An Article on free will

Civic appears to have dishonesty issues. I have never said it's infused and until you can prove otherwise, quit making a fool out of yourself.
So you disagree with the WCF good to know. I'm glad you don't affirm its errors. You will soon leave calvinism now that you deny the WCF. Calvin is next to fall in your beliefs. You will soon come out of her doctrines and error. This is the first of many that will fall.

AMEN !!!
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So you disagree with the WCF good to know. I'm glad you don't affirm its errors. You will soon leave calvinism now that you deny the WCF. Calvin is next to fall in your beliefs. You will soon come out of her doctrines and error. This is the first of many that will fall.

AMEN !!!

There are a few things I don't agree with the WCF on. Haven't for a long time. Still Reformed. Carry on in your delusion
There are a few things I don't agree with the WCF on. Haven't for a long time. Still Reformed. Carry on in your delusion
I was in delusion much like yourself when I was a calvinist too so I completely understand the contradictions you struggle with on tulip and many other reformed teachings that contradict scripture. :)
WHILE MANY DON THE designation Calvinist because they have endeavored to learn all the aspects of Calvinism and are thereby convinced that it provides the most cogent, comprehensive, and consistent grid through which to understand Scripture, others adopt the label less nobly. Of this latter kind, it seems to me many assume the title of Calvinist because they like certain components of Calvinism, which they are led to believe are unique to Calvinism.

Ronnie W. Rogers

I think that if we speak with grace and listen with humility, which some on both sides of the discussion do, we can learn from each other.
WHILE MANY DON THE designation Calvinist because they have endeavored to learn all the aspects of Calvinism and are thereby convinced that it provides the most cogent, comprehensive, and consistent grid through which to understand Scripture, others adopt the label less nobly. Of this latter kind, it seems to me many assume the title of Calvinist because they like certain components of Calvinism, which they are led to believe are unique to Calvinism.

Ronnie W. Rogers

I think that if we speak with grace and listen with humility, which some on both sides of the discussion do, we can learn from each other.
One more time for the slow among us. A instrumental cause is not a primary cause. So i ask again, what is the primary or ultimate cause of your faith? Can't be both.
Again dodger boy

Faith is a cause of salvation

either affirm it or offer grounds to deny it

and do not divert with an endless stream of questions as is your methodology
I meant to say personal.
It happens to the best of us…

Exactly. So when God determines something to occur it's purposeful and personal.
The question is what God has determined, not its purposefulness or if it’s personal.

Belief if granted by God. Given to whomever He wishes to.

We are graced to be able to believe in and to suffer for the name. Everything God has allowed us to experience is a gracious act.

Yes they most certainly are. As the cross demonstrates. It's determined yet the choices are freely made.
Who determines the necessity of an act, God or man?

One more time for the slow among us. A instrumental cause is not a primary cause. So i ask again, what is the primary or ultimate cause of your faith? Can't be both.
The question is what is the cause of our salvation, and that is God. He alone can save! There is no cause for faith. There is a reason we believe, but faith, or the ability to believe in anything, is inherent to the human condition. We believe, trust in, put faith in all kinds of things.

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