What sort of Calvinist am I?

I took one one how reformed I was snd came back 48%. Mainstream evangelicals.

Your score is 48%!

You are probably a mainstream evangelical. You know something about the gospel. You are warmly welcomed to learn more about reformed evangelical.
I used to call myself a calvinist. Then i ascended past it. They quote romans 9 all the time, and mention the elect alot.
I've been called a Calvinist just for believing in substitutionary atonement and the sin nature.

Just a lot of bad and unclear teaching out there.
I wouldn't listen to someone who doesn't even mind taking Isaiah 53 out of their Bible.

And mocks someone's respect for it.

I said without 2 verses in Isaiah 53 PSA has no argument.

I can support my view of the atonement in every book of the Bible- you cannot.

I said without 2 verses in Isaiah 53 PSA has no argument.

I can support my view of the atonement in every book of the Bible- you cannot.

I can defend being a rutabaga from every book of the Bible.

Even so I still love you and listen too your rantings. ❤️
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