What if the drawing of God does not involve regeneration?
But, is a
"Divine Life Support System" for the human soul given by God by grace by means of the Holy Spirit?
Regeneration is not needed. For?
Does one need to be regenerate to know he sins?
No, its not needed.
Does one need to be regenerate to know he can not simply make up his mind to stop having impulses to sin?
No. He knows already.
Does one need to be regenerate to understand that someone by the name of Jesus died on a Cross?
But, one needs to be regenerate to understand spiritual realities. That comes after regeneration.
The Gospel is nitty gritty in that it speaks to the sinner, not the saint.
One does not need to be spiritual to understand the Gospel of salvation.
One only need to know he sins...
But, one needs to have his sin nature (depravity of the flesh) subdued and silenced by grace.
Silenced in order for ones soul to be free to think and consider concerning the solution of the Cross
without ones flesh shouting the message down.
The flesh must become subdued and silenced if a soul is to ever consider the death of Christ.
If the flesh is allowed to have its way it will bully and oppress the soul into rejecting the Gospel.
So... God's GRACE in God's drawing provides the subduing and silencing of the flesh in order to allow the soul
being made free of the oppressive depravity of the flesh to make up his mind.
Salvation grace is not the same thing as grace that follows regeneration. For with salvation grace the Holy Spirit
takes up the slack needed to enable the soul to see what is needed to decide about.
Unbelievers are unregenerate. Yet, Romans 1:18-19 makes it clear that God can make the unregenerate
(unbeliever) enabled to know what is necessary to be drawn into salvation without regeneration.
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the
godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth
by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is
plain to them, because God has made it plain to them."
Those souls were never regenerate while God made it plain to them.
Yet, without regeneration God made Himself knowable to them! Romans 1:20.
They were made to know what was needed to know God is real, without regeneration!
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—
his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen,
being understood from what has been made, so that people
are without excuse."
That is why all who reject salvation are *without excuse* before God.
But, if God had to somehow make us get saved? (Irresistible grace)
All unbelievers would be with a big excuse.
For if God used irresistible grace on them?
They would have mysteriously found themselves saved.
grace and peace ..................