Worshipping The Son

If I thought for a moment that only American citizens were reading this forum then I probably wouldn’t be on this forum at all.

Keep spinning.....

You have a mote in your eye, at best. At worst … I’ll give you the benefit if the doubt and say you have a mote in your eye.

You're one that treat Unitarian commentary as inconsistent while demanding consistency and making guilt by association arguments against Trinitarians. You're the one with the problem. Not me.
I gave you a fresh start and encouraged you to make the most of it. You aren’t.

Like I need anything from you. You don't control anything and you go to pieces when you lose control. The same guy I knew that sought preeminence in the "next administration" was the same way.
I am seeking a position in the new administration that is coming when the Messiah returns.

No doubt. Satan sought a better position too.

I'm going to worship Jesus Christ. I'm not going to worship you. You would like that right?

I don't desire another man to worship me. You can only worship one Master. Else you love the one and hate the other. You enjoy being served... right?
The same Greek word for worship used in John 4:23 is properly rendered unto the Lord Jesus (John 9:38) and in equality with the Father (Revelation 5:13-14).
Furthermore, it is rendered unto Jesus when He was not in their physical presence (Luke 24:51-52).
Hello @Fred,

Thank you, I will look that up now. :)

προσκυνέω - proskuneō - ( pros-koo-neh'-o )
Description:- From G4314 and probably a derivative of G2965
(meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master’s hand);
to fawn or crouch to, that is, (literally or figuratively)
prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore).​
Translated:- worship;
Total KJV occurrences: 60​

* Used of the Lord Jesus directly:- Mat. 2:2, 8,11; 28:17; Luke 4:8; 24:52; Joh.9:38; Heb.16(7); Rev.4:10; 5:14;
( Trans, as worshipful actions e.g., kneeling:- Mat. 8:2; 9:18; 14:33; 15:25 18:26; 20:20; 28:9; Mar. 5:6; Acts 10:25; Heb.11:21; )​
[ mock worship:- Mar. 15:19; Luk. 4:7 )​
* Used of worship generally :- Joh. 4:20(2); Joh. 4:21; 22(2); 23(2); 24(2); 12:20; Acts 7:43; 8:27; 24:11; 1 Cor.14:25; Rev.3:9; 7:11;
* Satan used it in regard to himself:- Mat. 4:9
* The Lord used it in relation to God:- Mat.4:10
* More references in Revelation that I have yet to see.

'But the hour cometh, and now is,
when the true worshippers
shall worship
(G4352) the Father in spirit and in truth:
for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.'

(Joh 4:23)

'And he said, Lord, I believe.
And he worshipped
(G4352) Him.'
(Joh 9:38)

'And every creature which is in heaven,
and on the earth, and under the earth,
and such as are in the sea,
and all that are in them, heard I saying,
Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power,
be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne,
and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.
And the four beasts said, Amen.
And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped
Him that liveth for ever and ever.'

(Rev 5:13-14)

'And it came to pass, while He blessed them,
He was parted from them,
and carried up into heaven.
And they worshipped
(G4352) Him,
and returned to Jerusalem with great joy:'

(Luke 24:51-52)

Other Greek words translated WORSHIP:- G4576; G1391; G3000; G2151; G1479

In Christ Jesus
There are numerous problems with your position.For now, let’s focus on one: some unitarians give the identical honor etc. to Jesus that you’re speaking about. It’s incorrect to put all unitarians in the same category. I know from conversations with you that you know that there is diversity in unitarianism - unitarians don’t all believe the same about God.
No you do not pray to the Son like you pray to the Father. You hold the Father above the Son in your worship, praise, honor, glory, service and dedication. Those are just the plain facts of the differences between unitarians and trinitarians. We hold THEM EQUAL in every area of our faith and do not place One above the other. I have never met a unitarian who does. You would be the first if you did. Are you claiming you do and if so I will prove you do not in practice and deed but in word only. Thanks !
No you do not pray to the Son like you pray to the Father.

Some unitarians do.

You hold the Father above the Son in your worship, praise, honor, glory, service and dedication. Those are just the plain facts of the differences between unitarians and trinitarians. We hold THEM EQUAL in every area of our faith and do not place One above the other. I have never met a unitarian who does. You would be the first if you did. Are you claiming you do and if so I will prove you do not in practice and deed but in word only. Thanks !
How many trinitarians think that unitarians will go to heaven? More or less than the number of trinitarians who believe unitarians will go to hell?
Like I need anything from you. You don't control anything and you go to pieces when you lose control. The same guy I knew that sought preeminence in the "next administration" was the same way.

I don’t know who he is but I know that if he really like me he then isn’t like what you think I am,
No doubt. Satan sought a better position too.

The saints will rule with the Messiah. The devil is not a saint.

I'm going to worship Jesus Christ. I'm not going to worship you. You would like that right?

I’m not currently reigning over you (or anyone else.)

I don't desire another man to worship me.

You don’t desire to be a king in the coming kingdom of God.

You can only worship one Master. Else you love the one and hate the other. You enjoy being served... right?

The congregation I pastored knows that I don’t. I served them. They didn’t serve me.
How many trinitarians think that unitarians will go to heaven? More or less than the number of trinitarians who believe unitarians will go to hell?
How many unitarians think that trinitarians will go to heaven ? More or less the number of unitarians who believe trinitarians will go to hell ?
The saints will rule with the Messiah. The devil is not a saint.

Like the apostles reigned over the Church of God? Did any man worship them?

I’m not currently reigning over you (or anyone else.)

You've claimed that you WILL. Which is what my statements dealt with. You're spinning.

You don’t desire to be a king in the coming kingdom of God.

No. I don't. Why would I? You seek to rule. I let Christ REIGN supreme. Which is the poor attitude and theology associated with your position. You seek what Satan sought. To rule.

The congregation I pastored knows that I don’t. I served them. They didn’t serve me.

Like Peter said?
1Pe 5:3 Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.

If you practice such now....Why in the world would want to rule over someone in the future?
You don’t have, and apparently don’t understand, the heart of a pastor.

Ah. The ones God spoke about?

Jer 10:21 For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered.

Some do well. Most do horribly. Most seek their own....

Php 2:21 For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's.

Paul had Timothy and Titus. That is poor number for the vast amount that he served. I've seen many over the years and I have met few that sought anything more than their own lofty positions.

Tell me. When you pastored.... did you ever have a "Member's appreciation day"? Lord knows now you can't hardly fit all the "Pastor appreciation days" in a typical year.
Too many.

Probably the same number.

And now my questions about trinitarians? How do you answer them?

“Heaven is not the destination of the dying.” - John A.T. Robinson (Anglican)

I readily admit that I have a problem with Unitarians trying to claim the Son while denying His position with the Father. I do. I have expressed it here.

However, I'm not the Master of anyone. Servants have no place to make such judgements. We let God be God. Obviously, you're not doing that. I have no desire to see people punished for sin. I know I deserve it myself. Empathy is a key component of the work of God in Christ Jesus.
I readily admit that I have a problem with Unitarians trying to claim the Son while denying His position with the Father. I do. I have expressed it here.

However, I'm not the Master of anyone. Servants have no place to make such judgements. We let God be God. Obviously, you're not doing that. I have no desire to see people punished for sin. I know I deserve it myself. Empathy is a key component of the work of God in Christ Jesus.
While I use to stand in judgement with the salvation of others who disagree doctrinally on the Trinity and Deity of Christ I no longer do that and God is the Judge of another mans heart that I cannot see or know so I leave that up to Him. @Matthias

So you can teach an old dog 🐶 new tricks :)
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