The Old Covenant was ready to vanish away 2000 years ago. Paul, your favorite Apostle of all times, never said that the Old Covenant will never pass away because he is not an Ethnic Cleansing Judaizer like you are.Saul says "ready to vanish away" but he doesn't say WHEN.
Where's your evidence the Hebrew Scriptures have "vanished away"?
Thank you for proving my point that it's also by the Word (and through the conviction of the Holy Spirit, etc.....) that we come to Christ. The bottom line is that the Law is now fulfilled in Christ. There are thousands of gifts that we inherit from Christ when we abide in Christ and justification is one of them when we believe in Christ. Heb 8:13:is saying that in contrast to the New Covenant, that has Christ and that all can partake of, the Old Covenant is vanishing away because it does not have Christ. What does your spirit say about that? Your spirit's silence will be a sign of rebellion against and hatred towards the New Covenant.The ONLY WORD available was the Hebrew Scriptures also known as the Law, Psalms, and the Prophets. It is the same Hebrew Scripture Saul instructed Jewish believers to obey:
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Tim. 3:16–17.
Without the Hebrew Scripture there can be no biblical Christianity under the New Covenant era. There would be no doctrine, no reproof of false doctrine, no correction of false belief of doctrine, and no instruction in righteousness that grows a believer in all good works and in knowledge of the LORD. The very thing by which God the Father is pleased by.
A beautiful portion of scripture! Good to read this a few times a day!'I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord,
beseech you that ye walk worthy
of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
With all lowliness and meekness,
with longsuffering,
forbearing one another in love;
Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit
in the bond of peace.'
(Eph. 4:1-3)
Total dodge of Hebrews 8:13 on your part.
You can stop hiding now.
But you cannot show me any Scripture of the Old Testament and the Law vanishing away.The Old Covenant was ready to vanish away 2000 years ago. Paul, your favorite Apostle of all times, never said that the Old Covenant will never pass away because he is not an Ethnic Cleansing Judaizer like you are.
I don't believe that your interpretation of Hebrews 8:13 makes God a false teacher
For the Jew the New Covenant is found in the pages of the Old Testament and these Scriptures were used to understand the New Covenant. Without the Old Testament knowledge of the things the Holy Spirit was doing would be lost. The Old Testament formed the basis of the New Covenant, and that New Covenant is Jesus Christ.Thank you for proving my point that it's also by the Word (and through the conviction of the Holy Spirit, etc.....) that we come to Christ.
That's true. And the Law fulfilled by Christ meant that Christ died for the children of Israel just as the lamb was slain for the children of Israel under the Law to atone for their sins for one year, so, too, did the Lamb of God die for the children of Israel finally and eternally. This is Christ fulfilling the Law of Moses. I'm glad ytou agree Jesus fulfilled the Law.The bottom line is that the Law is now fulfilled in Christ.
Just as Christ died under the Law to atone for the sins of the children of Israel, Saul says the Law was nailed to Hios cross and that implication is that when He died the Law died in Him also, but just as Christ rose from the dead so did the Law of Moses rise to newness of life for the born-again Jew for it is the Law of Moses that God put in the inward parts of the Jews of both the House of Israel and of Judah.There are thousands of gifts that we inherit from Christ when we abide in Christ and justification is one of them when we believe in Christ.
What do you mean the Old Covenant didn't have Christ??Heb 8:13:is saying that in contrast to the New Covenant, that has Christ and that all can partake of, the Old Covenant is vanishing away because it does not have Christ. What does your spirit say about that? Your spirit's silence will be a sign of rebellion against and hatred towards the New Covenant.
It makes you a false teacher.
And it's not my interpretation. You deny how the words of the Bible are properly defined because your false belief was so easily refuted.
You are preaching that God abolished His Own Laws.
I'm curious but how was the priesthood changed?You are preaching that God abolished His Own Laws. The Holy scriptures teach that the Priesthood changed, not God's definition of sin. You have not proved otherwise, and certainly God's Own definition of His Own New Covenant doesn't say HE abolished His Laws.
I can show you what is written, but I can't make you believe the God who Inspired it to be written.
Paul said that it's the Old Covenant that is becoming obsolete, growing old, and is ready to vanish away. Do you understand the difference between the Old Covenant and the Old Testament?But you cannot show me any Scripture of the Old Testament and the Law vanishing away.
But I can show you of the Old Testament and the Law flourishing for at least thirty years before the destruction of Israel and their Temple. Jews that became born-again remained obedient and observant of the Law of Moses in that time as Scripture reveals.
I'm curious but how was the priesthood changed?
Thank you for explaining why the Old Covenant is becoming obsolete, growing old, and is ready to vanish away. It's being superceded by the New Covenant that has Christ.For the Jew the New Covenant is found in the pages of the Old Testament and these Scriptures were used to understand the New Covenant. Without the Old Testament knowledge of the things the Holy Spirit was doing would be lost. The Old Testament formed the basis of the New Covenant, and that New Covenant is Jesus Christ.
Jesus fulfilled the Law for all people. That we can agree on.That's true. And the Law fulfilled by Christ meant that Christ died for the children of Israel just as the lamb was slain for the children of Israel under the Law to atone for their sins for one year, so, too, did the Lamb of God die for the children of Israel finally and eternally. This is Christ fulfilling the Law of Moses. I'm glad ytou agree Jesus fulfilled the Law.
Tell me exactly where in the NT does it say the Law was resurrected to "newness of life".Just as Christ died under the Law to atone for the sins of the children of Israel, Saul says the Law was nailed to Hios cross and that implication is that when He died the Law died in Him also, but just as Christ rose from the dead so did the Law of Moses rise to newness of life for the born-again Jew for it is the Law of Moses that God put in the inward parts of the Jews of both the House of Israel and of Judah.
The animal sacrificed in the OT was not Christ. If you think that the OT actually had Christ in a form of an animal then you are more of a Judaizer than I previously thought. It's only the New Covenant that we actually have Christ.What do you mean the Old Covenant didn't have Christ??
Christ was the central figure of God in the Old Covenant by which Christ could be sent in order to die under the Law and in keeping with the Law also atone for the sins of the children of Israel finally and forever because He did it in accordance with the Law as says the Scripture.
Just as the animals sacrificed under the Law atoned for the sins of the children of Israel, God sending His Son, made under the Law to atone for those under the Law as the Scripture teaches.
4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,
5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. Gal. 4:4–5.
All the New Covenant is, is only the Mosaic Covenant fulfilled by Jesus Christ.
He died as the Lamb of God to atone for the sins of the children of Israel. You say Jesus fulfilled the Law and I agree. Jesus died for the children of Israel under the Law the same as animals were sacrificed under the Law to atone for the sins of the children of Israel for one year.
But Christ made it count for eternity.
He IS a Jewish Messiah, and He is Israel's King.
It's about time you finally understand the work of Christ "for His people" to save them from their sin.
21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
Mt 1:21.
The Word of God.
Notice the whole "book" is God addressing the Hebrew people. So, take that in context of this truth and understand God has covenant with the Hebrews and NOT with Gentiles.Subject Heading:- The Old Testament: Obsolete and Embarrassing or still valid today?
'God, -
Who at sundry times
and in divers manners
spake in time past
unto the fathers
by the prophets,
Hath in these last days
spoken unto us by His Son,
Whom He hath appointed heir of all things,
by Whom also He made the worlds;'
(Heb 1:1)
Praise God!
Do you understand he's not talking about the Old Testament, and do you understand the word "ready" is tentative???Paul said that it's the Old Covenant that is becoming obsolete, growing old, and is ready to vanish away. Do you understand the difference between the Old Covenant and the Old Testament?
Heb 8:13 talks about the Old Covenant. You're the one who switches the subject to the OT in our conversation and makes a total mess of things.Do you understand he's not talking about the Old Testament, and do you understand the word "ready" is tentative???
In typical fashion, you keep running away from the fact that Apostle Paul (and the entire NT) has included Gentiles in the New Covenant. Your Judaizing spirit can't stand that fact. It's time to give it the boot.He doesn't say WHEN only that it's READY to vanish away but doesn't say WHEN it HAS vanished away.
You're another dishonest person and dishonest with Scripture as well.
Hello @jeremiah1fiveNotice the whole "book" is God addressing the Hebrew people. So, take that in context of this truth and understand God has covenant with the Hebrews and NOT with Gentiles.