This sounds interesting

Hmmmm...did I deny the relevance of Jerome? I responded to your understanding of what he did as not relevant to the topic. Big difference.
That not the way I read your comments. We may talking "past one another" here. That happens at times.

I can state the same things you advise me on right back at you. You assume you know what I do and do not know. That's pretty arrogant.

Rigid adherence to beliefs is important. That is the "iron" that sharpens "iron". Imagine if we changed as easily as the "wind blows". Many do. I expect you to hold fast to what you believe. I do the same. It often takes time for the truth to change us. I expect nothing less.

Still waiting for some specific examples of gaps shown in the LXX.

You witnessed the differences in the LXX in genealogies. Why do you exclude that from being a "gap"?
When? I've reread all the posts and don't see where specific information was given. I'm interested to know exactly what verses show evidence of this?

When? I've reread all the posts and don't see where specific information was given. I'm interested to know exactly what verses show evidence of this?

You've stated that the MT is your source. I think it is evident that you assign perfection to its production? Correct me if I'm wrong.

If you compare the MT genealogies to the LXX genealogies, there is a gap. I thought that was "understood" here. Some have insisted there is around a 1400 year difference. I wouldn't go so far to be so specific. I would call it a "large gap" between what you're claiming and what the LXX presents. Which is why I believe you're arguing so forceful to ignore the LXX and embrace the MT. You've made a rigid choice in an important source that you feel supports your claims concerning exacting dates.

Much of this I "thought" was understood in our conversation.

Personally, I believe I know enough to know....... It is impossible to be so exacting with such claims.

I read Jeremiah 10:23 many years ago and it made an impact on my life. I once preached a sermon from Jeremiah 10:23 titled "I know that I don't know.....

Jer 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

It is an extraordinarily freeing experience to rightful recognize that we can KNOW that we don't really know something. It frees us from arrogance and self imposed prisons of vanity.
You've stated that the MT is your source. I think it is evident that you assign perfection to its production? Correct me if I'm wrong.
"perfection to its production". Again, such loaded language. Such mocking in implication; or correct me if I'm wrong.
If you compare the MT genealogies to the LXX genealogies, there is a gap. I thought that was "understood" here. Some have insisted there is around a 1400 year difference. I wouldn't go so far to be so specific. I would call it a "large gap" between what you're claiming and what the LXX presents. Which is why I believe you're arguing so forceful to ignore the LXX and embrace the MT. You've made a rigid choice in an important source that you feel supports your claims concerning exacting dates.
This was the original statement many posts ago.
The issue with Genealogies is found in the large gaps between the beginning and Moses, and the gaps between the dispersion of Israel and Nemimiah.

I get it now. You weren't saying you've found evidence within the LXX text of large gaps. You are saying that if you compare between LXX and Masoretic texts that there are differences. That's not a "gap". That means one text is wrong and one text is right. Imprecise language has again caused misunderstanding. I'm actually disappointed that it isn't as I assumed. I was looking forward to researching something new.
"perfection to its production". Again, such loaded language. Such mocking in implication; or correct me if I'm wrong.

Loaded... "How"? You handle the doctrine of your choice as if it is perfect. Why would not witness that fact?

This was the original statement many posts ago.

I get it now. You weren't saying you've found evidence within the LXX text of large gaps. You are saying that if you compare between LXX and Masoretic texts that there are differences. That's not a "gap". That means one text is wrong and one text is right. Imprecise language has again caused misunderstanding. I'm actually disappointed that it isn't as I assumed. I was looking forward to researching something new.

I see it differently. I see the issue is with you not consider all the information. You made a choice that excluded portions of the information available. You can blame me that if you want to. I have rightful pointed out that there is uncertainty involved. We argued details. That is good. Details are what matters.

I'm curious what you seek in publishing information? May ask what is most important to you?
Loaded... "How"? You handle the doctrine of your choice as if it is perfect. Why would not witness that fact?
It would seem you are trying to paint me as a KJVonly viewpoint. Something which I have never even implied or agree with.
I'm curious what you seek in publishing information? May ask what is most important to you?
I don't understand what you mean. "publishing information"?
It would seem you are trying to paint me as a KJVonly viewpoint. Something which I have never even implied or agree with.

If I believed that I would have said it. I have meet many more "Hebrew Onlyists" (my reference) than KJVOists in my life. I resist that position as well.

I don't understand what you mean. "publishing information"?

Write a book. Comment on internet forums. Ever how you seek to teach another. What is most important?

To me, I care about whether I'm considering all the possibilities and if what I'm saying is true to good moral reasoning and the Truth. Not saying you don't feel the same. I don't seek a following. I don't want anyone's money. I don't seek applause. I don't seek approval from men. I wait for my Lord to speak of me. What He will say in that day is what matters. He will speak and all else will fade away.

I believe we all try to find value in being unique. It competes with our need to be more like Christ. If we all would be like Christ, then He would be the only one recognized in everything.
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If I believed that I would have said it. I have meet many more "Hebrew Onlyists" (my reference) than KJVOists in my life. I resist that position as well.
I call them Hebrew Frootloops. Understanding the actual truth of matters is like walking an ever more narrow tightrope while always glancing backward and testing what you have left behind.
Write a book. Comment on internet forums. Ever how you seek to teach another. What is most important?

To me, I care about whether I'm considering all the possibilities and if what I'm saying is true to good moral reasoning and the Truth. Not saying you don't feel the same. I don't seek a following. I don't want anyone's money. I don't seek applause. I don't seek approval from men. I wait for my Lord to speak of me. What He will say in that day is what matters. He will speak and all else will fade away.

I believe we all try to find value in being unique. It competes with our need to be more like Christ. If we all would be like Christ, then He would be the only one recognized in everything.
I disagree. I don't think people want to be unique at all. They want to find a tribe to fit in with. People who think like they do. Who will agree with them. Then they can all be unique as a group. :)
I call them Hebrew Frootloops. Understanding the actual truth of matters is like walking an ever more narrow tightrope while always glancing backward and testing what you have left behind.

I disagree. I don't think people want to be unique at all. They want to find a tribe to fit in with. People who think like they do. Who will agree with them. Then they can all be unique as a group. :)

I definitely agree that can be true. Probably a mix.
I'm a YEC and I feel it's sad that a generation has gone so far down the road when they consider such a position is a laughable joke. I do believe though the Earth before the Flood of Noah was drastically different environmentally and in other ways we just don't understand. All around the Earth in places you'd never dream of seeing it in digs they find there was vast vegetation everywhere and things grew so big. The life span of man was up to close 1000 years which is to our way of thinking staggering.
I've listened to a series of DVD's from Kent Hodvin but he seems more interested in dragons and dinosaurs.
But worthwhile to give it a listen.
I'm wondering about your claim of large gaps. What are you referring to?
My research into what Hebrew manuscript tradition remained accurate as to dates shows that the Masoretic is the accurate source. The LXX is hopelessly corrupted as to this type of material. For example, the original Daniel translation of LXX was so bad that it was replaced by Theodotian's translation down through today.
Good observation.
I'm 100% YEC.
you... you.. you you yec-er you!


in general I'm a yec-er too...
but i have to note that this idea dates more to James Ussher's calculations of the ages of the men from Adam through Abraham and his descendants.

We can trace back the genealogies from Jesus back to adam which confirms a young earth. That is just one aspect of many that can prove a YEC.

Have you heard of Dr. Nathaniel Jeansen?
He's written a book called- Traced.

Traced: Human DNA's Big Surprise

It's actually worth reading.

He's apparently done extensive research into the DNA work done by people who are curious about their own DNA history.

He's also gotten together with Answers in Genesis, and Ken Ham, and done a 25 video series, which was the precursor to the book.

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