Your views on human beings having a sin nature

Do human beings having a sin nature?

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adam had the nature of paradise, not the nature of this fallen reality, which came later.
and this was devastating for he had been given dominion and power over the land...
and then, after that Betrayed God.
Of course it does.

It's a gnostic belief that the body and material world are somehow evil.
that is not exactly true.

the body God made for us, which is the exact same as the resurrection body His souls will be restored to, is perfect..and His temple.

the reality and land He made and declared good (eden paradise), is perfect and will be restored by the sons and Christ.

body and world as terms are not univocal. cheers.
You really think that means the physical body?

Your foot and your nose are sinful?!

Ash brother. Ash. We are but dust. I personally believe that such exists in this from a former destruction.

Everything that is good about the human race came from the breath of God given first to Adam.

I believe if you can accept this, then you can understand the limitations of Total Depravity. I've often said that I believe about 95 percent of the doctrine of Total Depravity. I can't discount the intellect of man gift to Adam that has been passed down through his descendents.

We are born with an almost insatiable desire to learn. We seek. We learn. That is not an indication of a completely depraved nature. Our consuming of information requires us to deal with the Gospel that God has imparted man.
What part of the body do you think is dead when you're in Christ, the sin nature perhaps. And now we're alive to Christ and walking in the spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit.

Our body as it now exists will not inherit the Kingdom of God. It is literally dead to all things God. This body wars against the gifts of God. It is more than the body but it included the body. Without the spirit gifted in the breath of God to Adam our body is nothing more rotting flesh destined to return to ash.
Adam did not sin in "exactly" the same way that is false.

He was not dragged by any desire inside him, that is false.

So why were Eve, and him standing AT THE TREE that was forbidden to them??? And why did Eve describe it the way she did??(Gen 3:6)
Yes, you can sin without a sin nature. It's a straw man to say that no sin nature means you can't sin.
Absolutely. Same strawman that says Humans have a "SIN NATURE" since the fall (since we obviously don'r require one).
God said in the day he ate it HE WOULD DIE.
And They both DID die spiritually - instantly right where they stood.

Physical death (900 years later) is unimportant (since it changes nothing). What IS important is Spiritual death.
Before we get saved we're in the flesh and the flesh wants to do what the flesh wants to do. Whether you call it a sin nature or not the results are the same.

They ate from the tree because they had free will and they were tempted and chose to disobey God.
Supposedly "WITHOUT A SIN NATURE". So nothing in their "Natures" changed.
Through one foolish and rebellious act—eating the fruit God had forbidden—Adam and Eve lost their innocence, their dignity, their home, and their perfect relationship with God. And so, says Romans 5:12, did you and I: “through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned.” The reason we are the way we are—diseased, discontent, disobedient, disappointed, and disenfranchised from God—is because each one of us has inherited a sin sickness and a death sentence from Adam, our first father.
WHY did Adam (after Eve) toss God under the bus, and side with satan against Him WITHOUT THE BENEFIT of a SIN NATURE ??
Because it's not the sin nature that makes us sin. It only acts as a tempter to sin much like the serpent in the garden. In Adam's case the serpent was external, for us the serpent is internal (Rom.7:23 in the flesh by way of corrupted DNA) but the choice to sin comes from the soul by rejecting God's desire for us and following through with our own desires. Sin begins with the way you think which is why Jesus would say "if you lust in your heart you have already committed adultery". (Matt.5:28)

James 1:14-15
14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
So then, WHY did Adam (after Eve) toss God under the bus, and side with satan against Him WITHOUT THE BENEFIT of a SIN NATURE ??

Bottom line: Adam WITH HIS HUMAN NATURE (same as we all have), followed the James 1:14,15 "temptation sequence" in exactly the way the rest of us do. Drawn away of HIS OWN LUST (strong INTERNAL personal desire), and "Enticed" (External influences - the urging of the "Serpent" in Eve's, and then Adam's cases).

Result: Eve, and then Adam allowed their OWN lusts to "Concieve" resulting in the birth of SINFUL ACTIONS. i.e. they did exactly what God had told them NOT to do.

There's no such thing as a "Sin Nature" (that's nothing but human "theology"). The only thing that made Adam's sin "Original" was that it was the FIRST ONE (actually the second after Eve).

Adam and Eve DID Instantly die SPIRITUALLY, and then after many years they died Physically. It's not revealed whether or not they ever re-established their relationship with God. Able knew to respect God, while Cain didn't.

God's reaction to A & E's SIN was to radically alter their ENVIRONMENT (He cursed the earth) to the state that it's in today, and eliminated their "Free lunch".

HE also cursed the "Serpent", apparently changing it physically (we have NO IDEA what the "Serpent" was in the Garden).

YOU and I, however, share NOTHING about Adam, OTHER THAN that we all have the same HUMAN NATURE that Adam, Jesus, and we were all born with.

Jesus was tempted in every respect AS WE ARE, but never allowed HIS "lust" to "Conceive" and become SINFUL ACTIONS. "Temptation" isn't SIN, ACTING ON IT is where SIN occurs.

WE, on the other hand INVARIABLY will allow our lust to conceive and produce SIN. Not EVERY TIME, but only once does the job. We don't need Adam's guilt - we're completely capable of providing our own, as soon as we can.

And Babies are conceived, and subsequently born INNOCENT inheriting NO GUILT from Adam whatsoever. They have a HUMAN NATURE, and will naturally fall into sin on their own. David expected to meet HIS baby in Heaven when He dies, just like I expect to meet Angeline (out first born who didn't make it) when I get there.
we got our current type of human nature from adam...
and yes he did reject God and also he hurt eve
and sides (still) with satan...

babies do suffer from the type of human nature because of adam..
however, they are little and do not intentionally do anything wrong
and are not guilty...
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