What sort of Calvinist am I?

I love people I see driving off cliffs too.

I just make sure to let them know.
Here's the thing, Dizerner: I'm fairly certain that Civic knows he is "beyond the pale" in regards to Orthodoxy. Doesn't change the fact that he's my friend and we've been in fox holes with Satan prowling about outside of them at times.

Many Moons ago we crossed streams. I went from rabid "free willist" with some very odd views of my own toward Calvinism and whatever it is I am today. Civic went from Calvinism toward whatever heresy he's spouting now. :)

Know what the difference was between us? God. Simple as that. You see I'm consistent with my worldview. I know, and believe, that I am what I am due to God and nothing of myself. Therefore I have to believe the same for him. And I have to believe that the only person that can change that is God.

I don't pussy foot around like some saying I'll "consider" their viewpoint for my own. I won't. I may discuss points I don't understand but I'm not going to lie to the people I care for. So I'm easy with pretty much everyone and my "message" doesn't change.
Yes, that was my primary concern. I believe that everything is predestined. My position is closer to Jonathan Edwards than Theodore Beza (Calvinism).

All of the Early Church writings I mentioned have been translated into English and most are available online at no cost.

I graduated with a BA and Masters in theology. A few years later I was a preacher and teacher. I am not a pastor ...I was not called to pastor a church.

I moved from the Nashville area about 5 years ago. I taught for awhile at my church but stopped due to work (I can fill in but can't be there for a class and thought that unfair to them).

My belief is more inline with the early church than Calvinism. I do believe that everything is predestined, to include reprobation. And in the eternal security of the believer.

But I am a "Biblicist". That means that I believe any doctrine worthy of standing upon must be in the text of Scripture.

Election is a tricky one because Scripture never calls a list person "elect" (they are "added among the elect"). So that does not rule out election being corporate. My view of predestination covers that one, though, so I don't need to get dogmatic about it.

I often speak out of both sides of my mouth, this way no one can really question anything I say.
Know what the difference was between us? God. Simple as that. You see I'm consistent with my worldview. I know, and believe, that I am what I am due to God and nothing of myself. Therefore I have to believe the same for him. And I have to believe that the only person that can change that is God.

Yes, I think Calvinism does naturally promote a que sera, sera kind of attitude.

I rather take the Ezekiel's watchman on the wall attitude—there will be no blood on my hands on that day.

No one will say "You never even tried to warn or pray for me."

And after that I trust God to do his part—it can be hard not to take too much responsibility when you've done your part, I admit.
You know, that one option about evangelism I wasn't sure if they were joking or not.

"I don't believe in evangelism, the elect will be saved even if they don't believe"

not sure if serious?

(Usually a strawman people flame when being debating calvinists, not sure if anyone actually believes that)
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Yes, I think Calvinism does naturally promote a que sera, sera kind of attitude.

I rather take the Ezekiel's watchman on the wall attitude—there will be no blood on my hands on that day.

No one will say "You never even tried to warn or pray for me."

And after that I trust God to do his part—it can be hard not to take too much responsibility when you've done your part, I admit.
Bold of you to assume that I have not "warned" him or really everyone that has come across my path. In fact I believe that you and I have clashed on a few points.


You can take the high ground if you like. I'll take the ground level with the people I'm talking too.

See? These sidereal insults and insinuations are easy. Relax, brother. Civic can attest too my warnings and my attitude. It's why I'm here.
Bold of you to assume that I have not "warned" him or really everyone that has come across my path. In fact I believe that you and I have clashed on a few points.


You can take the high ground if you like. I'll take the ground level with the people I'm talking too.

See? These sidereal insults and insinuations are easy. Relax, brother. Civic can attest too my warnings and my attitude. It's why I'm here.
I attest the above is true. :)
You know, that one option about evangelism I wasn't sure if they were joking or not.

"I don't believe in evangelism, the elect will be saved even if they don't believe"

not sure if serious?

(Usually a strawman people flame when being debating calvinists, not sure if anyone actually believes that)
That is a mark of "Hyper Calvinism" so yes it was serious. They don't believe that the Gospel is meant to be proclaimed to every creature. I'm not sure how they discern who will receive the Gospel or not. Perhaps they don't. One day there is a knock on the door and some complete stranger is standing there saying "Tell me about Jesus". /shrug
That is a mark of "Hyper Calvinism" so yes it was serious. They don't believe that the Gospel is meant to be proclaimed to every creature. I'm not sure how they discern who will receive the Gospel or not. Perhaps they don't. One day there is a knock on the door and some complete stranger is standing there saying "Tell me about Jesus". /shrug
Definition - of Denominations.

"Demon Nations."

It divides. Closes minds. Prevents spiritual growth.
And, never advances in exposing what needs to be exposed.

Farmer Satan is quite please with his harvest.

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound
doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather
around them a great number of teachers to say what their
itching ears want to hear."
2 Timothy 4:3

The fertilizer used? Satan's BS.
The flesh thrives with it!

True Bible study leads to non-denominational thinking.
Because True Bible study allows for being corrected.

"Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge,
but whoever hates correction is stupid."
Prov 12:1

If you never been corrected and exposed for being stupid?
You have never grown spiritually.

(Except Calvinists) ;)

.......... pass the cranberry sauce, please.
It's hard to tell because of the discordian religion which basically makes fun of everything.

So when I see beliefs like this, I'm not sure if it was invented by a discordian, then taken serious by other folk.
The accusation, and label, of "Hyper Calvinist" is pretty much solidly agreed upon by reformed folk. So not Discordian as I understand it.
So...what is discernment, GeneZ?
What you mean by that?

Denominations are divided into groups for a natural humanistic reason.
Each became a group because of a mutual affinity (with inflexibility) concerning certain doctrines.
True discernment would have avoided such a thing.

Is Christ divided?

Its doctrine that divides when a misapplication and error for a teaching that appeals to one's personal feeling about a matter. That is usually the biggest culprit.

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number
of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
2 Timothy 4:3

There are many denominations. Just like Jesus said that they way to destruction is to be "broad and wide."

Does it do any good talking about it? Not sure.

According too who? What is discernment, GeneZ?

I believe I discern having struck a nerve with some here? Perhaps?

It all depends on who is doing the discerning.

If someone has a natural tendency to be judgmental? They will discern that the legalism taught in certain denomination is correct.

If another believer is naturally filled with human good? They will discern the teachings of a certain denomination is correct.

If another believer is naturally a highly emotional type? They will discern the teachings in another denomination must be correct.

This list goes on.
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