Did Jesus Shed His Humanity at the Ascension?

I think you have this last story inaccurate, John 21:3 in the beginning they are on the beach, Jesus tells them to fish and they get in the boats.
Jesus He is pretty close not the number of feet you mention. They start on the beach together.
Then they go out a ways about 100 yards and catch fish.
At that point John and Peter know it was Jesus. On the beach they dtdn't know him out in the water they did.
Then the last point after Jesus cooked fish and they ate it, after the meal, John21-21 Some still doubted despite having eaten His meal sitting close to him on the beach.

When i can i will respond to your other comments on my post
So you're saying Jesus and the disciples started out on the beach together and you're claiming Jesus told them to go fishing???? No Seth no. If that's what you believe happened then I guess I could understand why you got confused. Let's look at all the verses then.....John 21 below,

1After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way He showed Himself: (So Jesus showed himself but we have no idea how he did so until it starts the story. You can see above it says, and IN THIS WAY he showed himself. The story starts in verse two not in verse one)

2 Simon Peter, Thomas called the Twin, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two others of His disciples were together. (Jesus wasn't with them yet)

3 Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.”They said to him, “We are going with you also.” They went out and immediately got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing. (Still Jesus wasn't with them yet. And you mentioned Jesus here told them to go fishing. Nope he didn't Seth! I think you've got confused and you've mixed together two separate stories one in Luke 5 in Jesus ministry long before Jesus was even crucified. It was there that Jesus told them to go fishing not here. So they fish all night and Jesus revealing himself starts in verse 4 see below)

4But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. 5Then Jesus said to them, “Children, have you any food?”They answered Him, “No.”6And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” (So he's calling this out to them about 100 yards away)

So there's nothing in the story which says what you say. They were not on the beach together he did not tell them to go fishing. As stated that happened in Luke 5 not here.
And you went on to say Seth, "Then they go out a ways about 100 yards and catch fish. At that point John and Peter know it was Jesus. On the beach they dtdn't know him out in the water they did." No, no, no Seth! They were NOT on the beach togeather and believing that is why you've got confused.

Then you said Seth: Then the last point after Jesus cooked fish and they ate it, after the meal, John21-21 Some still doubted despite having eaten His meal sitting close to him on the beach. (Seth there's nothing in John 21:21 which says anything like that! Verse 21 is as follows, ----> 21Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?”22Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.” Point....they were not doubting anything about Jesus while eating the fish on the shore.....it's just not there in the text.

If he had his glorified body, it would no longer contain an physical flaws or imperfections, for one.
This is a false assumption on your part as the bible never states that or implies the above presumption.

Who says those are flaws ? God doesn't and Jesus is God and still yet future they will recognize ( the Jews )Him whom they have PIERCED. At His 2nd Coming in Zechariah 12.
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He makes ALL THINGS new, brother.

Don't be making a fallen creation God's best.
Those Redemption marks are not flawed, those are the Saviors Eternally. He was Raised to Glory with them. Its those marks that conquered sin, death and the devil. His Resurrection is living proof of those facts.
The other poster is showing He does not know between literal and metaphoric.
So how ill he know wat to do with a whte hose with a rider?

Have you asked your elder to join the conversation. You often say things that I have idea what you're saying. If you're getting this from your elder, then maybe he can explain.
Do you have one example whare I could not my support my opinion so I complain about others here?
As to what other person I rely on for trtuh, it is my pastor. No one is force feeding me. I study the Word and accept that as truth.

You're parsing your words. You always have. You're avoiding admitting your position is not your own. You have an elder that is establishing it for you. Right?

Anyone can follow how you interact.
So you're saying Jesus and the disciples started out on the beach together and you're claiming Jesus told them to go fishing???? No Seth no. If that's what you believe happened then I guess I could understand why you got confused. Let's look at all the verses then.....John 21 below,

1After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way He showed Himself: (So Jesus showed himself but we have no idea how he did so until it starts the story. You can see above it says, and IN THIS WAY he showed himself. The story starts in verse two not in verse one)

2 Simon Peter, Thomas called the Twin, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two others of His disciples were together. (Jesus wasn't with them yet)

3 Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.”They said to him, “We are going with you also.” They went out and immediately got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing. (Still Jesus wasn't with them yet. And you mentioned Jesus here told them to go fishing. Nope he didn't Seth! I think you've got confused and you've mixed together two separate stories one in Luke 5 in Jesus ministry long before Jesus was even crucified. It was there that Jesus told them to go fishing not here. So they fish all night and Jesus revealing himself starts in verse 4 see below)

4But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. 5Then Jesus said to them, “Children, have you any food?”They answered Him, “No.”6And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” (So he's calling this out to them about 100 yards away)

So there's nothing in the story which says what you say. They were not on the beach together he did not tell them to go fishing. As stated that happened in Luke 5 not here.
And you went on to say Seth, "Then they go out a ways about 100 yards and catch fish. At that point John and Peter know it was Jesus. On the beach they dtdn't know him out in the water they did." No, no, no Seth! They were NOT on the beach togeather and believing that is why you've got confused.

Then you said Seth:
Then the last point after Jesus cooked fish and they ate it, after the meal, John21-21 Some still doubted despite having eaten His meal sitting close to him on the beach. (Seth there's nothing in John 21:21 which says anything like that! Verse 21 is as follows, ----> 21Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?”22Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.” Point....they were not doubting anything about Jesus while eating the fish on the shore.....it's just not there in the text.

john 21:3 But when the day was now breaking, Jesus stood on the beach; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. After the meal I wrote John 21-21, but it should have been JOHN 21:12 simple typo. But that led you way from thr actual text
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You're parsing your words. You always have. You're avoiding admitting your position is not your own. You have an elder that is establishing it for you. Right?

Anyone can follow how you interact.
So you have nothing like you claimed? You have no example of me being unable to answer a question and so reverting to personal attacks.
I am not a JW, never even read their stuff.
To @sethproton

You put the following quote down but didn't format your post right. Here is your reply,

Seth said: john 21:3 But when the day was now breaking, Jesus stood on the beach; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.

My Response: First that above was verse 4 . So Jesus was on the beach and the disciples didn't know it was him. Scripture stated they were 100 yards away at day break at dawn.

Seth said : After the meal I wrote John 21-21, but it should have been JOHN 21:12 simple typo. But that led you way from thr actual text

My Response: Ok let's look at verse 12. But before that they were out fishing all night...didn't catch anything. Jesus morning time stood 100 yards away.....called out to them where to throw the nets. Peter swims to shore knowing it's Jesus. Other disciples started taking the boat to shore. They came to shore but were still out somewhat in a distance in the water still.

From this distance they could make out fish on a fire...still a distance away.....we know it was still a distance for the next verse states, Peter went to them vs 11 and dragged the net of fish to the shore. And it was day break! So when Jesus in verse 12 called out to them, "Come and eat breakfast" he was still a distance away from them.

It was THEN it's recorded the other disciples dared not to ask him who he was. They were not up close to Jesus at all. Your writing put forth he was right up beside him eating with him when this occurred. No he wasn't. Verse 13 THEN goes on to say

13Jesus then came and took the bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish.

So what's then came mean Seth?? That means obviously he closed the distance between he and they.

So there you go. Perfect evidence to show Jesus didn't have any other form then his physical resurrection body the same as when Thomas saw him . They dared not to doubt it was Jesus for the simple reason they had seen Jesus do this before with the fish in the lake. It doesn't mean his physical appearance was different.
To @sethproton

You put the following quote down but didn't format your post right. Here is your reply,

Seth said: john 21:3 But when the day was now breaking, Jesus stood on the beach; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.

My Response: First that above was verse 4 . So Jesus was on the beach and the disciples didn't know it was him. Scripture stated they were 100 yards away at day break at dawn.

Seth said : After the meal I wrote John 21-21, but it should have been JOHN 21:12 simple typo. But that led you way from thr actual text

My Response: Ok let's look at verse 12. But before that they were out fishing all night...didn't catch anything. Jesus morning time stood 100 yards away.....called out to them where to throw the nets. Peter swims to shore knowing it's Jesus. Other disciples started taking the boat to shore. They came to shore but were still out somewhat in a distance in the water still.

From this distance they could make out fish on a fire...still a distance away.....we know it was still a distance for the next verse states, Peter went to them vs 11 and dragged the net of fish to the shore. And it was day break! So when Jesus in verse 12 called out to them, "Come and eat breakfast" he was still a distance away from them.

It was THEN it's recorded the ot they all cher disciples dared not to ask him who he was. They were not up close to Jesus at all. Your writing put forth he was right up beside him eating with him when this occurred. No he wasn't. Verse 13 THEN goes on to say

13Jesus then came and took the bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish.

So what's then came mean Seth?? That means obviously he closed the distance between he and they.

So there you go. Perfect evidence to show Jesus didn't have any other form then his physical resurrection body the same as when Thomas saw him . They dared not to doubt it was Jesus for the simple reason they had seen Jesus do this before with the fish in the lake. It doesn't mean his physical appearance was different.
the section is John 21:4-12 the disciples come back to shore with no catch. Being on shore, Jesus sends them out, but they Don't recognize Him. Out there John and Peter identify him because of the large catch and back on the beach he cooks a meal, The last point I made from this section is that some are still not sure it is Him. Even though He fed them. It is a small clue indicating they don't recognize Him
To @sethproton

You put the following quote down but didn't format your post right. Here is your reply,

Seth said: john 21:3 But when the day was now breaking, Jesus stood on the beach; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.

My Response: First that above was verse 4 . So Jesus was on the beach and the disciples didn't know it was him. Scripture stated they were 100 yards away at day break at dawn.

Seth said : After the meal I wrote John 21-21, but it should have been JOHN 21:12 simple typo. But that led you way from thr actual text

My Response: Ok let's look at verse 12. But before that they were out fishing all night...didn't catch anything. Jesus morning time stood 100 yards away.....called out to them where to throw the nets. Peter swims to shore knowing it's Jesus. Other disciples started taking the boat to shore. They came to shore but were still out somewhat in a distance in the water still.

From this distance they could make out fish on a fire...still a distance away.....we know it was still a distance for the next verse states, Peter went to them vs 11 and dragged the net of fish to the shore. And it was day break! So when Jesus in verse 12 called out to them, "Come and eat breakfast" he was still a distance away from them.

It was THEN it's recorded the other disciples dared not to ask him who he was. They were not up close to Jesus at all. Your writing put forth he was right up beside him eating with him when this occurred. No he wasn't. Verse 13 THEN goes on to say

13Jesus then came and took the bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish.

So what's then came mean Seth?? That means obviously he closed the distance between he and they.

So there you go. Perfect evidence to show Jesus didn't have any other form then his physical resurrection body the same as when Thomas saw him . They dared not to doubt it was Jesus for the simple reason they had seen Jesus do this before with the fish in the lake. It doesn't mean his physical appearance was different.
Are there some who do not believe what you have said?
the section is John 21:4-12 the disciples come back to shore with no catch. Being on shore, Jesus sends them out, but they Don't recognize Him. Out there John and Peter identify him because of the large catch and back on the beach he cooks a meal, The last point I made from this section is that some are still not sure it is Him. Even though He fed them. It is a small clue indicating they don't recognize Him
There are many instances before he was raised from the dead where they did not recognize him for they had thought they had seen a ghost and were frightened while on the sea. There are many explainable reasons for pople not recognizing Jesus before and after he was raised from the dead.
I think the answer to the question is, no Jesus did not shed his humanity at the Ascension.

19 So then the Lord Jesus, after He had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven and He sat down at the right hand of God. [Ps. 110:1.]20 And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord kept working with them and confirming the message by the attesting signs and miracles that closely accompanied [it]. Amen (so be it). Mk 16:19–20.

The Ascension is a discrete element of Christ the mediator. It marks his entry into supreme authority over the creation. The Ascension is, I think, a subject richer and more instructive than is commonly recognized. A description of the event occurs in only two places in the New Testament, both written by Luke (Luke 24:50-51, Acts 1:6-11) but the New Testament refers to it in many places and it is also foreshadowed in the Old Testament.

The dramatic departure of the risen Christ from His earthly, bodily ministry among His followers. Since His birth in Bethlehem by the miracle of the *Incarnation, Jesus had lived physically on earth. But forty days after the Resurrection, His earthly ministry ceased with His ascension into heaven . To a large extent the Ascension was for the benefit of Jesus’ followers. They could no longer expect His physical presence. They must now wait for the promised Holy Spirit through whom the work of Jesus would continue.Jesus’ departure into heaven was a literal, physical, bodily ascension in His resurrected body.

Stephen and Paul both reported seeing Jesus in bodily form after His ascension. The Ascension marked the beginning of Christ’s intercession for His followers at the right hand of God. There He makes continual intercession for all believers . Although Christ is not physically present with His people today, He is no less concerned for them or less active on their behalf. Christians enjoy peace, hope, and security because Christ is their advocate with the Father. It is as the exalted Lord that Jesus sent or “poured out” the Holy Spirit upon His church, with His gifts for believers.

Heaven’s strategy determined that the presence of Jesus would be replaced by the presence of the Holy Spirit, who could be everywhere at the same time. Since Pentecost until today, Jesus’ followers now enjoy the presence of the Spirit and the operation of the Spirit’s gifts through them, as the church pursues the mission Jesus ordered. As a result of His ascension, Jesus exercises His heavenly reign at the right hand of the Father as Lord of the church.

This reign will last until His *Second Coming, when He will return to the earth as the reigning Messiah, announced as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Finally, the ascension of Christ is the pledge of His Second Coming:

“This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven” Acts 1:11

Jesus will return to earth—literally and physically—in bodily form just as He ascended into heaven. He's coming back!
I like what you have said here Maurice.
If you read Seth's posts you will see that he doesn't seem to.
Correct there was no resurrection of Jesus in his theology since by definition resurrection means bodily. Without a body being resurrected there is no resurrection as that would be an oxymoron to claim a resurrection without a body. That would be like Lazarus coming out of the tomb as a spirit leaving his bod behind in the tomb- Absurd.
Correct there was no resurrection of Jesus in his theology since by definition resurrection means bodily. Without a body being resurrected there is no resurrection as that would be an oxymoron to claim a resurrection without a body. That would be like Lazarus coming out of the tomb as a spirit leaving his bod behind in the tomb- Absurd.
I'd like to believe my prior posts addressed the concerns he raised. What I shared about Jn 21 I think was clear. They were not up close to Jesus at all when it's stated none dared to question who he was. The other poster left the impression that they were. So because they were not up close to Jesus and it was daybreak, sunrise.....mixture of dark and light.....well of course they didn't know by at least by sight that it was Jesus.
I'd like to believe my prior posts addressed the concerns he raised. What I shared about Jn 21 I think was clear. They were not up close to Jesus at all when it's stated none dared to question who he was. The other poster left the impression that they were. So because they were not up close to Jesus and it was daybreak, sunrise.....mixture of dark and light.....well of course they didn't know by at least by sight that it was Jesus.
You have done an excellent job representing scripture, exegesis, truth and have done it in a way that is the biblical model that Peter says we are to do it in.

1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

Our hope is in the gospel of Jesus Christ and at its core/central teaching is the Resurrection. If Christ be not risen you are still dead in your sins and your faith is futile. That is the bottom line and the bible is adamant on this issue. If we preach any other Jesus lets us be anathema. Paul says that in Galatians and 1 Corinthians 15 and so do the Creeds. Its essential, its foundational and its Salvific.

And until I take my last breath I will never get off that soapbox. His Resurrection is tied to everything. Its the glue in the N.T. and Theology. It ties directly into the Incarnation being permanent, the doctrine of the son of man, His role as our Present Mediator, Priest, King, Advocate, Prophet all roles/positions that require a man, a human who can represent us before the Father. His Deity and humanity is what makes Him the Perfect One for those offices as the book of Hebrews proclaims His superiority over those before Him in those positions. And the list goes on and on. Its the trickle down effect once you deny His Resurrection it effects all those other areas of doctrine that are foundational to Christianity.

hope this helps !!!
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