Brother I already started one, maybe you can moved it.
Brother I already started one, maybe you can moved it.
Where do you see Gentiles being elected unto salvation, based on their paganism, anywhere in the Bible? Your presuppositions are blinding you to the truth.Synergy, no failure, you must put the proper sense of the scriptures under consideration, or else, you will have scriptures contradicting each other.
Paul is speaking concerning the "Gentiles nation as a whole", not concerning individuals among them, because some of them were the very elect. In the OT, God was not the God of any nation except Israel, all others were without God, truth, etc.
The Israel nations did have elects such as their OT Saints. Where are the Gentile elects? Was Alexander the Great a Gentile elect unto salvation?The same problem folks have with these verses:
This verse is not speaking about folks in the faith losing the gift of eternal life, for the gifts and calling of God are without repentance~yet as a nation, the Gentiles just as Israel of old, shall be cut off from God visiting them, which truly we are at that point in the history of God visiting the Gentiles nations.
Quoting scriptures means very little, without laboring to give them their true biblical sense.
You are still ignoring what was stated
Ephesians 2:11–12 (NASB 2020) — 11 Therefore remember that previously you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called “Uncircumcision” by the so-called “Circumcision” which is performed in the flesh by human hands—12 remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the people of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world.
previous to faith these people were
at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the people of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world.
it is only in Christ they were brought near
At least you're honest in recognizing that there is no emphasis of regeneration. That's because it is nowhere to be found throughout Rom 10:8-17.To emphasize, as many do, the vital phase of salvation here – regeneration – would be disruptive to the flow.
They believe by hearing. Read Rom 10:17.The issue Paul soon takes up is how will they believe without hearing, not believe without life. That God prepares the heart of man and the answer of the tongue we do not deny (Proverbs 16:1). That God implants His law into the heart of His elect we do not deny (Hebrews 8:10; 2nd Corinthians 3:3).
Paul intended the truth, not a Calvinist re-interpretation.The question is whether or not that is what the Holy Spirit and Paul intended here.
Read Rom 10:8. The word of faith is near to those who hear the word of faith. No mention of regeneration.Vital salvation is crucial, so we add thoughts here, believing Paul’s intent was primarily practical. Vital salvation is the internal work of grace called regeneration, quickening, or being born again. Man is spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1-3), his heart deceitfully and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9), his tongue and mouth full of curses and lies (Romans 3:13-14), so how can the word of faith be there?
More strawmen from you. Nobody claims that we do it all on our own. It's the power of the word of God that enables us to hear. Again, no regeneration yet.“Preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD” (Proverbs 16:1). “The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them” (Proverbs 20:12). Salvation from sin and condemnation brings with it the ability and desire to know God and Jesus Christ (John 8:47; 17:2-3). If God did not work in us the desire and the ability to please Him, we would not do so (Romans 8:8). It is a corruption of the truth to hear Arminians presume the flesh must please God to become spiritual (John 3:6; Romans 8). They will never finish the sentence of John 1:12-13, for it totally destroys their free-will heresy. Unless a man is born again, which occurs like the wind blows, he cannot see Jesus (John 3:3,8).
I see your desperation now. You are now resorting to throwing verses that you think back up Calvinism against Rom 10:8-17, hoping they overwhelm what Rom 10:8-17 actually does say.Armenians have no clue that this same favorite Bible writer of theirs teaches the priority of regeneration to faith in his first epistle (John 5:24 cp Ist John 5:1; 5:4; 4:7; 3:14; 4:15; 3:7; 2:29).
This doctrine of salvation is planted in the heart and in the mouth by God’s sovereign grace. The New Testament shows grace working from the inside (Isaiah 59:21; John 6:44-45; 2nd Cor 3:3; Philippians 2:12-13; Ist Thessalonians 4:9; Hebrews 8:10-12; 10:16; James 1:21; Ist John 2:27; etc.).
More strawmen. Did I say anything against faith?Faith is the gift of God implanted in our hearts to believe the truth (Galatians 5:22; Romans 8:14-15; 12:3; Acts 18:27; Ist Peter 1:21; 2nd Peter 1:1; James 2:5). True preaching aims for what God sovereignly planted rather than planting something itself.
The essence of Jesus Christ’s free salvation without works of the Law is an inward operation performed by God but identified by outward faith and confession.
That is, the word of faith, which we preach.
Paul always preached about faith – believing the gospel is claim and evidence of true righteousness, not the means to obtain it. He has emphasized throughout the epistle thus far, especially chapters 3 and 4, using Abraham. Go to any of His epistles, especially Galatians or Hebrews, and see the emphasis on faith and belief. They already knew, and He had already stated, that God’s salvation is to believers (Romans 1:16-17) to the rest, it is pure foolishness~1st Corinthians 1:18
No Tom. You are ignoring all the Scriptures which God gave you to show, "BY HIS OWN LAW" how He treated "Everyone" who have turned to Him since long before the Pharisees corrupted His Priesthood. I posted for you to see but seeing you will not see the Law where God Commanded Israel how to treat Gentiles who had turned to Him. I posted them, but you refuse to even acknowledge them. Why would you do such a thing? You are ignoring who Paul said called Gentiles who turned to Him, "without Christ, without Hope and without God in this world". You have adopted the Pharisees religion that God judged men according to the DNA they were born with, even though I showed you God's Own Words which expose this popular religious philosophy as a lie. That before the Christ became a man, God was a respecter of persons. And now you are preaching that Jesus had to come and correct His Unjust Father. To break down the Unjust Laws of God that doomed men as "without God" based on the color of their skin, or the DNA they were born with.
This is why Jesus warns so often about religious men who call Him Lord, Lord, who come in His Name, to "Take HEED of them", and why HE tells His People to "Come out of the many religions these "many" establish.
I asked you to show me one example in the entire bible, showing of "ANYONE" Jew or Non-Jew, that turned to God but was rejected by Him based on the DNA they were born with. But you can't Tom. The reason you can't, is because GOD never created the law of commandments contained in ordinances that Judged men by the color of their skin, or the DNA they were born with. He always Judges by man work. The Pharisees, who had turned God's Word into a religious business, who alone had the Oracles of God but didn't believe them, who Jesus Himself said "Taught for doctrines the commandments of men", who the Prophets told you over and over "Led men astray by preaching a vision of their own mind", the mainstream preachers of that time, "The Circumcision" created this burden and laid it on the necks of men. Not God as you have been deceived into believing.
When was there a Time before Faith? Of course you will not answer? Didn't Abel have FAITH? Noah too? Didn't Abraham have Faith, according to your religion? Didn't Rahab have faith? Was Abraham without Christ? Was Caleb without Christ? Was Rahab without Christ?
Newsflash you just confirm what I statedAll people without Faith are without Christ. Christians who call Jesus Lord, Lord, but "Work iniquity" are without Christ, at least according to the Christ "of the Bible". The Israelites were given the Gospel of Christ, just as we were. But they didn't mix the hearing with Faith. God called them "Children in whom is no faith", and they fell in the wilderness.
When the dead hear in that scripture, the hearing isnt naturalYou deny scripture
John 5:25 (KJV 1900) — 25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear
The very verse you quoted destroys your Regeneration before Belief doctrine when even the the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God.Do you truly want to go here? No problem on our part, but certainly major problem for folks like you who teach and believe in decisional salvation.
John 5:24 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.”
What tenses are “heareth,” “believeth,” “hath,” “shall not come,” and “is passed”? The one hearing and believing (present tense) is already in possession of eternal life. The one hearing and believing (present tense) shall not come into future condemnation. The one hearing and believing (present) has already been passed by the perfect tense. A believer has been passed from death to life, owns eternal life, and will not be damned. This verse by itself is a wonderful lesson in salvation grammar by its variety of tenses. Of course, the verse is read, quoted, and preached as a sound bite for decisional salvation.
25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.
Verily, verily, I say unto you~double verily is used to get the hearer's attention of a forth coming truth that few believe and teach. Verse 25 is God's commentary on verse 24!
The hour is coming, and now is~Note the difference between an hour present and one that was yet to come (28).
When the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God. This resurrection comes in close connection to the gift of eternal life (5:24).
We receive this quickening alone by the life-giving voice of Christ at regeneration. This resurrection comes in close connection to the gift of eternal life (5:24). There is a quickening from death to life to be identified here (Eph 2:1-3). This is the first resurrection to save some from the second death (Rev 20:6). It is the voice of the Son of God here, not the voice of preachers about the Son. If we insert the voice of preachers or soul winners here, we must in 28 also.
And they that hear shall live~The hearing here is limited – it is not all as in the next resurrection of bodies. The hearing here is passive – in that dead cannot hear but come alive anyway.
When Jesus resurrected Lazarus, His call was not an offer or a suggestion. When Jesus raised Lazarus, His call was effectual with power to give life.
In comparison to the next resurrection, all corrupt bodies respond passively. There is no consideration or cooperation by dead souls or by dead bodies! So, regeneration does and must proceed faith.
Will any man have any part in the future resurrection of their bodies? Of course not, and neither does man with his spiritual resurrection from being dead in trepasses and sin to life in Jesus Christ. Once resurrected by the voice of God, then from that point forward, they can believe, repent and be baptized into Jesus Christ's religion.
except the passage doesn't say what you claim, you made that up to support your man made doctrine on dead being a corpse.When the dead hear in that scripture, the hearing isnt natural
Is it natural for a dead person to hear ? Duh next time you go to a funeral or someone's grave to put flowers, talk to them and see if they hear you. When Jesus speaks to the dead and they hear, its His performance of a miracle, duhexcept the passage doesn't say what you claim, you made that up to support your man made doctrine on dead being a corpse.
they hear just fine as Jesus taught with the rich man and lazarus.Is it natural for a dead person to hear ? Duh next time you go to a funeral or someone's grave to put flowers, talk to them and see if they hear you. When Jesus speaks to the dead and they hear, its His performance of a miracle, duh
So then you do agree that the dead can hear Jesus. That destroys any semblance of your Regeneration before Belief doctrine.Is it natural for a dead person to hear ? Duh next time you go to a funeral or someone's grave to put flowers, talk to them and see if they hear you. When Jesus speaks to the dead and they hear, its His performance of a miracle, duh
More nonsenseTom~scriptures truths are not contained in a vacuum~we must ( I'm sure you know this, but you failed to practice this truth) consider all scriptures concerning man's state as he is by nature~born flesh from Adam~which flesh is at enmity against God, and he must first be born of the Spirit of God, before he is no longer at enmity against God, but has a new man within him that has power to hear, see, and understand God's word, but not until then.
Man, according to Jesus Christ, (not me, or any other man) said~cannot see truths contained in and preached by those men who are part of the kingdom of God on the earth, except that man be born again. John 3:1-8.
Thomas seen and then believed, we read and believe, because that's God means of us believing since Jesus left this world~but by nature is is impossible for any to believe without God giving them to power to do so.
He does give it to his elect on the behalf of Jesus being their surety before him. Hear the word of God:
Yes I do but it does not mean what you thinkDo you agree with what Paul is saying here?
I dont think you realize that a dead person hearing is supernaturalthey hear just fine as Jesus taught with the rich man and lazarus.
hope this helps !!!
no its not, they are aware of their torment, pain, suffering etc......I dont think you realize that a dead person hearing is supernatural
Is a dead person hearing natural or supernatural. For instance did the dead lazarus hear Christ by his natural ability or by Christs supernatural miracle working ability ?So then you do agree that the dead can hear Jesus. That destroys any semblance of your Regeneration before Belief doctrine.
I cant help you see that, im going to let that aloneno its not, they are aware of their torment, pain, suffering etc......
Lazarus naturally has a soul just like you and me and Christ naturally has the power to speak directly to anyone's soul. Therefore, I agree with you in that the dead can hear Jesus. That destroys any semblance of your Regeneration before Belief doctrine.Is a dead person hearing natural or supernatural. For instance did the dead lazarus hear Christ by his natural ability or by Christs supernatural miracle working ability ?
OOPSLazarus naturally has a soul just like you and me and Christ naturally has the power to speak directly to anyone's soul. Therefore, I agree with you in that the dead can hear Jesus. That destroys any semblance of your Regeneration before Belief doctrine.
Im going to let that go, since you seem to think physically dead people can hear without a miracle from God lol.Lazarus naturally has a soul just like you and me and Christ naturally has the power to speak directly to anyone's soul. Therefore, I agree with you in that the dead can hear Jesus. That destroys any semblance of your Regeneration before Belief doctrine.
Spiritually dead people may hear and those that hear may liveIm going to let that go, since you seem to think physically dead people can hear without a miracle from God lol.