"Works Salvation"

Its a false premis though

the girl had to work hard to earn that degree,
Did she?
Did the girl give herself intelligence and good memory? Did the girl give herself good parents and professors? Did the girl create the Medical knowledge of decades transmitted through books and seminars? Did she sustain herself with food and oxygen during those sus years in College?

So, How can she or her parents feel proud?
There is nothing stopping him except his own doubts.
Can man get rid of those doubts? If so, How?
(The gospel presents a story of a man who was trapes in disbelief but wanted to believe. What did he do?)
Did she?
Did the girl give herself intelligence and good memory? Did the girl give herself good parents and professors? Did the girl create the Medical knowledge of decades transmitted through books and seminars? Did she sustain herself with food and oxygen during those sus years in College?

So, How can she or her parents feel proud?

Can man get rid of those doubts? If so, How?
(The gospel presents a story of a man who was trapes in disbelief but wanted to believe. What did he do?)
They made good discissions.
What if man still does not believe but wants to believe?
What if God gives a man the power to believe, but the Man still does not believe ... does that mean God created a stone that God cannot lift? [the CREATION became master over the CREATOR, ending Gods omnipotence?]

[FTI: you are asking a "married bachelor" question ... a self-contradictory "WHAT IF" that cannot exist. If a man wants to believe, then he will believe and if a man does not believe, then it is because THAT is his will.]
The hardness of the heart is allowed by God for a certain time and for a certain purpose, like Paul depicts in Romans.
But all men are created children, citizens of the Kingdom and with the capacity to respond to God.
The great Calvin was wrong in interpreting God’s creation in man, God purpose for man and the nature of children.
The hard heart is not able to repent, if we are not given a new heart, repentance toward God is impossible.
What of Romans 9 and the claim that even “vessels of wrath” serve a purpose for God’s Glory?
Hi Atpollard

Let me share with you how I see it.

Earthquakes and epidemics serve God’s purpose, right? God does not hate the people who suffer and die to earthquakes and epidemics, and He is not pleased in their pains. God achieves a greater good for those people and for the people who survive and learn from it.
Same with man-made problems like wars and poverty. God’s love permeates life and our existence.
When talking about the hardening of Israel, Paul explained that God had allowed that in order to bring benefit to Gentiles… but after that all Israel would be saved. (Romans 11:5-32)
This shows How Paul saw God’s Providence even in the the temporary rejection of the gospel.
Certainly, as long and inasmuch as man rejects the gospel, he has no eternal life. He lives as a slave, in hell. From our perspective, that man is under the rule of Satan… but he is never a lost case in the eyes of God. (1 Corinthians 5:1-5) Even God’s punishment reveals his love (Revelation 3:19).

Som the vessels of wrath are to be broken as vessels of wrath, but The Perfect Potter can create of that clay a new vessel.
Some the vessels of wrath are to be broken as vessels of wrath, but The Perfect Potter can create of that clay a new vessel.
If I am following the meaning of your metaphor here, it is denying a great deal of teaching in the Bible on Second Death, Hell and Eternal Punishment ... and may be flirting with contra-Christian views on reincarnation.
  • [Rev 20:14 AMP] 14 Then death and Hades [the realm of the dead] were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire [the eternal separation from God].
  • [Rev 21:8 AMP] 8 "But as for the cowards and unbelieving and abominable [who are devoid of character and personal integrity and practice or tolerate immorality], and murderers, and sorcerers [with intoxicating drugs], and idolaters and occultists [who practice and teach false religions], and all the liars [who knowingly deceive and twist truth], their part will be in the lake that blazes with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."
  • [Mat 10:28 AMP] 28 "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be afraid of Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
  • [Mat 23:33 AMP] 33 "You serpents, you spawn of vipers, how can you escape the penalty of hell?
  • [2Pe 2:4 AMP] 4 For if God did not [even] spare angels that sinned, but threw them into hell and sent them to pits of gloom to be kept [there] for judgment;
  • [Mat 7:13 AMP] 13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it.
  • [Mat 25:41, 46 AMP] 41 "Then He will say to those on His left, 'Leave Me, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels (demons); ... 46 "Then these [unbelieving people] will go away into eternal (unending) punishment, but those who are righteous and in right standing with God [will go, by His remarkable grace] into eternal (unending) life."
"And just as it is appointed and destined for all men to die once and after this [comes certain] judgment," - [Hebrews 9:27 AMP]
Som the vessels of wrath are to be broken as vessels of wrath, but The Perfect Potter can create of that clay a new vessel.
I would add that the vessel is not the same thing as the soul and/or spirit. The vessel would be the container and all of the vessels get destroyed at one point or another. I believe it just means that some people lose their body because of God's wrath, not that they are pre-destined to go to a hell. All die already in the first place.
You can say what you will, there will be no repentance toward God with mans heart by nature. Its without repentance

God's call to repentance is for everyone.
God would not be calling everyone to repent if He had not endowed men with that capacity. He would be just calling SOME people to repentance.

God would have given the prophets and apostles a kind of "Elected Detector Device" (EDD) to direct their calls exclusively to that people.
That was not the case.

The apostles of Christ called for repentance in an indiscriminate manner.
In the parable of the wedding of the king's son, after the initial rejection of the elected nation, the king commands: "Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding.’ So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good."

In the theological proposition made by our brother @jeremiah1five, the elected are those of Hebrew genetic lineage.
The problem with his proposition is the same: there is no evidence that God gave the apostles any EDD. They preached to everybody, expecting responses from anybody, without inquiring for their genealogy.
God's call to repentance is for everyone.
God would not be calling everyone to repent if He had not endowed men with that capacity. He would be just calling SOME people to repentance.

God would have given the prophets and apostles a kind of "Elected Detector Device" (EDD) to direct their calls exclusively to that people.
That was not the case.

The apostles of Christ called for repentance in an indiscriminate manner.
In the parable of the wedding of the king's son, after the initial rejection of the elected nation, the king commands: "Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding.’ So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good."

In the theological proposition made by our brother @jeremiah1five, the elected are those of Hebrew genetic lineage.
The problem with his proposition is the same: there is no evidence that God gave the apostles any EDD. They preached to everybody, expecting responses from anybody, without inquiring for their genealogy.
24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Mt 15:24.
Yes, it does. You remain in denial Doug.
I really appreciate the fact that you know my heart better than I do. It is a comfort to me that you are there for me, to feel what my heart feels, and tell me what I how I should respond to it. It gives me great confidence that I have you here to tell me what is in my heart.
Not at all. If you were standing at the gates of heaven right now Doug and Jesus asked you why He should let you into heaven, what would be your exact answer. Your answer to this question will demonstrate what you have placed your faith in/what you are trusting in for salvation.
My answer will be the same now as it has been since I was 14: "Your Son promised that if I am in Him He will give me His righteousness, and take me to live with Him in the mansion He built for me in your home. I am not worthy to be here, but I trust in His promise, and His willingness and ability to fulfill it."
Like I said. You turn repentance into moral self-reformation. Thank you for proving my point. In regard to receiving salvation, repentance is a change of mind and the new direction of that change of mind is faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. (Acts 20:21) After David sincerely repented for his grave sins of adultery and murder, God forgave him and continued to bless him and maintain him as king. David was still a man after God's own heart, even though he messed up big time and David still faced certain consequences for his actions.

People can repent of certain other things after they are saved. In Luke 17:3,4, we read - Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to you, saying, ‘I repent,’ you shall forgive him.” Repentance here is not in regard to obtaining salvation. This brother is already saved. We turn from darkness to light and receive remission of sins when we place our faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. (Acts 26:18)
SMH, repentance has NOTHING to do with "moral self-reformation". Repentance, as you said, is turning to a new direction. But if we walk into a mud pit and turn around, we are still covered in mud. And there is nothing we can do to clean ourselves. Only God can clean us. But He will not do so until we have turned and walked out of the mud pit onto His straight and narrow way.
It's "lip service" for those who fail to accomplish God's will in order to become saved. (Matthew 7:21-23; John 6:40)
Precisely. If you do not do what God commands, your "confession" of Him is only lip-service. As He says, "Now why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?" You can call Him "Lord" all day long, but if you don't do what He says, then He isn't really your Lord, and all you have is lip-service. But if you do what He says, then you are wise, and He really is your Lord, and He will give you what He promised to give to those who are His.
There is divine influence or direct operation of the Holy Spirit in the heart of a person when confessing Jesus as Lord. This confession is not just a simple acknowledgment that Jesus is the Lord (even the demons believe that), but is a deep, personal conviction from the heart that Jesus is that person's Lord and Savior. Surrender to Christ in faith and not works righteousness. Simply believing in our head (and not in our heart) that God raised Him from the dead does not result in righteousness and simply giving "lip service" to the words "Jesus is Lord" not by the Holy Spirit is not unto salvation.
Correct. But again, you can have the "deep personal conviction from the heart that Jesus is Lord" and still not do what He says, and this person is no different than the person who has a simple head acknowledgement. It is the actions that Jesus says make the difference.
If it is absolutely required for salvation, then it's supplemental to the gospel of Christ that is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that BELIEVES.. (Romans 1:16)
Wrong! It is only supplemental if it was added by man, and not commanded by God. He is the one who authored the Scriptures, not me, and not Paul, and not Peter, etc. And God is the one who said that repentance results in forgiveness, and that confession of Jesus results in salvation, and that baptism in water is the point at which the Holy Spirit removes our sins. That makes it part of His Gospel, not any kind of supplement.
Either Christ is an ALL-sufficient Savior or else He is an IN-sufficient Savior. You can't have it both ways. Christ's finished work of redemption is sufficient and complete to save believers. (Romans 3:24-28) No supplements needed.
That is not what we are discussing. We are discussing how that all sufficient salvation is received. We agree that there is NOTHING that we can do to save ourselves, or to add to Jesus' work of salvation. What we disagree on it how it is received. You think that just because a person "believes in his heart" that salvation is received; and then all "works" come afterward. But Scripture says differently.
It is simply the point at which it is signified but not procured. Sins are removed when we believe/place our faith in Christ for salvation. (Acts 10:43; 26:18) Your faith remains in water baptism for salvation and not in Christ alone.
Wrong again. My faith is in Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, the man in whom was the full deity of God. It is He whom I obey, and it is He whose promises I trust.
Yet you add works to faith, so it becomes faith and works.
No. Faith without works is not really faith. It is not faith plus works. It is a living, active, work producing faith, or else you don't really have faith.
Yes, it is. In Mark 1:15, Jesus said - "repent and believe the gospel." In Acts 11:17, Peter said - "If therefore God gave them the same gift (Holy Spirit) as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ" and in verse 18 Peter referred to this as repentance unto life. In Acts 20:21, Paul said - "repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ." It's disturbing and disappointing that you cannot understand this.
Dan, what disturbs and disappoints me is that you seem to think that each passage of Scripture is full and complete in itself. And that if one passage of Scripture says what you want to believe, then it really doesn't matter what other passages of Scripture say on the subject, that one passage is enough. This results automatically in eisegesis. You MUST include in your doctrine EVER SINGLE PASSAGE of Scripture that deals with the topic at hand. This means that you must interpret Acts 10 and 11 through Rom 6, Col 2, 1 Pet 3, etc. And those passages tell us that salvation is actually received during water baptism. Not "Spirit baptism" (which has only occurred twice in all of history), and not in "belief only" (which has never resulted in salvation being received, even once).
In context, Peter is addressing "Men of Israel" who were guilty of crucifying their Messiah.
Yes, he was. But the message is the same for all humanity. Return to God (not return to the Gospel), because it is in God that salvation rests and to whom we must return. The Gospel was brand new when Peter preached this sermon; none of the listeners had ever heard it before so it could not have been a return to the Gospel that he was commanding.
I agree that it's not return to belief in the gospel. Through repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21) they would be returning to God from being guilty of crucifying their Messiah, and their obedience/works would be the fruit of their repentance. (Matthew 3:8)
No, their obedience/works are not "fruit of their repentance". Their obedience was their faith. Until they took action in obedience their faith was incomplete, dead, and worthless.
Confession is an expression of faith and a confirmation of divine influence by the Holy Spirit. It's not a work for salvation that happens days or weeks after we believe unto righteousness. (Romans 4:5-6)
Correct, it happens WHEN we believe unto righteousness. Righteousness is not received (justification - being declared/accounted righteous) until/unless faithful obedience is done (Jesus is not your Lord unless you do what He says).
The word of faith is in our mouth and in our heart TOGETHER. (Romans 10:8-10) So, confessing with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believing in our heart that God raised Him from the dead are not two separate steps to salvation but are chronologically together.
Again with the stupidity of this strawman. Of course they are "chronologically together", and so is baptism. There should be no time between these three actions.
Based on your eisegesis you turn confession into a work for salvation just as you do with baptism.
Nope, wrong again. They are works of faith that lead to receiving the gift of salvation from God.
The Holy Spirit is involved in pre-salvation ministry. In Acts 16:14, we read - Now a certain woman named Lydia heard us. She was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira, who worshiped God. The Lord opened her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul. If there is no additional work, or influence, of the Holy Spirit, then the Lord "opened her heart," is superfluous. While the word is the means of communicating that which is to be believed, the additional unseen work of the Holy Spirit is also necessary. Paul referred to his preaching as being "in the demonstration of the Spirit and of power." (I Corinthians 2:4)

In 1 Thessalonians 1:5, we read - For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit.. There is more involved in coming to saving faith in Christ than merely paper, ink and human intelligence.
Of course. And He may work on all 100 people in a meeting, but only 10 obey, and so only 10 are saved. The other 90 were influenced by Him, and were opened to the Gospel by Him, but they chose to ignore His influence and so remain lost.
For the sake of your biased church doctrine, you remain in absolute denial here Doug. These Gentiles clearly believed, received the gift of the Holy Spirit and the spiritual gift of tongues (which is only for the body of Christ - 1 Corinthians 12) and were saved before water baptism. Acts 10:43-47 is crystal clear on that. Acts 10:43 is also crystal clear - Whoever believes in Him receives remission of sins.
Again, "believes" is faith (pistis), and not the intellectual assent you want to make it into. Just giving intellectual assent is the same as "lip-service"; both are completely worthless.
You are the master of irony. To read Acts 10:43-47 any other way than it's crystal-clear meaning is to be blatantly dishonest.
Again Dan, it MUST be read in context with EVERY other teaching in Scripture on how salvation is received. You want to use this event to define the other passages, but they are clear that it is not in "Spirit baptism" that salvation is received. There is only one baptism of relevance in the NT Church (Eph 4:5-6), and that one baptism results in salvation being received (Mark 16:16, 1 Pet 3:21, Acts 22:16), must be done by man (Matt 28:19, and must be received voluntarily by man (Acts 2:38), and MUST be water (1 Pet 3:21, Acts 8:36).
The gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out on these Gentiles. (Acts 10:45) Peter asked, Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” The truth is crystal clear Doug. Please stop fighting against the truth.
I am advocating the truth, not fighting it. The truth is that there is NOT A SINGLE PASSAGE OF SCRIPTURE that says that "Spirit baptism" is the point at which salvation is received.
Compare the fact that these Gentiles in Acts 10:45 received the gift of the Holy Spirit (compare with Acts 2:38 - the gift of the Holy Spirit) and this was BEFORE water baptism. (Acts 10:47)
"The gift of the Holy Spirit" is not the indwelling of the Spirit. It is miraculous gifts received during the first century.
No, it's merely signified but not procured in water baptism. As Greek scholar AT Robertson said, "a symbol is not the reality, but the picture of the reality."

It's not the water that does this or the mechanical act of getting water baptized. It is the Holy Spirit that does this when we believe the gospel and are baptized by one Spirit into one body (Ephesians 1:13; 1 Corinthians 12:13) and drink into one Spirit. (See John 4:10,14; 7:37-39) Other verses for you to see (Acts 10:43; 11:17; 15:7-9; 26:18)
As is clear in Rom 6, Col 2, and 1 Pet 3, the Holy Spirit takes this action DURING water baptism. No, it is not the water that does anything; it is faith that includes the actions of obedience to God that brings about the Holy Spirit's action.
@Pancho Frijoles

God's call to repentance is for everyone.

Absolutely false, for God doesnt call the reprobated vessels of wrath who He made for destruction to repentance. He desires and purposed their destruction.

All whom God calls to repentance , the very call gives it to them, and they repent

Matt 9:13

But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
These sinners Jesus calls unto eis repentance. Eis is the prep that means:

  1. into, unto, to, towards, for, among

ice; a primary preposition; to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc.)

used to indicate purpose, result, or end

So Jesus call to repentance results is repentance, He gives it Acts 5:31

Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.
@Pancho Frijoles

Absolutely false, for God doesnt call the reprobated vessels of wrath who He made for destruction to repentance. He desires and purposed their destruction.
Hi brightflame:

Please show what radar, device or screening test God provided his messengers and prophets to detect the elected, so that they could call to repentance only the elected.

God’s call is universal. He wants everyone to repent… certainly not at the same time, place or circumstance. Certainly not in the same way or with the same goal within his sovereign plan. But God wants to save everyone… and He will succeed in his purpose.
What if God gives a man the power to believe, but the Man still does not believe ... does that mean God created a stone that God cannot lift? [the CREATION became master over the CREATOR, ending Gods omnipotence?]
No. It means God will continue his work in that man, until he yearns for God. Perhaps that man needs to be thrown to the ocean and swallowed by a whale. Perhaps he needs to be pulled down from his horse and left blind and vulnerable for a while.
God does not give up. God always wins.
[FTI: you are asking a "married bachelor" question ... a self-contradictory "WHAT IF" that cannot exist. If a man wants to believe, then he will believe and if a man does not believe, then it is because THAT is his will.]
Some men want to walk but can’t walk. Their legs are too weak.
Some men want to believe but can’t believe. Their faith is too weak.
God can take care of both situations.
I believe… help my unbelief!”
Hi brightflame:

Please show what radar, device or screening test God provided his messengers and prophets to detect the elected, so that they could call to repentance only the elected.

God’s call is universal. He wants everyone to repent… certainly not at the same time, place or circumstance. Certainly not in the same way or with the same goal within his sovereign plan. But God wants to save everyone… and He will succeed in his purpose.
I dont know what you talking about, you need to ponder more carefully what I just posted
I really appreciate the fact that you know my heart better than I do. It is a comfort to me that you are there for me, to feel what my heart feels, and tell me what I how I should respond to it. It gives me great confidence that I have you here to tell me what is in my heart.
I don't need to infallibly know your heart to understand what you believe and where your faith rests. You have already explained what you believe and demonstrated where your faith rests in numerous times in numerous posts on multiple Christian forum sites and prior to my conversion I basically believed the same way. It's not rocket science. In the past I have called out other folks who teach salvation by faith (their version of faith) + works and was accused by them as well of not understanding what they believe, including Roman Catholics. Folks who teach salvation by faith + works typically have a flawed understanding of repentance and faith and that error begets more error.
My answer will be the same now as it has been since I was 14: "Your Son promised that if I am in Him He will give me His righteousness, and take me to live with Him in the mansion He built for me in your home. I am not worthy to be here, but I trust in His promise, and His willingness and ability to fulfill it."
14 is an impressionable young age to become indoctrinated. Your answer is somewhat vague and incomplete. The complete answer would entail exactly what you did in order to receive eternal life. In your case it would be, because you believed, repented, confessed, was water baptized and remained faithful. That is the typical CoC plan of salvation. My answer to that question would be, because you (Jesus) died for sins, were buried and rose again the third day to provide for me eternal life. (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) I trust in YOU by faith as the ALL-sufficient means of my salvation. Repentance preceded my faith and confession confirmed my faith. Water baptism followed faith and salvation. There will only be two groups of "professing" Christians standing before Jesus. Those who say Lord, Lord, didn't WE and those who say Lord, Lord, didn't YOU. I will be in the latter group.
SMH, repentance has NOTHING to do with "moral self-reformation". Repentance, as you said, is turning to a new direction. But if we walk into a mud pit and turn around, we are still covered in mud. And there is nothing we can do to clean ourselves. Only God can clean us. But He will not do so until we have turned and walked out of the mud pit onto His straight and narrow way.
What you just described is moral self-reformation/behavior modification. Repentance is a change of mind and the new direction of this change of mind is faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. Two sides to the same coin. (Acts 20:21) Hearts are purified by faith. (Acts 15:7-9) His straight and narrow way is belief/faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. (John 1:12; 3:15,16,18; 6:40,47; 10:9; 14:6; Acts 4:12; 10:43; 16:31; 26:18; Romans 4:5-6; 5:1; Ephesians 2:8,9 etc..). Read the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in Luke 18:9-14 and see who went home justified and why then let that sink in.
Precisely. If you do not do what God commands, your "confession" of Him is only lip-service. As He says, "Now why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?" You can call Him "Lord" all day long, but if you don't do what He says, then He isn't really your Lord, and all you have is lip-service.
Also, setting out to do what He commands for the wrong reason and with the wrong motivation is also not doing what He says. Just ask these many people in Matthew 7:22-23.
But if you do what He says, then you are wise, and He really is your Lord, and He will give you what He promised to give to those who are His.
Descriptive only of genuine believers and not "nominal" Christians.
Correct. But again, you can have the "deep personal conviction from the heart that Jesus is Lord" and still not do what He says, and this person is no different than the person who has a simple head acknowledgement. It is the actions that Jesus says make the difference.
It's the word of faith in our mouth and heart that produced this deep personal conviction from the heart by the Holy Spirit that Jesus is Lord. The actions confirm it.
Wrong! It is only supplemental if it was added by man, and not commanded by God. He is the one who authored the Scriptures, not me, and not Paul, and not Peter, etc. And God is the one who said that repentance results in forgiveness, and that confession of Jesus results in salvation, and that baptism in water is the point at which the Holy Spirit removes our sins. That makes it part of His Gospel, not any kind of supplement.
It's still supplemental if what's commanded by God is misapplied by man and culminates in works salvation. Repentance does result in forgiveness because the new direction of this change of mind in repentance is believing the gospel/faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. Two sides to the same coin. It's not moral self-reformation/behavior modification that follows faith (your definition of repentance) that saves. Confession of Jesus is made unto salvation because the word of faith is in our mouth and heart TOGETHER (Romans 10:8-10) and not because we rounded up a group of people at Walmart one week after we believed unto righteousness and verbally confessed Christ to them (work for salvation). Believing the gospel/faith in Christ is the point at which the Holy Spirit removes our sins. (Acts 10:43; 11:17,18; 26:18; Romans 3:24-28) The remission of sins is signified but not procured in water baptism. You also turn baptism into a work for salvation, as you do with repentance and confession.
That is not what we are discussing. We are discussing how that all sufficient salvation is received. We agree that there is NOTHING that we can do to save ourselves, or to add to Jesus' work of salvation. What we disagree on it how it is received. You think that just because a person "believes in his heart" that salvation is received; and then all "works" come afterward. But Scripture says differently.
More sugar-coated double talk. Once again you just demonstrated that you teach salvation by faith + works. :(
Wrong again. My faith is in Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, the man in whom was the full deity of God.
Your faith is in Jesus + your best efforts to clean up your act + your public confession + your baptism in water for salvation. My faith is in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. (Acts 15:7-9; Romans 1:16; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4)
It is He whom I obey, and it is He whose promises I trust.
What Jesus teaches and what the CoC teaches is not in harmony. I've heard Roman Catholics and Mormons make the same claim that you just made yet the CoC, the Roman Catholic church and the Mormon church do not teach the same doctrines. Can you all be right? Nope.
No. Faith without works is not really faith. It is not faith plus works. It is a living, active, work producing faith, or else you don't really have faith.
Faith that produces no works demonstrates that it's not really faith. (James 2:14) Faith has an origin (faith in Christ for salvation) in which faith becomes alive (Ephesians 2:5-8) and then good works follow after having been created in Christ Jesus FOR good works. (Ephesians 2:10) You put the cart before the horse.
Dan, what disturbs and disappoints me is that you seem to think that each passage of Scripture is full and complete in itself. And that if one passage of Scripture says what you want to believe, then it really doesn't matter what other passages of Scripture say on the subject, that one passage is enough. This results automatically in eisegesis.
Not properly harmonizing Scripture with Scripture before reaching your conclusion on doctrine automatically results in eisegesis. Your patched together gospel that culminates in salvation by works is a good example of results in eisegesis.
You MUST include in your doctrine EVER SINGLE PASSAGE of Scripture that deals with the topic at hand. This means that you must interpret Acts 10 and 11 through Rom 6, Col 2, 1 Pet 3, etc. And those passages tell us that salvation is actually received during water baptism.
I have included ever single passage of Scripture and properly harmonized Scripture with Scripture before reaching my conclusion on doctrine. Interpreting Romans 6, Colossians 2, 1 Peter 3 etc.. to mean that salvation is actually receiving during water baptism negates numerous passages of Scripture which make it clear salvation is received through belief/faith (John 1:12; 3:15,16,18; 6:29,40,47; 11:25,26; Acts 10:43-47; 11:17,18; 15:7-9; 26:18; Romans 1:16; 3:24-28; 4:5-6; 5:1; 10:4; 1 Corinthians 1:21; 15:1-4; Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 2:8,9; 2 Timothy 3:15; 1 John 5:13 etc..).
Not "Spirit baptism" (which has only occurred twice in all of history), and not in "belief only" (which has never resulted in salvation being received, even once).
You clearly don't understand what Spirit baptism is. 1 Corinthians 12:13 - For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit. (Also see John 4:10,14; 7:37-39 for drink/drinks) Did you notice, we were ALL (believers) baptized by one Spirit into one body. Your only happened twice in history nonsense is a desperate attempt to get around Acts 10:43-47. Don't confuse Spirit baptism with receiving spiritual gifts.
Yes, he was. But the message is the same for all humanity. Return to God (not return to the Gospel), because it is in God that salvation rests and to whom we must return. The Gospel was brand new when Peter preached this sermon; none of the listeners had ever heard it before so it could not have been a return to the Gospel that he was commanding.
I never said return to the gospel as if they once embraced it and need to embrace it again. They needed to return to God. These Jews were guilty of crucifying their Messiah. They needed to repent (change their mind) and believe the gospel.
No, their obedience/works are not "fruit of their repentance". Their obedience was their faith. Until they took action in obedience their faith was incomplete, dead, and worthless.
False. Matthew 3:8 - Bring forth fruit that is consistent with repentance. The fruit that accompanied their repentance is works. Obedience which "follows" faith is also works. Faith is trusting in Jesus Christ for salvation. You error by defining faith "as" works. Prior to my conversion as a confused Roman Catholic, I believed the same thing as you. I also erroneously defined faith "as" obedience/works. You also remain confused. In James 2:22, faith made perfect or complete by works means to bring to maturity, to complete like love in 1 John 4:18. It doesn't mean that Abraham's faith in Genesis 15:6 was dead and worthless until he offered up Isaac on the altar in Genesis 22. When Abraham performed the good work in Genesis 22; he fulfilled the expectations created by the pronouncement of his faith in Genesis 15:6.
You need to remember that Abraham was accounted as righteous based on his faith (Genesis 15:6) and not his works (Romans 4:2-3) long before he offered up Isaac on the altar in Genesis 22.
In James 2:21, notice closely that James does not say that Abraham's work of offering up Isaac resulted in God accounting Abraham as righteous. The accounting of Abraham's faith as righteousness was made in Genesis 15:6, many years before his work of offering up Isaac recorded in Genesis 22. The work of Abraham did not have some kind of intrinsic merit to account him as righteous, but it showed or manifested the genuineness of his faith.

Correct, it happens WHEN we believe unto righteousness. Righteousness is not received (justification - being declared/accounted righteous) until/unless faithful obedience is done (Jesus is not your Lord unless you do what He says).
Righteousness is received when we believe. (Romans 4:5-6) God imputes righteousness apart from works yet you disagree. You mix obedience/works in with faith as do all works-salvationists, including Roman Catholics. Romans 5:1 - Therefore, having been justified by faith, (+ obedience/works? NO! simply faith) we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. You try to "shoehorn" works "into" salvation through faith, not works, but the shoe does not fit. This is the very heart of your error which begets more error and remains your Achilles heel.
Again with the stupidity of this strawman. Of course they are "chronologically together", and so is baptism. There should be no time between these three actions.
LOL! So, faith, confession, and baptism all happen at the exact same time? You are so confused. o_O
Nope, wrong again. They are works of faith that lead to receiving the gift of salvation from God.
We are saved by grace through faith, not works, Doug. (Ephesians 2:8,9) God imputes righteousness apart from works, Doug. (Romans 4:5-6)
Again, "believes" is faith (pistis), and not the intellectual assent you want to make it into. Just giving intellectual assent is the same as "lip-service"; both are completely worthless.
It's you who turns believes/faith into mere intellectual assent and then you "add" works to it which results in works salvation and "lip service." Faith is worthless unless it trusts in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. (Romans 5:1; Ephesians 2:8,9)
Again Dan, it MUST be read in context with EVERY other teaching in Scripture on how salvation is received. You want to use this event to define the other passages, but they are clear that it is not in "Spirit baptism" that salvation is received. There is only one baptism of relevance in the NT Church (Eph 4:5-6), and that one baptism results in salvation being received (Mark 16:16, 1 Pet 3:21, Acts 22:16), must be done by man (Matt 28:19, and must be received voluntarily by man (Acts 2:38), and MUST be water (1 Pet 3:21, Acts 8:36).
False. More eisegesis on your part. I have already refuted your misinterpretations of (Mark 16:16, 1 Pet 3:21, Acts 22:16; Acts 2:28 etc..) but you are more concerned with accommodating your biased church doctrine than you are with accepting the truth. There is only one baptism that places us into the body of Christ which results in salvation and that is Spirit baptism, not water baptism.

Ephesians 4:5 - one Lord, one faith, one baptism.

1 Corinthians 12:13 - For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body--whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free--and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.
I am advocating the truth, not fighting it.
You are sincere Doug, but nevertheless, sincerely WRONG.
The truth is that there is NOT A SINGLE PASSAGE OF SCRIPTURE that says that "Spirit baptism" is the point at which salvation is received.
Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit in connection with living water in John 4:10,14. In John 7:37, we read - On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” 39 But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. Did you see that, Doug?

In Acts 11:17, we read - If therefore God gave them the same gift (Holy Spirit, and also see Acts 10:43-47) as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could withstand God?” Acts 16:31 - Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household. Did you see that, Doug?

Acts 15:7 - And when there had been much dispute, Peter rose up and said to them: “Men and brethren, you know that a good while ago God chose among us, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe. So, God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us, 9 and made no distinction between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.

Salvation is received when we believe the gospel and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 1:13 - In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.

1 Corinthians 12:13 - For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit. Put it all together Doug and you will find the truth. Let me know when you are ready to repent (change your mind) and believe the gospel.

"The gift of the Holy Spirit" is not the indwelling of the Spirit. It is miraculous gifts received during the first century.
Wells folks, Doug is wrong again. You are forced to believe that nonsense in order to "get around" Acts 10:43-47 and accommodate your biased church doctrine. The gift of the Holy Spirit is the indwelling of the Spirit. These Gentiles in Acts 10:45 received the gift of the Holy Spirit (compare with Acts 2:38 - the gift of the Holy Spirit). Not to be confused with spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12)
As is clear in Rom 6, Col 2, and 1 Pet 3, the Holy Spirit takes this action DURING water baptism.
It's only clear to works-salvationists who do not believe the gospel, including most CoC folks, Roman Catholics and Mormons. Red flag. Notice I said "most" because in some cases, folks who attend these churches that promote a false gospel still end up coming to believe the gospel in spite of what those churches teach and not because of what they teach. Been there, done that.
No, it is not the water that does anything; it is faith that includes the actions of obedience to God that brings about the Holy Spirit's action.
Misguided obedience is not obedience, Doug. Just ask these many people in Matthew 7:22-23. Your version of faith infuses works into faith which culminates in salvation by works which is not obedience. (Romans 4:4-6; 11:6; Ephesians 2:8,9) The Holy Spirit takes action the moment that we believe the gospel prior to receiving water baptism. (Acts 10:43-4711:17; 15:7-9) Don't let faith in water baptism keep you from placing your faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. I will continue to pray for you, Doug. 🙏
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