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There is no evidence that the days of the week have ever been modified. That is, for example, Tuesday has always been Tuesday and never renamed to Friday. That means the Sabbath has always been on the day that is the Sabbath from the beginning of time. This cycle of 7 days (which is not tied to any environmental factor) has been consistent from the start.Combining lunar and solar cycles is problematic. It is one of the reason that you find such a large difference in the celebration of Easter and Passover. Which can be as much as several weeks apart. Over the centuries, we know that months have been added to lunar calendar cycles to correct solar seasons.
@EclipseEventSigns can you give a summary of how you dealt with the complexities of the lunar Hebrew calendar requirement? I'll be honest with you, there are so many uncertainties in the process that I've never even tried to reconcile it to the degree you've undertaken. I have to say that I'm skeptical when someone tries to actually name a "day of the week" relative to our current calendar. The "10" day correction that took place with the Julian Calendar "stumped" me. The US eventually corrected 11 days. This correction makes it impossible to reconcile the 7 day week.
Can you tell me how I'm wrong?
I've considered these facts for years when dealing with Hebrews that insist they actually know the actual calendar day the Sabbath should be worshipped on.
Even though I'm confident this was the case since Creation, during the Exodus, God specifically stated that current month was to be the start of their year. At that point alone, that set the pattern of the particular 7 day cycle which has not been modified. And as I mentioned in the previous post the time cues within the narrative very clearly show the relationship between the Sabbaths mentioned and the set date of Passover (always Nisan 14).
[Exo 12:2 LSB] 2 "This month shall be the beginning of months for you; it is to be the first month of the year to you.
Adding one month (an intercalation) to the Jewish year was according to very specific rules for the calendar. Not just theirs but any calendar which is luni-solar. They used a 19 year cycle (the Metonic cycle) which added a month at the end of the year in a set pattern of every 2 or 3 years. This is actually what was corrupted in the modern method. Something that I have rediscovered and proven both mathematically and with historical evidence. Something which no Jewish or Christian scholars are aware of - that I know of.
The Julian and Gregorian calendars of the West have shifted around in regards to the particular date number within a month.
In regards to Easter and Passover that is a big can of worms. Early on, the Christian church distanced itself further and further from Jewish culture. There was ignorance about the Feasts of the Lord, about how their calendar worked and about cultural practices. The anti-jewish sentiment grew to blame the people as a whole for killing the Messiah. Some Christians knew that Passover should always be on Nisan 14 and that it was specifically tied to the full moon on that date which shifted to a different weekday every year. But that did not allow for the tradition of Good Friday which obviously should always be on a Friday (they were already ignorant that the crucifixion didn't happen on a Friday).
But the Jews themselves lost the accurate keeping of their calendar. After 70 AD, the Sanhedrin could no longer accept witnesses for the sighting of the crescent moon or the ripeness of the winter barley. They were kicked out of Jerusalem. And the temple had been destroyed so they could no longer perform their sacrifice rituals anyway. As the calendar could no longer be based on sighting, they had to make it a purely calculated calendar. And when this was introduced around 350 AD by Hillel II, this set the corruption in stone which has been to this modern day.
The church scholars of that time recognized that the Jews celebrated their Passover too early. They went so far as to decree that anyone who celebrated Passover along with the Jews should be excommunicated. But their method of determining Easter (called Passover by Rome) was in error as well. Instead of recognizing and restoring the proper method, they came up with such a convoluted algorithm to ensure that Christian Passover (Easter) could never be at the same time as the Jewish Passover.
And the modern church even after the supposed Reformation still accepts this situation to this day.