Back to the OP and the topic "new earth". As I mentioned Scripture as is in the Masoretic text tradition presents an accurate record of historical information which can be used to determine that human history is destined to be 7000 years in length - from Creation of the universe until the end of the universe. This "young earth" view takes Scripture literally when it says that the first 7 days were actual 24 hour periods. This is essential in determining the actual first day of the calendar. This is fully explored in my presentations and it would take much too long to fully develop here. But here is a summary. And if it doesn't fully make sense, know that I include all sources and references for anyone to verify.
1. Although Night/Day as the first 24 hour period was created on Day 1, that was not the beginning of the calendar. The calendar is tied to the particular relationships between the earth, sun and moon. The Jewish month begins at the observation of the first visible sliver of the moon after the new moon phase. Although the modern Jewish calendar is no longer based on sighting, the original method was. The moon, sun and stars were created on Day 4 (Wednesday). By the end of that day, they were complete and in their starting positions. As it takes roughly 18 hours after new moon conjunction to see the first visible sliver, this would mean that the very first day of the first month of the first year would have been on Thursday. That was Nisan 1 in the Jewish calendar.
2. In Exodus, God instructs Israel about exactly how the Jewish calendar should be constructed and all 7 Feasts of the Lord that take place yearly. The Passover is always on Nisan 14. As you can see, the very first month had Nisan 1 occur on Thursday. Fourteen days later would have been Passover on a Wednesday (if Passover had been observed). The time cues given in Exodus allow for the calendar of that year to be constructed. It shows that Passover was also on a Wednesday that year. Is there something special about this particular day order?
3. The time cues of the crucifixion and resurrection of Messiah Jesus in the New Testament has been misunderstood for millennia as is evidenced by the church tradition of Good Friday. There are those who correctly understand the laws surrounding the Feasts of the Lord and cultural practices. They even fully accept what Jesus Himself said many multiple times - that He would be in the tomb literally 3 days and 3 nights. This must lead to the fact that Passover was on a Wednesday that particular year. Many people (even scholars) have tried to find a Wednesday that matches all the evidence and try to use the modern Jewish calendar method. But they fail. What no one recognizes is that the modern Jewish calendar is NOT the same as what was in use during Biblical times. That is, until I rediscovered this - and proved it. It's a bold claim and I invite you to watch my presentations for this proof. It's too much to get into here. But by rediscovering the proper calendar method, the actual date of the crucifixion can be known as Wednesday, April 25, 31 AD. Again, a Nisan 1 on a Thursday and Nisan 14, Passover on a Wednesday.
4. Based on these anchor dates (and more which I can't go into right now), the very first day of the calendar can be determined. The death/resurrection of Messiah occurred in the last year of the 4th Day (1000 year Days). It's simple math to determine the beginning of the calendar. The first day of the first month of the first year very likely was on Thursday, April 14, 3970 BC.
This was all based on information within the Masoretic text tradition. It shows that 7000 years has been allotted for human history and we are living in a young earth paradigm.