the track record of traditions of men is poor.
israelites ignore prophets, curse themselves, go into captivity...
many accept pagan ptolemy's septuagint 'version' of what God said.. not that those many knew, since they (including the ptolemy selected scribes translating) did not listen to the prophets.
rabble asks for christ's crucifixion, listens to esau pharisees .. same types as ptolemy.
organized christianity under vatican sway anoints augustine as an authority... to this day the councils and views of theology remain Augustinian. thus platonic. no corrections made. or else superficial... reformation fails.
e.g., calvin - utter fail. lots of people agree to books, doctrines, under augustine's traditions.
inquisitions - many murdered based on men's opinions of doctrines = tradition. driven by the fleshmind.
christianity splinters into many sects. produces kjv under supervision of john dee. known sorcerer friend of James.
judging and opinions of men as to what God said and who is christian - continues to this day.
prophets? they are viewed as history or the past. understandings of them are a mess ... nothing changed there. they'd be treated the same today.
many christians believe God's covenant changed after His son arrived. Never understood the prophets. nothing new there.
Protestants still spouting vatican worded theological statements.