Why The Trinity is Wrong: Definition

As long as you believe that? Russia and China sincerely want world peace....

These types will continue to disrupt the flow of growth for those who came here to grow in grace and truth.
Such as these get kicked out of churches, or at least totally ignored, when a congregation agrees with Scripture to avoid such people.

The best we can do with the compromise we have here? By allowing them to keep blocking?
Is to provide a Bible lesson in hopes someone wanting truth will benefit.
But, in that case? It must be kept simple and basic.
If you want to dare to venture into deeper understanding beyond the basic?
Their kind are here to block and distract from that happening.

Over in Carm they have become infested with a few of them.
They always seek to secure a stronghold in Christian forums.

Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time.
After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that
such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.
Titus 3:10

I see why... He has only been warned once.

:devilish:...... But he is really so sincere.... keep him around. Don't obey the Word.

Sarcasm intended.
Also if you feel that way then by all means live by your convictions and don’t engage the person. Shake the dust off your feet and move on.
But the forum is not a church that’s the difference. We are here to defend what we believe but like Peter says with gentleness and patience in 1 Peter 3:15. And Paul correcting others in a way the gives grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29-30

Where two or more are gathered in His name you have a church.

This is not necessarily a church with a pastor teaching as all listen and learn.
We as the church are here to share our knowledge that caused us to grow in Christ so others may as well.

But when an atmosphere is allowed to be established to freely distract and confuse?
We must face the truth and realize the devil has sent an agent in amongst us to keep us from growth.

Now, if we can agree as family on a rule? One to allow such apostates to have their say, and then agree to ignore them
as we share with each other what we can benefit from? Then it may be a healthy and happy place to be.

Maybe, even have a dedicated section where "that kind" are allowed to run wild, for those who like trapping wild animals.

Innovation is long over due for Christian forums.
Also if you feel that way then by all means live by your convictions and don’t engage the person. Shake the dust off your feet and move on.
Trouble is. They take up too many threads when allowed to run free.
Its like stocking a lake with a fish that kill off the native fish.
That becomes the problem.
Where two or more are gathered in His name you have a church.

This is not necessarily a church with a pastor teaching as all listen and learn.
We as the church are here to share our knowledge that caused us to grow in Christ so others may as well.

But when an atmosphere is allowed to be established to freely distract and confuse?
We must face the truth and realize the devil has sent an agent in amongst us to keep us from growth.

Now, if we can agree as family on a rule? One to allow such apostates to have their say, and then agree to ignore them
as we share with each other what we can benefit from? Then it may be a healthy and happy place to be.

Maybe, even have a dedicated section where "that kind" are allowed to run wild, for those who like trapping wild animals.

Innovation is long over due for Christian forums.
Gene I understand your concern and I’m a leader and teacher in the men’s ministry at our church and lead home group Bible studies. I have real life people who are pastors and elders whom I’m accountable to on a regular basis.

That is not what a forum is and this one here is for people to share what they believe, why they believe it and defend those beliefs just like a person would in the real world outside the walls of a church.
On the other hand I talk daily with the administrator here who started this forum together with me. I usually call him on my way to work or on my way home for 1/2 a day. So in that sense we hold one another accountable. But even though we have been doing that for over a year now we have never met each other in person. So it’s a different type of accountability and fellowship in that regard.
Same thing. The word "alone" works on the described action, not on the person. God did not say he was alone. He said that He alone stretched out the heaven. Do you see the difference?
by MY SELF is a ACTION? as well as I one Person is a ACTION Also. Isaiah 44:24 "Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;"

I AM the LORD is an ACTION........ why are you still listing to the DEVIL? ... your choice good day.

it's a shame how people try to CHANGE the TRUTH of God into a LIE.

@synergy, @praise_yeshua,

you both inadvertently confirmed what 101G been saying. the LORD, all caps, the FATHER in Isaiah 44:24, is the Word, the Son in John 1:3 who Made all things, with or without ACTION, it's the same one Person. the devil lead both of you into a inescapable LIE. ...... LOL, LOL, LOL, Oh Dear.

Gene I understand your concern and I’m a leader and teacher in the men’s ministry at our church and lead home group Bible studies. I have real life people who are pastors and elders whom I’m accountable to on a regular basis.

That is not what a forum is and this one here is for people to share what they believe, why they believe it and defend those beliefs just like a person would in the real world outside the walls of a church.
Ok... I get it.
by MY SELF is a ACTION? as well as I one Person is a ACTION Also. Isaiah 44:24 "Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;"

I AM the LORD is an ACTION........ why are you still listing to the DEVIL? ... your choice good day.

it's a shame how people try to CHANGE the TRUTH of God into a LIE.

The stretching out of the heaven is an action. That is what He alone did. The Word of God created everything (John 1:3), no one else did that. That does not mean that He was alone.
The stretching out of the heaven is an action. That is what He alone did. The Word of God created everything (John 1:3), no one else did that. That does not mean that He was alone.
when you said, "The word "alone" works on the described action, not on the person". well who MADE ALL THINGS.... the ACTIONS, which includes the Earth and the Heavens? the LORD, LISTEN, I am the LORD that maketh all things. dose not ALL THINGS include the heavens and the Earth? now last chance, is it the LORD, all caps the Father who made all things ... including the Earth and the Heavens is the same ONE PERSON in John 1:3 who MADE ALL THINGS ... including the Earth and the Heavens. yes or no? ....... (smile)

Test the Spirit BY.... the Holy Spirit.

as the song says, "Another one bites the dust".

when one is caught in an ERROR and do not acknowledge their ERROR, then leave that one..... "ALONE, and "BY THEMSELVES". Good day to U. there is no creditability to you.

When God says something concerning Himself. It is always more complicated than it appears.

There are limitations to verbal/written communications. Which one of the reasons that God has written His laws on our heart. Writings and communications so vast that parchment can't hold them.

You're picking a temporal condition as absolute indication of an Eternal state. Jesus Christ grew in strength. Jesus Christ changed. What you fail to realize that there is much more to Jesus Christ than these temporal states relate.

Why do you insist on "dumbing down" the complexity of Eternal things?
PY: I do not understand your post and how it applies to my previous post. I do understand however his will and 'commands' are written in our hearts for sure. What temporal state do I advocate as an absoute indictation of an eternal state, concerning Jesus?

Anyway thanks for the comment. Maybe a light bulb will come on later...move on
The mortal enemies of the concept of the trinity are these 4 pillars, which have to be violated at every turn:
  1. Definition
  2. Logic
  3. Language Usage
  4. Explicit Scripture
Only if the "Critic" knows everything about the totality of God. Since nobody does, attempts to apply "Human Wisdom/knowledge/Logic" are useless.

This, of course, will be "JUST ANOTHER" failed attempt to "Prove" the unprovable through human intelligence. I'll not bother with it.
Can you explain this "BIG" difference? I see a claim without evidence establishing such a claim.
Well there's a short version and a much longer one...explanation

As a short intro and to reveal how tricky it is at times to establish what is meant by 'divinity' and 'deity' in the NT, and when we want to make a claim or claims concerning the nature of 'God' and also concerning scripture referencing 'divinity' then we must first examine the specific scripture under study to pin down the meaning intended in the Greek text of those vers(es).

Yes I know, I did not show really any meat yet. This is a subject that cannot be rushed into for a conclusion.

And as some reminders as you may of them already: we get 'deity' from the Latin => meaning god. We get in English the word 'divinity' from the Latin 'divus' that also means god. Surprised? You could say those Latinists messed up more that you think in scripture translations that led to our English translations.

Then in Greek, the English/pagan word God, is Theos used over 1300x. And we extract from this Greek word Theos (noun) three other Greek words: Theois, Theotes and Theiotes....and the latter two are also nouns where Theois is an adjective.

I'm just giving you some of the confusion that can occur...

I'll stop here for now.....
@synergy, @praise_yeshua,

you both inadvertently confirmed what 101G been saying. the LORD, all caps, the FATHER in Isaiah 44:24, is the Word, the Son in John 1:3 who Made all things, with or without ACTION, it's the same one Person. the devil lead both of you into a inescapable LIE. ...... LOL, LOL, LOL, Oh Dear.

The devil isn't leading me. I would have a conversation with your concerning "Person" but I don't know if you care to do so. I certainly don't want to get into a "devil" made you do it conversation.
PY: I do not understand your post and how it applies to my previous post. I do understand however his will and 'commands' are written in our hearts for sure. What temporal state do I advocate as an absoute indictation of an eternal state, concerning Jesus?

Anyway thanks for the comment. Maybe a light bulb will come on later...move on
You are referencing Scripture that present the humility and servatude of Christ. These Scripture do represent Christ's Eternal nature and state. Christ Jesus humbled Himself for us. It seems that you believe that Christ was always humbled.
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