Why are Calvinists so mean ?

Yes I actually did use that handle about 4 years ago at carm
Yep that was the place. Awesome I'll send you a private message. We can catch up on old times. We probably know the same people.

You used the term handle, when I drove truck that was the term we used for our names on the CB radio.
Yep that was the place. Awesome I'll send you a private message. We can catch up on old times. We probably know the same people.

You used the term handle, when I drove truck that was the term we used for our names on the CB radio.
Looks like we're going to have a lot to talk about. Truck driving runs in my family. My father was a truck driver and a truck stop owner. He taught me how to drive.
Here is a Truth:

John 6:44 [NASB]
"No one can come to Me [Total Inability] unless the Father who sent Me [Unconditional Election] draws him [Irresistible Grace]; and I will raise him up on the last day [Preservation of the Saints].

… of course, this is just the Apostle John quoting Jesus the Christ, Son of the Living God (so it can hardly compare with anyone as exalted as Dr. Flowers and Soteriology 101).
Here is a Truth:

John 6:44 [NASB]
"No one can come to Me [Total Inability] unless the Father who sent Me [Unconditional Election] draws him [Irresistible Grace]; and I will raise him up on the last day [Preservation of the Saints].

… of course, this is just the Apostle John quoting Jesus the Christ, Son of the Living God (so it can hardly compare with anyone as exalted as Dr. Flowers and Soteriology 101).
Let the exposing begin. Let's start with the T

As descendants of Adam are born with no ability or desire to choose God, but God has counteracted this inability by the gift of prevenient grace. Now all people have the ability to choose God. Prevenient grace, unlike irresistible grace, does not guarantee that everyone, or anyone, will actually choose to be saved, but now they at least have the ability to do so if they wish.

So we do have the ability, that's the truth.
Let the exposing begin. Let's start with the T

As descendants of Adam are born with no ability or desire to choose God, but God has counteracted this inability by the gift of prevenient grace. Now all people have the ability to choose God. Prevenient grace, unlike irresistible grace, does not guarantee that everyone, or anyone, will actually choose to be saved, but now they at least have the ability to do so if they wish.

So we do have the ability, that's the truth.
"Prevenient grace" is an Arminian invention. If it's in the Scriptures, please object to John 6:44 with that Scripture. It is not only important to show prevenient grace in the Scripture, but explain how it modifies John 6:44, which is just plain language - no interpretation needed.
Here is a Truth:

John 6:44 [NASB]
"No one can come to Me [Total Inability] unless the Father who sent Me [Unconditional Election] draws him [Irresistible Grace]; and I will raise him up on the last day [Preservation of the Saints].

… of course, this is just the Apostle John quoting Jesus the Christ, Son of the Living God (so it can hardly compare with anyone as exalted as Dr. Flowers and Soteriology 101).
I'm glad you like Dr Flowers he's the best

Let the exposing begin. Let's start with the T

As descendants of Adam are born with no ability or desire to choose God, but God has counteracted this inability by the gift of prevenient grace. Now all people have the ability to choose God. Prevenient grace, unlike irresistible grace, does not guarantee that everyone, or anyone, will actually choose to be saved, but now they at least have the ability to do so if they wish.

So we do have the ability, that's the truth.
One of the main aspects and most Troubling of the Calvinist understanding of total depravity—the T in TULIP—is that regeneration precedes faith.
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