Understanding God Plurality as one Person

You are refuted by your own words
Which you cannot grasp nor understand, your IGNORANCE shows....... :LOL:
Allos expresses a numerical difference and denotes another of the same sort"

that is two the same
two of the same? ............
LOL, LOL, LOL, the truth is in your mouth yet without life, meaning you're still dead spiritually in KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING..... :geek:
Your claim of two equal shares of God gives the same results
see, your IGNORANCE SHOWS, did 101G ever say TWO EQUAL SHARES OF GOD. don't let the devil used you. NOW LISTEN UP and LEARN, the Lord Jesus is the EQUAL SHARE of HIMSELF...... got it now?..... not two equal shares of, of, of, God, ONLY ONE..... LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, Oh dear. :sleep:

Which you cannot grasp nor understand, your IGNORANCE shows....... :LOL:

two of the same? ............
LOL, LOL, LOL, the truth is in your mouth yet without life, meaning you're still dead spiritually in KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING..... :geek:

see, your IGNORANCE SHOWS, did 101G ever say TWO EQUAL SHARES OF GOD. don't let the devil used you. NOW LISTEN UP and LEARN, the Lord Jesus is the EQUAL SHARE of HIMSELF...... got it now?..... not two equal shares of, of, of, God, ONLY ONE..... LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, Oh dear. :sleep:

Um yes you did as I have noted multiple times

and also

Allos expresses a numerical difference and denotes another of the same sort"

you cannot erase your words by calling me ignorant
God is one being and our only God. And no other god comes before Him correct? So do not include me in your correction. I'm not 'vatican-trinitarian'.

God has with Him as His core:
His feminine counterpart who is His Spirit,
and Christ His Son . His Spirit and son are
in Him and with Him, and since having
his same nature , are deity. Yet Beings.
Eve, Eve, you put your foot in your own MOUTH, ... "he God, has no counterparts..... hello. LISTEN, Isaiah 45:5 "I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:"

if there is none else, then there is no counterpart. for counterpart means, a person or thing holding a position or performing a function that corresponds to that of another person or thing in another place: now by scripture let's correct this mistake of a counterpart. Hebrews 1:3 "Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;"

here the term "Express" means or is synonyms with Exact, not someone else, or a different person, but the SAME EXACT PERSON. now if 101G is in error please point it out.

thanks in advance.

Eve, Eve, you put your foot in your own MOUTH, ... "he God, has no counterparts..... hello. LISTEN, Isaiah 45:5 "I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:"

if there is none else, then there is no counterpart. for counterpart means, a person or thing holding a position or performing a function that corresponds to that of another person or thing in another place: now by scripture let's correct this mistake of a counterpart. Hebrews 1:3 "Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;"

here the term "Express" means or is synonyms with Exact, not someone else, or a different person, but the SAME EXACT PERSON. now if 101G is in error please point it out.

thanks in advance.

do you even know what a counter part means?
A relationship...

your oneness version leaves an completely encapsulated, impervious,
alone , ugly, and uncaring god , which is not IEUE whatsoever...

Ive already said that the first commandment is true... at least 2x.
so what are you implying?
Which you cannot grasp nor understand, your IGNORANCE shows....... :LOL:

two of the same? ............
LOL, LOL, LOL, the truth is in your mouth yet without life, meaning you're still dead spiritually in KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING..... :geek:

see, your IGNORANCE SHOWS, did 101G ever say TWO EQUAL SHARES OF GOD. don't let the devil used you. NOW LISTEN UP and LEARN, the Lord Jesus is the EQUAL SHARE of HIMSELF...... got it now?..... not two equal shares of, of, of, God, ONLY ONE..... LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, Oh dear. :sleep:

ignorance is our plight since the fall...
so laughing at it is not helpful...
rather, let us get out of Here... plead Him
to bring us, His sons and daughters, Home to eden
The entire purpose of the entire scripture is His Covenant to get us
to return to Eden Paradise. If anything in scripture does not conform
to our Return to Eden, then look for the corruption there...
and if anything claims this earth is where eden was,
false, because we can go Anywhere on this earth,
but Eden is Not anywhere we can go on this earth..
eden is in the other reality

we entered Death, and then this fallen matrix...
far far from Home...
All the sons will be restored to their deity which is His Nature... true,
as a sort which is not God, but like Him, in His Image... and He giving our Being to us...
and all the sons of Him will restore and rule with Christ our Eden land
in the other reality.
You said, "Nope

One cannot be one's own son"
Now, to understand this SUBJECTIVE and CONCRETE of God, scripture. while on EARTH, in a body of Flesh and blood. the Lord Jesus was speaking to a Pharisees, named Nicodemus. and at the same time, Spirit in heaven. John 3:13 "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." UNDERSTAND NOW?

You ERROR badly. you said, "One cannot be one's own son". STOP THINKING FLESHLY. the title "Son" here is not biological. listen and learn, the TERM "Son" also has metaphorically meaning. 101G will use the Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words to give you the TRUE meaning of "Son". listen, primarily signifies the relation of offspring to parent (See John 9:18-John 9:20; Gal 4:30. It is often used metaphorically of prominent moral characteristics (See below). It is used in the NT of (a) male offspring, Gal 4:30; (b) legitimate, as opposed to illegitimate offspring, Heb 12:8; (c) descendants, without reference to sex, Rom 9:27; (d) friends attending a wedding, Matt 9:15; (e) those who enjoy certain privileges, Acts 3:25; (f) those who act in a certain way, whether evil, Matt 23:31, or good, Gal 3:7; (g) those who manifest a certain character, whether evil, Acts 13:10; Eph 2:2, or good, Luke 6:35; Acts 4:36; Rom 8:14; (h) the destiny that corresponds with the character, whether evil, Matt 23:15; John 17:12; 2Thess 2:3, or good, Luke 20:36; (i) the dignity of the relationship with God whereinto men are brought by the Holy Spirit when they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, Rom 8:19; Gal 3:26. ...
Care to try to show those reference do not refer to another when one is called the son of another.

You assumed I understood it in a fleshly manner. That was incorrect. So is used to denote one who is like another

For example we read of the sons of the prophet. They were not the prophets they were sons of
GINOLJC, to all.
Who said the Lord Jesus is "ANOTHER" God beside you? what you need to do is learn what G243 Allos means, as well as H259 ECHAD means, and you want make an IGNORANT statement, "Nope Jesus is not another God but he is the same God/being" LEARN WHAT "ANOTHER" IN GREEK MEANS... OK.
What you highlighted is what trinitarians hold

God is one being

They do not hold Jesus is another God

I told you previously

"Nope Jesus is not another God but he is the same God/being"

Never claimed he was another God

If that is what you believed trinitarians hold then you believed an error
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do you even know what a counter part means?
A relationship...
101G knows what a counterpart means, (smile). but it does not identify what 101G is speaking about concerning the Godhead. but 101G will give you room to explain .... YOUR definition of a counterpart as in a relationship. 101G is willing to hear your understanding.
your oneness version leaves an completely encapsulated, impervious,
alone , ugly, and uncaring god , which is not IEUE whatsoever...
see above.
Ive already said that the first commandment is true... at least 2x.
so what are you implying?
101G is not implying anything, just revealing facts, but as said above let's hear your explanation of the ONE GOD counterpart.

You assumed I understood it in a fleshly manner. That was incorrect. So is used to denote one who is like another

For example we read of the sons of the prophet. They were not the prophets they were sons of
are you kidding? Sons of the prophets was flesh and blood. but the Biblical definition of sons, as in sons of GOD, is metaphorically speaking of prominent moral characteristics or one's character. but since you don't understand. (but at least you avoid the fleshly dead end). now, let's understand what the TITLES "Father" and "Son" means concerning the ONE TRUE GOD. the term Father simply means "CREATOR" and "MAKER" of ALL THINGS. .... who is the "LORD" JESUS, without flesh, without bone, and without blood. listen, the ETERNAL ONE, the Spirit, (the HOLY SPIRIT). notice 101G did not say Jesus the Christ, (smile), but the LORD JESUS who is Spirit. now the title, "Son" the REDEEMER and the SAVIOUR of all that he "CREATED" and "MADE" in the beginning. see, the character or the characteristics is the same ONE PERSON, scripture, Hebrews 1:3 "Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;" the EXPRESS IM AGE OF, OF, OF, HIS, HIS, HIS, Person. express is EXACT.
express image: G5481 χαρακτήρ charakter (cha-rak-teer') n.
1. an engraver (the tool or the person).
2. (by implication) an engraving.
3. (hence) a “character,” the figure stamped.
4. (by extension) an exact copy.
5. (figuratively) a representation.
[from charasso “to sharpen to a point” (akin to G1125 through the idea of scratching)]
KJV: express image
see definition #3 “character” BINGO, this is what the Son is, "the EXPRESS CHARACTER" or the SAME CHARACTER of God HIMSELF in FLESH. this is just too easy.
do you understand now what "Son", or sonship means now?

are you kidding? Sons of the prophets was flesh and blood. but the Biblical definition of sons, as in sons of GOD, is metaphorically speaking of prominent moral characteristics or one's character. but since you don't understand. (but at least you avoid the fleshly dead end). now, let's understand what the TITLES "Father" and "Son" means concerning the ONE TRUE GOD. the term Father simply means "CREATOR" and "MAKER" of ALL THINGS. .... who is the "LORD" JESUS, without flesh, without bone, and without blood. listen, the ETERNAL ONE, the Spirit, (the HOLY SPIRIT). notice 101G did not say Jesus the Christ, (smile), but the LORD JESUS who is Spirit. now the title, "Son" the REDEEMER and the SAVIOUR of all that he "CREATED" and "MADE" in the beginning. see, the character or the characteristics is the same ONE PERSON, scripture, Hebrews 1:3 "Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;" the EXPRESS IM AGE OF, OF, OF, HIS, HIS, HIS, Person. express is EXACT.
express image: G5481 χαρακτήρ charakter (cha-rak-teer') n.
1. an engraver (the tool or the person).
2. (by implication) an engraving.
3. (hence) a “character,” the figure stamped.
4. (by extension) an exact copy.
5. (figuratively) a representation.
[from charasso “to sharpen to a point” (akin to G1125 through the idea of scratching)]
KJV: express image
see definition #3 “character” BINGO, this is what the Son is, "the EXPRESS CHARACTER" or the SAME CHARACTER of God HIMSELF in FLESH. this is just too easy.
do you understand now what "Son", or sonship means now?

Did you fail to understand?

That the sons of the prophet were flesh and blood is irrelevant so were the prophets they were stated to be the sons of

The idea is sameness of nature not that there was a literal begetting
What you highlighted is what trinitarians hold

God is one being
and your mistake just like the trinitarians in which they hold concerning person(s). Yes God is one being, in fact the ONLY "BEING", who is ONE PERSON. and not person(s).
They do not hold Jesus is another God
Oh yes they do.... in IGNORANCE, by person(s).
If that is what you believed trinitarians hold then you believed an error
NEVER DID...... (smile).

LET 101G BE CLEAR AS DAYLIGHT..... God is ONE, and the ONLY "BEING", who is ONLY ..... ONE PERSON ..... SHARED EQUALLY in flesh. now in Glorified flesh and bone.

Did you fail to understand?

That the sons of the prophet were flesh and blood is irrelevant so were the prophets they were stated to be the sons of

The idea is sameness of nature not that there was a literal begetting
ANOTHER ERROR on your part, Listen and Learn... "begetting". scripture, 1 Corinthians 4:15 "For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel."

understand, there is more ways to beget someone or something. now 101G will give you the revelation for your edifying..... on the meaning of begetting, ONE WORD, "POSSESSION" and you still want get it.

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