"Works Salvation"

Proving Truth is Gods business. I have given you the basis for my conviction
And you have been shown how that basis is faulty, your conclusions are not Biblical, and your doctrine is false. If you continue to cling to your falsehoods, that is your business. But to continue to teach what has been proven false by Scripture is pure defiance of God.
And you have been shown how that basis is faulty, your conclusions are not Biblical, and your doctrine is false. If you continue to cling to your falsehoods, that is your business. But to continue to teach what has been proven false by Scripture is pure defiance of God.
You just disagree with me, so what can I do about that ? I believe your view is false, and my view is why !
You just disagree with me, so what can I do about that ? I believe your view is false, and my view is why !
Your view does not agree with Scripture. If you only look at the passages you cite, it is easy to see how you come to your conclusions. But when you look at the rest of Scripture, and let Scripture help interpret Scripture, your view is shown to be false, deceived, and unBiblical. The only option for you is to let Scripture edit your doctrines, and change your view. Your lens is tinted, and this causes you to see in a false shade.
You don't have to agree with me, but you do have to agree with what Scripture says, and currently you do not. Your doctrine is very wrong.
As far as I can tell its you who doesnt agree with scripture, teaching a law based , requirement doing Salvation. Salvation is by Grace apart from works, and requirements.
As far as I can tell its you who doesnt agree with scripture, teaching a law based , requirement doing Salvation. Salvation is by Grace apart from works, and requirements.
Was it grace that allowed the widow to pour oil into every jar she could gather (2 Kings 4)? Yet, if she had not gathered the jars and poured the oil, would she have received anything?
Was it grace that cured Naaman from leprosy? Yet, if he had not dipped in Jordan would he have been healed?
Was it grace that knocked down the walls of Jericho? Yet, if the Israelites had not marched around the city and yelled as commanded the walls would not have fallen.
etc. etc..

If there is no action, then there is no reception of grace.
You've got the cart before the horse my friend. If you try to keep the commandments of God with your flesh that is keeping the letter of the law. We must first repent of the desire to sin and turn to Christ to take part in the crucifixion of our flesh. The New Covenant is not just adding Jesus to the Old Covenant. The New Covenant is brand new in every way.

Romans 7:5-6
5 For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions which were aroused by the law were at work in our members to bear fruit to death. 6 But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.

1 Peter 1:16 about being holy has to do with maturing in all of the fruit of the Spirit. 2 Peter 1:5-11. But first comes righteousness where Jesus removes lawless sin from our nature.
Exactly, that's why they call it the good news. One of the reasons anyway.
Was it grace that allowed the widow to pour oil into every jar she could gather (2 Kings 4)? Yet, if she had not gathered the jars and poured the oil, would she have received anything?
Was it grace that cured Naaman from leprosy? Yet, if he had not dipped in Jordan would he have been healed?
Was it grace that knocked down the walls of Jericho? Yet, if the Israelites had not marched around the city and yelled as commanded the walls would not have fallen.
etc. etc..

If there is no action, then there is no reception of grace.
Samuel Richardson wrote:

If Faith and Baptism be a condition required absolutely necessary, without which no man can be saved, then our salvation depends upon works now, as it did under the Law.
Samuel Richardson wrote:
Is Samuel Richardson your savior? Did Sam die for you? Was Sam resurrected to show his conquest over death?

No? Then don't trust what he says, for he is as fallen as you and I.

Trust what the Lord Jesus, who is your savior, did die for you, and was resurrected to show His conquest over death, said, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved." He did not say, "He who is saved will believe and be baptized." Nor did He say that those who are saved will obey Him, but He did say that He is the author of salvation to those who obey Him.
Is Samuel Richardson your savior? Did Sam die for you? Was Sam resurrected to show his conquest over death?

No? Then don't trust what he says, for he is as fallen as you and I.

Trust what the Lord Jesus, who is your savior, did die for you, and was resurrected to show His conquest over death, said, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved." He did not say, "He who is saved will believe and be baptized." Nor did He say that those who are saved will obey Him, but He did say that He is the author of salvation to those who obey Him.
You condition your salvation on keeping requirements, thats law keeping salvation
You condition your salvation on keeping requirements, thats law keeping salvation
No, it is throwing myself at the mercy of the Lord, and trusting Him to keep His promises as He has all through the OT Scriptures. He promised that those who believe the Gospel, repent of their sins, confess Him as Lord of their life, and are baptized into Him will be saved. And He also promised that those who do not obey Him will be condemned. Accepting the Gospel, repenting, confessing Jesus, and baptism are not "good works" that would earn or merit the life of God's Son. They are acts of surrender to God's will as opposed to our own will.
No, it is throwing myself at the mercy of the Lord, and trusting Him to keep His promises as He has all through the OT Scriptures. He promised that those who believe the Gospel, repent of their sins, confess Him as Lord of their life, and are baptized into Him will be saved. And He also promised that those who do not obey Him will be condemned. Accepting the Gospel, repenting, confessing Jesus, and baptism are not "good works" that would earn or merit the life of God's Son. They are acts of surrender to God's will as opposed to our own will.
I hope you plan on keeping the whole law friend, dont offend in one point
I hope you plan on keeping the whole law friend, dont offend in one point
The Law is obsolete, since it is part of the Old Covenant, and the Old Covenant was fulfilled by Jesus. In its place He instituted the New Covenant. Under the New Covenant the blood of Jesus continually covers the sins of those who walk in the Light (1 John 1:7-9). And it is not possible to keep every point of the New Covenant any more than it was possible to keep every point of the Old Covenant, but we are continually cleansed as long as we remain in Christ and He in us.
The Law is obsolete, since it is part of the Old Covenant, and the Old Covenant was fulfilled by Jesus. In its place He instituted the New Covenant. Under the New Covenant the blood of Jesus continually covers the sins of those who walk in the Light (1 John 1:7-9). And it is not possible to keep every point of the New Covenant any more than it was possible to keep every point of the Old Covenant, but we are continually cleansed as long as we remain in Christ and He in us.
If you condition salvation on any requirement you must perform, thats a principle of law you are operating under.
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