In what way?

I don't know man... being crucified for the sins of the world and overcoming death itself with resurrection power changes a man... I'd guess.

If he had his glorified body, it would no longer contain an physical flaws or imperfections, for one.

Remember Mary literally sat at his feet, and was completely clueless...
Well we talked about Mary who came when it was dark in my prior post. And we talked about the two disciples on the road.

And you do know the Bible says they were 200 cubits, or about 100 yards away out in the lake.....could you clearly see who someone is 100 yards away? Courts of law would probably conclude you perhaps couldn't.

Hold it right there Seth. Let's go over the actual verses, and let's pretend we're flying over the scene with a helicopter. What are we ACTUALLY seeing take place from start to finish.

Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it), and plunged into the sea. But the other disciples came in the little boat (for they were not far from land, but about two hundred cubits),(that's 100 yards) dragging the net with fish. Then, as soon as they had come to land......So what are we seeing there looking down? Peter is on land, we just saw him swim to shore. The other disciples are still on the way to land. Then it states, (now watch this closely Seth)

"....they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread."
We can assume they're still quite a few feet away from Jesus. I'm guessing maybe 100-200 feet....still in the water but yes at the shore. But at the shore doesn't after to mean on the shore. Now watch this --->Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish which you have just caught.”Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to land, (see there! The boat with the disciples is still in the water for Peter went and draged the net....TO LAND.

full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so many, the net was not broken. Jesus said to them, “Come and eat breakfast.” Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him, “Who are You?”—knowing that it was the Lord. (Now Seth know this.....when the Disciples concluded this remember.... they were still out in the water....they weren't close up....and your post stated prior

"Some of the men after eating the fish on the beach. are not sure it is Him"

No that's not the way it was. They WERE NOT sitting with him on the beach when they dared not ask him who he was. He was still probably away from them at this point about maybe 100 feet or whatever distance. The fact is they were NOT up close to him. Remember ...Peter went out to them....and dragged the net to land.
I think you have this last story inaccurate, John 21:3 in the beginning they are on the beach, Jesus tells them to fish and they get in the boats.
Jesus He is pretty close not the number of feet you mention. They start on the beach together.
Then they go out a ways about 100 yards and catch fish.
At that point John and Peter know it was Jesus. On the beach they dtdn't know him out in the water they did.
Then the last point after Jesus cooked fish and they ate it, after the meal, John21-21 Some still doubted despite having eaten His meal sitting close to him on the beach.

When i can i will respond to your other comments on my post
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