Time in heaven

Sorry that is the classic definition of fatalism and the dictionary stated so.

The cross was determined after Christ agreed to it. Nothing at all like your actions being determined before you were born

To further demonstrate your confusion, it should be noted God freely created the world. He was not determined to create.

You really have no understanding of these issues
Yes God was free to create or not create. :)
Where does it say Christ had to agree to and then it was fated? LOL That is not how fate works. Your choices have nothing to do with it.

Nope. If God DETERMINED to create it was fate remember?

I don't? LOL Take a good look in the mirror.
First fated is your word not mine

second the scripture you ignored

John 10:17–18 (KJV 1900) — 17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. 18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

Third God created freely. he was not fated to create

Fourth you don't know what you are talking about
First fated is your word not mine

second the scripture you ignored

John 10:17–18 (KJV 1900) — 17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. 18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

Third God created freely. he was not fated to create

Fourth you don't know what you are talking about
Maybe he will address John 10:17-18 with an answer not a question :)

First fated is your word not mine

second the scripture you ignored

John 10:17–18 (KJV 1900) — 17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. 18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

Third God created freely. he was not fated to create

Fourth you don't know what you are talking about
Determinism is fatalism. Your words, not mine.

If so, the cross was Christ's fate and His choice was of no consequence. He would have died on the cross either way.

Did He determine He would create? Then it's fated. God had no choice. Fate forced His hand.

I don't know what I'm talking about? LOL Look at the mess you have created for yourself. Your a mess
Determinism is fatalism. Your words, not mine.

If so, the cross was Christ's fate and His choice was of no consequence. He would have died on the cross either way.

Did He determine He would create? Then it's fated. God had no choice. Fate forced His hand.

I don't know what I'm talking about? LOL Look at the mess you have created for yourself. Your a mess
You continue ignoring the verse

John 10:17–18 (KJV 1900) — 17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. 18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

Then you conflate the idea of God determining to do something with determinism showing you really do not understand what you are talking about.

If anyone desires to see a mess, you are the poster boy for providing it
You continue ignoring the verse

John 10:17–18 (KJV 1900) — 17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. 18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

Then you conflate the idea of God determining to do something with determinism showing you really do not understand what you are talking about.

If anyone desires to see a mess, you are the poster boy for providing it
I didn't ignore the verse. To the verse I say amen. Unfortunately for you if determinism is fatalism then the cross was fate and Christ's choices were irrelevant. Your silly claim is what in question concerning the text.
No such thing from God's perspective. God is omniscient. Your trying hard I will give you that.
Sorry, you beg the question of what it means to be omniscient

Why did God have an expatiation of good grapes?

Isaiah 5:1–2 (NASB 2020) — 1 Let me sing now for my beloved A song of my beloved about His vineyard. My beloved had a vineyard on a fertile hill. 2 He dug it all around, cleared it of stones, And planted it with the choicest vine. And He built a tower in the middle of it, And also carved out a wine vat in it; Then He expected it to produce good grapes, But it produced only worthless ones.
Sorry, you beg the question of what it means to be omniscient

Why did God have an expatiation of good grapes?

Isaiah 5:1–2 (NASB 2020) — 1 Let me sing now for my beloved A song of my beloved about His vineyard. My beloved had a vineyard on a fertile hill. 2 He dug it all around, cleared it of stones, And planted it with the choicest vine. And He built a tower in the middle of it, And also carved out a wine vat in it; Then He expected it to produce good grapes, But it produced only worthless ones.
Omniscience, "the state of knowing all there is to know". Square that with your understanding of Isaiah 5.

I can expect my kids to get all A's and even demand it if them. Yet I know C's are the best they can do.
I didn't ignore the verse. To the verse I say amen. Unfortunately for you if determinism is fatalism then the cross was fate and Christ's choices were irrelevant. Your silly claim is what in question concerning the text.
You did even worse

You claimed Christ had no choice in the matter; denying the verse.

You continue to do so, however Christ was not determined and you are equivocating and misusing the concept of determinism.


Determinism is a philosophical theory that all events, including moral choices, are completely determined by previously existing causes12. It is usually understood to preclude free will because it entails that humans cannot act otherwise than they do1.
You did even worse

You claimed Christ had no choice in the matter; denying the verse.

You continue to do so, however Christ was not determined and you are equivocating and misusing the concept of determinism.


Determinism is a philosophical theory that all events, including moral choices, are completely determined by previously existing causes12. It is usually understood to preclude free will because it entails that humans cannot act otherwise than they do1.
No, you do. Determinism is fatalism remember? The cross was determined so it's fate. Christ is a victim of fate.

He was not determined to go to the cross? It was a spur of the moment thing? LOL Acts 4 says otherwise. Those in Acts 4 also were victims of fate according to you. Judas, Herod had no choice. It was their fate.
You did even worse

You claimed Christ had no choice in the matter; denying the verse.

You continue to do so, however Christ was not determined and you are equivocating and misusing the concept of determinism.


Determinism is a philosophical theory that all events, including moral choices, are completely determined by previously existing causes12. It is usually understood to preclude free will because it entails that humans cannot act otherwise than they do1.
The question was omniscience. Off she goes.

Define omniscience
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