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Sounds good to me. I'm always willing to learn new things and to get a better understanding of why I believe what I believe.Love to hear more of your views on this topic of the "Sin Nature" at the thread below.
Sounds good to me. I'm always willing to learn new things and to get a better understanding of why I believe what I believe.Love to hear more of your views on this topic of the "Sin Nature" at the thread below.
It is logically implied by many many verses and the revelation of HIS character:There is nowhere in scripture to support double predestination. That was invented by augustine and made popular by the reformers.
If a child gains heaven by virtue of his being a child, then this denies the grace of God in placing a condition upon His grace and it is no more grace.If you have followed thoughtfully all the Scripture in this thread and the previous posts, you would know that any child who died prior to birth, at birth, or as a child too young to grasp the distinction between good and evil is indeed safe in the arms of God, eternally secure in His love and grace.
The age of accountability is in Jewish culture and religion. It's called bar mitzvah for the boy, and bat mitzvah for the girl. It is their passage of rites to them to be accountable in the Jewish culture and religion as adults and no longer children. It has nothing to do with good and evil or sin. Gentiles have taken that term to make it mean something else.Any time a human being dies before reaching the age of accountability, we must look to special provisions of God’s mercy and grace. He will bring them home, He's just that good. He's an awesome God!
IF this is true, then why does HE not kill us all in the womb? Why does HE make some of us live many years and struggle with temptation, some to their destruction if HE could save everyone by an early death???Any time a human being dies before reaching the age of accountability, we must look to special provisions of God’s mercy and grace. He will bring them home, He's just that good. He's an awesome God!
He gives everyone the choice to love Him in return by placing their faith in the Son.IF this is true, then why does HE not kill us all in the womb? Why does HE make some of us live many years and struggle with temptation, some to their destruction if HE could save everyone by an early death???
Job 14:5 A man’s days are numbered. You know the number of his months. He cannot live longer than the time You have set.
Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
HE is obviously in charge of the day we die so why fill hell with the late bloomers when HE could save us all by an early death?
Why do the vast majority of us miss out on the joys of the saved by an early death club when it is clear HE wants everyone to be saved,
Berean Standard Bible 1 Tim 2:4 who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. and by this simple means can keep everyone in all the world out of hell!
Are you referring to every person that is enslaved to sin? Or just the ones HE calls and give the gift of faith?He gives everyone the choice to love Him in return by placing their faith in the Son.
All without exceptionAre you referring to every person that is enslaved to sin? Or just the ones HE calls and give the gift of faith?
The choice is meaningless if we have no choice as enslaved to sin but if we were given the choice before we were judged as sinful then I agree,![]()
And all the whosoevers, we're not getting left behind.All without exception
Yes everyone it’s an all inclusive club anyone can joinAnd all the whosoevers, we're not getting left behind.
Indeed - I totally agree...All without exception
Since Paul is writing to Jews the term "to call upon the Lord" means worship and no one can worship God unless that person is in relationship with God. Paul is writing to a people already saved.And all the whosoevers, we're not getting left behind.
"Sin Nature" is nothing more than a baseless "Theological assumption".
Babys, aborted fetuses, YOU, ME, and Jesus all had/have a HUMAN NATURE identical to the Nature Adam had when he was created.
We inherited NOTHING from Adam, except Human Nature, which never changed at all. Adam DIED SPIRITUALLY as God said he would, and as WE DO ALSO whenever we SIN, and fall short of God's Glory.
The only thing that makes Adam's SIN "Original" is that it was THE FIRST SIN (actually the second, since Eve sinned first). Adam' sin imputes NOTHING to anybody else.
NOTHING changed in Adam, other than his environment, and the loss of his "free lunch".
The sin nature refers to the tendency of every human being to rebel against God's ways. It is a natural inclination, and it is not optional. Sin is the quality of any human action that fails to glorify the Lord fully, which was first present in the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It has corrupted all people except for Christ and leads to death, both bodily and spiritually. The Bible teaches that we have a sin nature, and it is our nature to do so. I understand this teaching is in contrast to many religious movements that deny original sin."Sin Nature" is nothing more than a baseless "Theological assumption".
Babys, aborted fetuses, YOU, ME, and Jesus all had/have a HUMAN NATURE identical to the Nature Adam had when he was created.
We inherited NOTHING from Adam, except Human Nature, which never changed at all. Adam DIED SPIRITUALLY as God said he would, and as WE DO ALSO whenever we SIN, and fall short of God's Glory.
The only thing that makes Adam's SIN "Original" is that it was THE FIRST SIN (actually the second, since Eve sinned first). Adam' sin imputes NOTHING to anybody else.
NOTHING changed in Adam, other than his environment, and the loss of his "free lunch".
The same works for ANY "Control issue". The natural human tendency whenever a LAW exists, is to desire to "Break it".The sin nature refers to the tendency of every human being to rebel against God's ways. It is a natural inclination, and it is not optional.
Actually the Bible doesn't teach any such thing. "Sin Nature" is just another "human theological construct".The Bible teaches that we have a sin nature
Struggling together in the womb of their mother is completely different than what's in my post. And you certainly wouldn't be able to prove attempted murder in the womb. I'd give you anything to see you explain that one to a jury. How would you get by the fact that an undeveloped brain of an unborn infant could not possibly contemplate murder? Was it premeditated? Or a spontaneous fit of anger? Perhaps they were solicited to commit murder "The devil made them do it". Or they may have just been having a bad hair day. What's the Biblical Hebrew word for bad hair day? Inquiring minds want to know.Either you don't know about the story of Jacob and Esau trying to crush each other to pieces, that is, to murder each other in the womb, Genesis 25 or you agree with the modern writers of scripture in their exegetic endeavours to prove infants are innocent by changing the biblical Hebrew word to crush each other to pieces to jostle or struggle...
“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness” (Rom. 1:18).
Divine judgment comes upon those who suppress the truth—who turn away from and deny the power of the truth of God in their lives and pursue the lies of the devil. In suppressing the truth and pursuing lies, they yield to the temptations of the devil to do evil, which may take any number of forms of rebellion and disbelief.
Infants and unborn babies Do not possess the ability to practice any of the above. Therefore they are not held accountable. They go to heaven.
Gen 25:22Struggling together in the womb of their mother is completely different than what's in my post. And you certainly wouldn't be able to prove attempted murder in the womb.