The problem you have is you're a legalist. As a "lawyer" of "Christianity", you can't see things for what they are. You always see faith solely in the context of your own efforts. It is you that began your faith and it is you that will complete your faith.
That is legalism. You live by your own standards. Vain traditions ruin any context of following God.
Php 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Not our own. You're NOT a lawyer arguing against or for the acceptance of the servants of Jesus Christ. God's approval is what matters. Arminians have long rejected these facts. They all pretend they're better than what they actually are. God gives you mercy and longsuffering just like He does me. None of us are any less or greater than one another.
Most every translation mishandles ὑπακοή. Substitute "submission" instead of obedience and you'll understand that verse much better.
Sure. Christ submitted to suffering. You're dishonoring Christ with you false claims.
Noah got drunk. Remember that? What did God do when Noah disobeyed? It was the faith of Noah that sustained him when he sinned. The same is true of you. Nothing different.
You're living in defiance of God right now. Right now. One of these days you're going to realize you've been wrong for a very long time. Once you do, ask YOURSELF this question. Don't be a hypocrite.
Saints of God's sin are found throughout the Scriptures. It is why Paul wrote these words.....
Rom 4:2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.
You continue to throw around the word legalist for you have no valid argument here. Again, you make a legalist out of Christ and Noah because they obeyed.
The word 'legalist' is not even found in the BIble either in the original language or in the English. It is a word people define anyway they want to. If people do not agree with you, then have to call them a legalist using the term in a derogatory sense.
Yet if you ask me. legalism is a good thing, it's a great thing.
Are you a legalist P-Y?
Do you file your tax forms and pay your taxes to the IRS as
the law requires? Then you're a legalist.
Do you
follow the laws of the road and stop at red lights, have the required driver's license and auto insurance? Then you're a legalist.
If your employer says your work must meet certain specs else will fail inspection, therefore do
you follow the instructions of your employer? Then you're a legalist.
Do you
follow your doctors instructions, take certain amount of doses of medicines as prescribed? Then your a legalist.
Legalism in the world is a good thing, it's a great thing for it keeps from having social disorder and chaos, it keeps you out of jail, it lets you keep your job, it helps maintain your health following doctors orders. It is the ILLegalists that are the law breakers, the criminals, those who cause the problems.
Yet when it comes to the BIble and Christianity, the word 'obedience', which is a good, honest, clean word, is taken by some and dirtied up simply because it does not follow their man-made teachings.
Was Noah a legalists when he built the ark to God's specs? His obedience to God is why God saved him from destruction in the flood
Was Naaman a legalist when he obeyed God by dipping in the specified river the specified number of times? His obedience to God is why God cured his disease.
Were those in Acts 2 legalist when they repented and were baptized? There obedience to God is why God remitted their sins
Was Paul a legalist when he was baptized? His obedience to God is why God washed away his sins
Was Jesus a legalist Himself? Heb 5:8
Jesus would be the all time biggest promoter "legalism";
If you love Me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS, Jn 14:15
If you KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love" Jn 15:10
And nowhere ever in the BIble is obedience called a work of merit or 'legalism" Lk 17:7-10