The philosophical pagan Godman - Origen, origin indeed...
from one source ....
Pharos Journal of Theology ISSN 2414-3324 online Volume 100 - (2019)Copyright: ©2018 Open Access/Author/s - Online @ http//:
www.pharosjot.com1Jesus the Christ: Truly the Theanthropos
Prof. A . Nicolaides University of South Africa
Graduate School of Business Leadership Midrand, South Africa
"....The first use of the term as a theological idea appears in the writing of the 3rd century Early Church Father Origen (Origen, De Principiis) who says: “This substance of asoul, then, being intermediate between God and the flesh – it being impossible for the natureof God to intermingle with a body without an intermediate instrument – the God-man is born.”(Origen, De Principiis). It was ultimately at The Council of Chalcedon (451 CE,) where it was confirmed that Jesus Christ had two natures, one human and one divine which were linked to one another in hypostatic union..."
...another source.....not that I really trust it at all..
"The first usage of the term "God-man" as a theological concept appears in the writing of the 3rd-century
Church Father Origen:
This substance of a soul, then, being intermediate between God and the flesh – it being impossible for the nature of God to intermingle with a body without an intermediate instrument – the God-man is born.
God man, another import of pagan Greek mythology I'm afraid as poison into the veins of Christology and what would later become or called Orthodox Christianity.