And that is but one more reason why there is so much confusion and conflicting beliefs in Christendom. There is a difference in the works of the Holy Spirit in His dealings with mankind. Falling upon or being filled with and dwelling in are two separate and different works of the Holy Spirit. Not understanding that or not admitting to that will necessarily result in a lot that is incorrect and too often just plain wrong.
Exo 35:30 Then Moses said to the people of Israel, "See, the LORD has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah;
Exo 35:31 and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship,
Exo 35:32 to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze,
Exo 35:33 in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood, for work in every skilled craft.
Exo 35:34 And he has inspired him to teach, both him and Oholiab the son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan.
Exo 35:35 He has filled them with skill to do every sort of work done by an engraver or by a designer or by an embroiderer in blue and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen, or by a weaver--by any sort of workman or skilled designer.
That is a description of being filled with the Holy Spirit that has absolutely nothing to do will indwelling one who has been justified.