"Works Salvation"

I was baptized By God. Into Christ.

You go ahead and have faith in water..

I would suggest you repent.
Water is water, there is no efficacy in water to wash away sins as there was no healing efficacy in water to take away Naaman's disease. I am not Catholic.

The issue here is OBDDIENCE. It was Naaman's obedience in obeying God by dipping 7 times in the Jordan river that GOD (not the water) took away the disease. Likewise it is OBEDIENCE in obeying God by submitting to water baptism that God (not the water) takes away sin (cuts away the body of sin per Col 2:11-12). Obedience to God in believing, repenting, confessing & submitting to water baptism are not works of merit that earn salvation just as Naaman's obedience in dipping 7 times earned him NOTHING.

Even Martin Luther understood water baptism was essential to salvation. He also understood that God was the One at work removing the body of sin while man is completely passive while God does this work. So when Luther talked about faith only he was NOT eliminating obedience to God in submitting to water baptism but he was eliminating works of merit.

Hence men have faith in this work of God...."buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God,". Note it is faith in the WORK OF GOD and NOT FAITH in my OWN work when it comes to removing the body of sin. And God does this work only to those who obediently submit themselves to Him in baptism.
Water is water, there is no efficacy in water to wash away sins as there was no healing efficacy in water to take away Naaman's disease. I am not Catholic.
Water is water

I was born of the spirit not water

God baptized me into his death and burial (romans 6)
God baptized me into his body (1 cor 12)
And God baptized me into Christ (gal)

No water involved
The issue here is OBDDIENCE. It was Naaman's obedience in obeying God by dipping 7 times in the Jordan river that GOD (not the water) took away the disease. Likewise it is OBEDIENCE in obeying God by submitting to water baptism that God (not the water) takes away sin (cuts away the body of sin per Col 2:11-12). Obedience to God in believing, repenting, confessing & submitting to water baptism are not works of merit that earn salvation just as Naaman's obedience in dipping 7 times earned him NOTHING.

Even Martin Luther understood water baptism was essential to salvation. He also understood that God was the One at work removing the body of sin while man is completely passive while God does this work. So when Luther talked about faith only he was NOT eliminating obedience to God in submitting to water baptism but he was eliminating works of meirt.

Hence men have faith in this work of God...."buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God,". Note it is faith in the WORK OF GOD and NOT FAITH in my own work when it comes to removing the body of sin. And God does this work only to those who obediently submit themselves to Him in baptism.
Not of works lest anyone should boast.

Why would you boast?
Water is water

I was born of the spirit not water

God baptized me into his death and burial (romans 6)
God baptized me into his body (1 cor 12)
And God baptized me into Christ (gal)

No water involved

Not of works lest anyone should boast.

Why would you boast?
Water is the element in which baptism takes place. Again, there is no efficacy in water that can remove sins...it is God who removes sins and does so to those who obey Him by submitting to Him in water baptism.

If one could save himself by his own works of merit, then that would be something he could boast about. Yet obedience is not a work of merit, it's nothing one can boast about.

Christ gave a lesson on obedience:
Lk 17:7-10
But who is there of you, having a servant plowing or keeping sheep, that will say unto him, when he is come in from the field, Come straightway and sit down to meat;
and will not rather say unto him, Make ready wherewith I may sup, and gird thyself, and serve me, till I have eaten and drunken; and afterward thou shalt eat and drink?
Doth he thank the servant because he did the things that were commanded?
Even so ye also, when ye shall have done all the things that are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants; we have done that which it was our duty to do

"when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, ‘We are unprofitable servants." Even when one does his duty in obeying God, one is still an unprofitable servant. Being an unprofitable servant is absolutely NOTHING to boast about.

the servant's obedience in working in the field earned him NOTHING...it did not earn him a place at the table but was told to fix my supper

God did not OWE the servant anything for his working in the field for God does not owe man for doing what is man's duty to do. In Eccl 12:13 it says fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man. Therefore when man obeys God by submitting to water baptism one is only doing what is his duty to do and God owes no man for doing what he is supposed to be doing. God WILL condemn those who are not doing what is their duty to do.

"when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you"
Noah was one who did all that was commanded him, (Gen 6:22; Gen 7:5) yet his salvation from the flood was still a matter of God's grace. God's grace in saving Noah from the flood CONDITIONALLY required Noah obediently build an ark, which he did.

a) God owed Noah NOTHING for his obedience building the ark for Noah was simply doing his duty in obeying God in building the ark. Noah would have been condemned and lost in the flood has he not done his duty in obeying God.

b) Noah earned NOTHING in obediently building the ark for he was just meeting the necessary gracious conditions God place on his gracious gift of saving Noah from the flood.
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1 What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

O precious is the flow
that makes me white as snow;
no other fount I know;
nothing but the blood of Jesus.

2 For my pardon this I see:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my cleansing this my plea:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]

3 Nothing can for sin atone:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Naught of good that I have done:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]

4 This is all my hope and peace:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my righteousness:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]
The faith onlyists fail-refuse to see that God's grace is found in humble OBDIENCE to His will.

Catholicism goes to one extreme with the selling of indulgences, treasury of merit, etc. Protestants have gone to the other extreme by trying to eliminate obedience to God from salvation.

Avoid the man-made extremes and simply obey God. (Heb 5:9; Acts 10:35) Be a wise man (Mt 7:24) and not foolish (Mt 7:26)
The faith onlyists fail-refuse to see that God's grace is found in humble OBDIENCE to His will.

Catholicism goes to one extreme with the selling of indulgences, treasury of merit, etc. Protestants have gone to the other extreme by trying to eliminate obedience to God from salvation.

Avoid the man-made extremes and simply obey God. (Heb 5:9; Acts 10:35) Be a wise man (Mt 7:24) and not foolish (Mt 7:26)
We are saved by grace not faith

We are saved by grace THROUGH faith not works
We are saved by grace not faith

We are saved by grace THROUGH faith not works
Eph 2:8-9 - "Works" in that context refers to works of merit and not obedience.

Those Ephesians were obedient:
"In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise," Eph 1:13.
It was already discussed earlier that the verb "believe" is used as a synecdoche where it includes obedience in repentance, confession and submitting to water baptism. Those Ephesians could not be saved while being impenitent, unwilling to confess Christ, unwilling to submit to God in water baptism.

They were saved by faith (Eph 2:8) and faith includes obedience to God. No one is saved by a dead faith apart from obedience:

Faith >>>>>>>>>>>>saves Eph 2:8
baptism >>>>>>>>>>saves 2 Pet 3:20-21

Since there is just one way to be saved, no alternatives, then faith must include baptism as it includes repentance and confession.
NT baptism that saves is not waterless.

They were told to walk in love Eph 5:2. Christ associates love with keeping/obeying His commands Jn 14:15. Yet in Rev 2 the congregation at Ephesus had left their first love, were fallen and told to keep the first work, they had quit walking in love, quit obeying Christ becoming lost.

There is no faith only in any of this.


Faith onlyism dies on 2 simple points:

1) there is no NT example at all of God unconditionally saving those who were continually living in disobedience, rebellion, unrighteous defiance of His will. Those that first obeyed are the ones who received God's gracious gift.
2) there is no example of a person's obedience to God is ever called a work of merit where that person earned God's gift by their obedience or
God owed that person for their obedience. Obedience to God and works of merit and two totally different, separate things.

Review Christ's lesson on obedience in Luke 17:7-10.

"it is"We are saved by grace not faith

We are saved by grace THROUGH faith not works
Amen! By the time folks in the CoC reverse the scriptural order of repentance and faith in salvation and redefine terms, they end up turning repentance, confession and baptism into works salvation. They try to "shoehorn" works "into" salvation through faith, not works.

I even once heard someone who attends the CoC say, "it is works of obedience that help to save us and just not works of the law or works of merit." That argument is the result faulty human logic and their false gospel plan (that culminates in salvation by water baptism) is the result of bad semantics and flawed hermeneutics.
1 What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

O precious is the flow
that makes me white as snow;
no other fount I know;
nothing but the blood of Jesus.

2 For my pardon this I see:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my cleansing this my plea:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]

3 Nothing can for sin atone:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Naught of good that I have done:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]

4 This is all my hope and peace:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my righteousness:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]
Does the blood of Christ UNconditionally wash away the sin of those who continually live in disobedience, in rebellion, in unrighteous defiance of obeying God's will? Of course not. Salvation is not monergistic as Calvinism falsely claims but synergistic taking Christ's blood and your obedient faith to be saved.
Works of obedience are works of love. Not expecting g anything in return

Works of merit expects reward. In your case salvation
salvation is IMPOSSIBLE apart from obedience, hence your inability to:

1) show a NT example at all of God unconditionally saving those who were continually living in disobedience, rebellion, unrighteous defiance of His will.
2) show an example of where a person's obedience to God is ever called a work of merit, that is, where that person earned God's gift by their obedience or that God owed that person for their obedience.

Faith with no obedience is dead being alone (alone = being apart from obedience)
salvation is IMPOSSIBLE apart from obedience, hence your inability to:

Faith with no obedience is dead being alone (alone = being apart from obedience)

I would actually agree with these statements as they stand.

But it is very nuanced how one defines obedience and what exactly we are obeying, and it makes all the difference in this case.

For example, if God tells me, "Stop trying to be holy to merit heaven," then my obedience is to stop trying to be holy to merit heaven.

I have obeyed. But I have not obeyed the standard of following commands to merit heaven, I have obeyed the command to trust in grace alone.
I would actually agree with these statements as they stand.

But it is very nuanced how one defines obedience and what exactly we are obeying, and it makes all the difference in this case.

For example, if God tells me, "Stop trying to be holy to merit heaven," then my obedience is to stop trying to be holy to merit heaven.

I have obeyed. But I have not obeyed the standard of following commands to merit heaven, I have obeyed the command to trust in grace alone.
God required belief, repentance, confession and baptism to receive his free gift and IF one does these things then one is obeying God. one is doing GOD's righteousness....IF one does not do these things he is serving "sin unto death" Rom 6:16.

"For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God." Rom 10:3

There are 2 different types of works mentioned in this verse;

1) establish their OWN righteousness
2) obeying GOD'S righteousness

The Jews were doing work #1, doing their OWN righteousness which cannot save this Paul said they were lost. Had they done work #2 in obeying God's will in believing. confessing with the mouth, obeying the gospel they could have been saved.

Hence doing GOD'S righteousness is not a work of merit. No one's obedience is going to be sinlessly perfect to merit salvation so one must rely on God's grace. Paul's point in Rom 6 is that salvation is NOT by grace alone. Though Christians are saved by grace that does not give the Christian license to live in sin, to live disobeiently to God's will.

If one is not obeying GOd then he is serving "sin unto death", v6 rather than serving "obedience UNTO righteousness". Obedience is the solution to sin. Therefore salvation requires man's obedience to keep from serving sin unto death but also requires God's grace for mans' obedience will not be perfectly sinless.

We each are servants to whom we obey, and each of us is serving one of two masters (Rom 6:16)
1) sin unto dearh
2) obedience unto righteousness

I serve and encourage everyone to serve obedience unto righteousness. Note Paul said obedience UNTO righteousness meaning no obedience = not righteousness for obedience leads one to being righteous before God.
Note also Paul did NOT say obedience BECAUSE one is already righteous. No sense in the idea that one can be righteous while continually doing unrighteousness.

The idea of faith only denies #2, so which master does that leave faith only serving?
I don't subscribe to "faith alone" as clearly God asks some things of us (non-meritorious works).

I subscribe to "faith in the place of merit."
I have never said good works earn salvation. Salvation is a free gift, hence it cannot be earned.

Isn't Grace the free gift? Being reconciled to God for the "Chance" of redemption? Salvation is another matter altogether.

What faith onlyists refuse to admit is that free gifts can come with conditions and meeting the conditions on a free gift earns NOTHING.

There is no conditions or requirements for God's Grace, is there? As it is written, "While we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us". This is God's Grace. Salvation comes to those who repent of their sins, after Jesus died for them. Who "Deny themselves", who "Yield themselves" servants to Obey God, and their body as instruments of righteousness unto God, after they find God's Grace, that Jesus died for them. Jesus died for everyone, everyone now has the opportunity to eat His Flesh and Drink His Blood. This opportunity is God's Free Grace, Yes?

But for those men who Jesus died for, who refuse to follow the instruction given, there is no Life, AKA, no Salvation.

This is Paul's teaching, in my understanding.

Jesus died for Paul, Yes? Paul has received reconciliation to God, Paul has received the Free gift of God's Grace. Now what does Pail do?

2 Cor. 5:9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

This is why there is no example in the BIble where a person's obedience to God is said to have earned God's free gift or that God owed a person for their obedience.

God's Grace, that gave sinners another chance to obey, is not earned. The wage's of sin is death. But Salvation comes to those "Whose refuge is the Lord" as David says, "For God is in the Generation of the Righteous". It's not about "Earning" salvation. This is a philosophy that was started by religious men who promoted the insidious lie that the Pharisees were trying to "earn" salvation by obeying God's Laws. This is widely taught in Mainstream Christianity, but it is a complete falsehood. The Pharisees full well rejected the Commandments of God that they might live by their own religious traditions. They received God's Grace too but refused to give up their precious manmade religion and their manmade judgments and philosophies.

God owed Naaman nothing but graciously offered Naaman free gift of healing for his disease yet GOD PUT CONDITIONS on that free gifts...Naaman had to dip 7 times in the Jordan River. Naaman would NEVER receive this free gift unless/until he met GOD'S conditions and meeting those conditions earned him nothing.

But Seabass, Naaman received God's Grace, the chance to be cleansed, something he didn't earn or deserve. While he was a Leper, Christ died for him. But unless he followed God's Instruction, salvation (cleansing) would not happen. Isn't this the very point of the story?

This is why it cannot be found in the Bible where disobedient, unrighteous people who live in rebellion to God's will UNCONDITIONALLY received God's free gift of salvation.

The example in the Scriptures Paul said was given to us, was the Exodus. The Passover Lamb was slain for them "While they were yet in Egypt". This was the Grace of God, this was the free gift of God. But only those who followed the instruction concerning the "Blood" (The Life of the flesh) were led out of (Egypt) sin. And of them, only 2 men repented to God and didn't live in rebellion to Him. These 2 men received "Salvation", while the rest, who had received God's free gift of Grace, fell in the wilderness.

Paul said not to be ignorant of these Biblical Truths.

This is why the idea of "a sinner saved by grace" is not found in the Bible.

Yes, this is true. "God's Grace" is the Gift that allows us to repent and "Go and Sin no more".

Salvation comes when, as Jesus and Paul teaches, "we all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

In Rom 6, Paul was addressing Christians and his point was because CHRISTIANS are saved by grace that does not give the Christian a license to sin.

I see Paul's teaching like this, What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law,(Dead in tresspasses and sins) but under grace? (Alive, reconciled to God) God forbid.

No, we are not to transgress God's Commandments just because God has forgiven our past sins.

Of course not, the wage of Sin is still death, as Paul points out. Instead, Paul teaches men, that after they receive God's Grace;

12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but "yield yourselves" unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as "instruments of righteousness" unto God.

18 Being then made free from sin, ye became the "servants of (God's) righteousness".

22 But "now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and "the end" everlasting life.

This is the Salvation of the souls of men who received the Grace of God.

23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Who died for us while we were yet sinner)

CHRISTIANS are saved by grace for it is Christians who have CONDITIONALLY, obediently complied to God's will thereby receiving the free gift of salvation. It is sinners who live in disobedience, in rebellion and defiance to God's will thereby do not unconditionally receive the free gift of salvation. The idea of men UNconditionally reveiving God's free gift regardless of how they live is completely foreign to the NT gospel of Christ.

I agree and appreciate your thoughts here. But there is a difference between God's Grace, and Salvation. We have nothing to do whatsoever with God's Free Gift of Grace. But Salvation is directly tied to what we "DO" with God's Grace, once we receive it.

Great topic of discussion, good thoughts Seabass.
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