So "NO"!
in the context that you are using the word, doesn't mean meeting regularly with Calvinists and JW's and Catholics.
Thanks for clearing that up.
But you only gather with those who have adopted the philosophies, traditions and judgments of the religious sect of the Armenian (Baptist) religious sect, yes? And you only abide by and copy and paste from sermons and religious websites that support and promote the religious business of the "Baptist" religion, like "gotquestions", and the "BBS".
You don't promote the philosophies of the religious sect of Calvinism, or JW, nor do you copy and paste from websites that support and promote their religious philosophy. Your adopted religion competes with these other popular religious sects of this world that make up the religious system I spoke about, but you completely ignored.
This is because you have chosen not to adopt Calvinism or JW philosophy, but have chosen instead, their competitor, the religious business/sect of the Baptist religion, and you are here to defend, justify and promote their religious philosophies, in the exact same way that Calvinist are here to defend, justify and promote Calvinism.
But Calvinism, Baptists, Methodist, Catholic, Mormon, Lutheran, and many other competing religious sects which make us this world's religious system, all have one thing in common with the Pharisees and the Sadducees who also competed against each other for contributing members, and that is they all reject the judgments, commandments and statutes of God, so that you can "Live By" your own manmade judgments, high days and doctrines.
This is undeniably true. Jesus specifically warned about "many" deceivers, "who come in His Name", who call Him Lord, Lord, but refuse to "DO" as HE instructs.
The point is, this religious system that you have adopted and are now promoting to others, in competition with the Calvinists, is not a system promoted by God, His Prophets, His Son, or the Apostles HE gave to His Son. This is why Jesus said to "Come out of her".
What I advocate for, is the same thing Jesus and Paul advocated for, Moses and David advocated for, Jeremiah and Isaiah advocated for, and that is to turn away from "the course of this world", the religions of the world God placed men in, and "Yield ourselves" to God and our body as instruments of righteousness unto God and learn to "Live By" Every Word
of God, as Jesus instructed, not live by the philosophies of the religious business of the Baptist, or the Calvinists, or the SDA, or any religious business which make up this world's religious system.
While I know that most of the promoters of this world's religions are snared and have invested so much into their specific religious business that they feel like they can't get out, even though they can maybe see and are sometimes even pricked by the difference in what the scriptures actually say, and the philosophies they promote. (Like Paul was) And it is true that if they were to turn away from the doctrines and judgments and traditions of man you promote, they would receive ridicule and rejection from all the competing religious sects of this world, and family members as well. One can only imagine the cost of repenting, and turning to God, that Paul endured. But Paul said it was worth it.
Someone on this forum may need to hear these things and may desire to have an honest discussion about them. I want to let them know they are not alone.
I and my family were alone in the beginning, but God in His Tender Mercy led us to other men and families who believed all that is written, as Paul and I do. We fast from the world, every Sabbath of God as Jesus instructed, to examine scriptures and how they apply to our inward man. (Temple of God) To share our mistakes and shortcomings and really dig into the Word God created for our admonition, "
for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works"
We have the Teachers God appointed for us, that Jesus instructed to listen to. In this way men grow in the Wisdom and knowledge of God.
Of course, this world's religious system cannot abide this belief, and works to discourage such faith. If everyone became "doers" of the Christ's Sayings, there would be no religious business of the Baptist, Calvinist, JW's, Mormons, Catholic, etc., just as there would be no Pharisees or Sadducees. There would be no religious 501 c3's, no images of God in the likeness of long-haired handsome men. No competing religious sects. No manmade shrines of worship, no more manmade high days to generate massive wealth for the merchants of the earth. There would be Just Men, "Learned of God" to walk in the good works God before ordained that we should "walk in them", living by "Every Word" that proceeds from the mouth of God, not Calvin, or Wesley, or Russell or any of a number of religious men, "other voices" who transformed themselves into apostles of Christ".
This is the earth I hope to inherit.
2 Pet. 3:
13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. 14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that "ye look for such things", be diligent that ye may be "found of him" in peace, without spot, and blameless.
Paul taught the exact same thing.
2 Cor. 5:
9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
I simply advocate that men honor the Jesus, "of the bible", with more than their lips and stop using His Name as a marketing strategy to promote a religious business.