The Old Testament: Obsolete and Embarrassing or still valid today?

i did not notice, but then maybe i did not read all your posts

Let me know which one(s) AND i am in full agreement with you that we can BOTH check our posts against the Word to make sure we are both SEEING according to God's Heart and Truth
Wonderul my friend . YES we do need to do this . Lambs look out for lambs and if any of us be in error
we need reminding and correction . YES sir . You are RIGHT my friend .
David put on the spiritual sniffer my friend . I think its far worse than that my friend .
Far worse than even that . THE enemy has come to merge and MERGE HE WILL DO all that are not in the lambs book of life .
Some have the gift of spiritual discernement . I think its time we start asking the basic questions again my friend .
I THINKS we got folks amongst us that wanna beleive in this other go spell lovey stuff covenant junk .
Now since folks dont usually respond to me , you gonna have to be the one that asks the questoins .
Yes david , its on you my friend . You gots to ask that person the RIGHT question .
I am deeply worried you wont like the answer either . ME THINKS this world is ripe and big time ready
for another who has come in his own name my friend . TO UNITE and TO MERGE the decieved to be as one
and BELIEF and beliefs , aka DOCTRINE , IT AINT GONNA MATTER , just find common ground crap and etc is all that will matter to them .
This brother is deeply worried david . very troubled . sorry that i am typing about myself in a kind of third person way .
BUT DARN , this junk has infiltrated everything i am just so darn worn out with seeing it .
You need to ask the question that is begging to be asked . Ask that man What HE beleives
about those who DO NOT BELIEVE JESUS is the CHRIST but somehow follow the torah and etc .
YOU MIGHT WEEP at his answer . You might . but let me leave us with this reminder .
IF any truly heard moses and torah , THEY HAD BELEIVED ON JESUS THE CHRIST of WHOM BOTH THE PROPHETS and TORAH spoke of ....
BUT I JUST BET this wont be the case . YOU ASK , cause folks dont talk to me my friend . I guess i keep it too simple . too much
of my focus must be on THE REAL JESUS THE CHRIST and all THINGS HE and the apostels taught . and folks DONT LIKE That .
John 5:41-43
I do not receive honor from men. But I know you, that you do not have the love of God in you. I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.

This is what the Jewish people and even many so called christians are waiting for = He who comes to save the day, in his own name!

Notice how the LORD states this:

1st - "men love honor from one another"

2nd - respect of persons is a plague in christianity today

3rd - lacking the love of God = Read the 1st Epistle of John

4th - the FATHER's Name is Crucial to KNOW and HE spelled it out in Exodus chapter 3 and in John chapter 1

5th - if you reject the FATHER's Name you are susceptible to being deceived "with another name" and "another gospel"
John 5:41-43
I do not receive honor from men. But I know you, that you do not have the love of God in you. I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.

This is what the Jewish people and even many so called christians are waiting for = He who comes to save the day, in his own name!

Notice how the LORD states this:

1st - "men love honor from one another"

2nd - respect of persons is a plague in christianity today

3rd - lacking the love of God = Read the 1st Epistle of John

4th - the FATHER's Name is Crucial to KNOW and HE spelled it out in Exodus chapter 3 and in John chapter 1

5th - if you reject the FATHER's Name you are susceptible to being deceived "with another name" and "another gospel"
John 5:41-43
I do not receive honor from men. But I know you, that you do not have the love of God in you. I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.

This is what the Jewish people and even many so called christians are waiting for = He who comes to save the day, in his own name!

Notice how the LORD states this:

1st - "men love honor from one another"

2nd - respect of persons is a plague in christianity today

3rd - lacking the love of God = Read the 1st Epistle of John

4th - the FATHER's Name is Crucial to KNOW and HE spelled it out in Exodus chapter 3 and in John chapter 1

5th - if you reject the FATHER's Name you are susceptible to being deceived "with another name" and "another gospel"
SPOT ON RIGHT my friend . and the fear of man is a snare to the soul .
How does one know if they reject the Fathers name .
REJECT JESUS as the CHRIST , ITS ALL OVER my friend . over and done with . NUTTING ELSE gonna save ya .
We cant save ourselves , what a joke to think we can . I KNOW WHO SAVES
You got it JESUS THE CHRIST and all things HE DID teach and later the apostels sure did teach and expound on them too .
MEN sure do love honor one from the other . The first WHORES religoin to make this a common pratice
well , I WOULD be banned if i said the WHORES name so lets just say
WHEN YOU SEE men KISSING rings and calling MEN MOST HOLY ANYTHING , YOU RUN from that hole .
but rest assured this is all over king prosteant realm too .
MEN Love flattering titles and to be seen of men , praised of men , to have the pre emenience .
QUITE FRANKLY it makes me sick . WE are but sinners saved by grace , I SAY GIVE GOD , HIS CHRIST THE GLORY
and let us just be thankful TO HIM .
Lacking love . AGAIN you spot on right . but watch out because most who lack the LOVE OF GOD
will holler LOVE LOVE LOVE all day long , YES DAVID they do . but watch out cause they love
DONT LOVE THE WORDS OF GOD , HIS TRUTH , that love twists and omits HIM , HIS WORDS , HIS TRUTH .
IT honors rainbows and other sins and false paths .
You right they DO NEED TO READ the WHOLE first epistel of john . NOt just the tiny parts their pastors twist to them .
THEY SHOULD have read the WHOLE THING . TO BELIEVE ON JESUS THE CHRIST and to love one another .
And JESUS the CHRIST dont honor sins or other beleifs and religoins , NOW DO HE .
John 5:41-43
I do not receive honor from men. But I know you, that you do not have the love of God in you. I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.

This is what the Jewish people and even many so called christians are waiting for = He who comes to save the day, in his own name!

Notice how the LORD states this:

1st - "men love honor from one another"

2nd - respect of persons is a plague in christianity today

3rd - lacking the love of God = Read the 1st Epistle of John

4th - the FATHER's Name is Crucial to KNOW and HE spelled it out in Exodus chapter 3 and in John chapter 1

5th - if you reject the FATHER's Name you are susceptible to being deceived "with another name" and "another gospel"
I got a real simple question . You gonna see why folks dont like this brother . cause i keeps it real simple .
What is the greatest commandment of all . TO LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD with all your understanding , might etc
and then to love your nieghbor as yourself .
NOW for the question that folks wont like very much .
HOW on earth are we loving GOD above all ,WHEN WE DONT LOVE HIS CHRIST above all , mother father son daughter
but rather we loves humanity and etc first .
above all . Now i challenge anyone to prove my simple statement wrong .
But be ready cause i got a ton of scrips that can prove what i say IS TRUTH .
SPOT ON RIGHT my friend . and the fear of man is a snare to the soul .
How does one know if they reject the Fathers name .
REJECT JESUS as the CHRIST , ITS ALL OVER my friend . over and done with . NUTTING ELSE gonna save ya .
We cant save ourselves , what a joke to think we can . I KNOW WHO SAVES
You got it JESUS THE CHRIST and all things HE DID teach and later the apostels sure did teach and expound on them too .
MEN sure do love honor one from the other . The first WHORES religoin to make this a common pratice
well , I WOULD be banned if i said the WHORES name so lets just say
WHEN YOU SEE men KISSING rings and calling MEN MOST HOLY ANYTHING , YOU RUN from that hole .
but rest assured this is all over king prosteant realm too .
MEN Love flattering titles and to be seen of men , praised of men , to have the pre emenience .
QUITE FRANKLY it makes me sick . WE are but sinners saved by grace , I SAY GIVE GOD , HIS CHRIST THE GLORY
and let us just be thankful TO HIM .
Lacking love . AGAIN you spot on right . but watch out because most who lack the LOVE OF GOD
will holler LOVE LOVE LOVE all day long , YES DAVID they do . but watch out cause they love
DONT LOVE THE WORDS OF GOD , HIS TRUTH , that love twists and omits HIM , HIS WORDS , HIS TRUTH .
IT honors rainbows and other sins and false paths .
You right they DO NEED TO READ the WHOLE first epistel of john . NOt just the tiny parts their pastors twist to them .
THEY SHOULD have read the WHOLE THING . TO BELIEVE ON JESUS THE CHRIST and to love one another .
And JESUS the CHRIST dont honor sins or other beleifs and religoins , NOW DO HE .
John 5:41-43
I do not receive honor from men. But I know you, that you do not have the love of God in you. I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.

This is what the Jewish people and even many so called christians are waiting for = He who comes to save the day, in his own name!

Notice how the LORD states this:

1st - "men love honor from one another"

2nd - respect of persons is a plague in christianity today

3rd - lacking the love of God = Read the 1st Epistle of John

4th - the FATHER's Name is Crucial to KNOW and HE spelled it out in Exodus chapter 3 and in John chapter 1

5th - if you reject the FATHER's Name you are susceptible to being deceived "with another name" and "another gospel"
We can do this all day my dear friend .
Remember when i said What is the greastest commandment . TO LOVE GOD with all your heart etc
Wanna hear what JESUS THE CHRIST told the unbelieving jews who said GOD was their father .
IF YE HAD LOVED GOD you would have LOVED ME , FOR I CAME FORTH OF GOD . OOOPS . that just shut down all judazers
and the false all inclusve dung pile .
NOW for the second part .
what did JESUS say . IF YE LOVED ME you would KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS .
but many seem to love another gospel , one that implies its not necessary to BELIEVE ON JESUS THE CHRIST .
JOHN knew them for what they are , OF ANTI CHRIST .
HE who loveth the world , aka lusts of the flesh , sins , DOES NOT HAVE THE LOVE OF THE FATHER . well that just shut down
those who try and make JESUS Into a ministir of any sin . NOW DIDNT it .
HE who DOES not hear us , aka our gospel , IS NOT OF GOD , said JOHN , BUT JESUS SAID IT FIRST .
But many try and say oh them other relgioins and even unbeliving jews do KNOW GOD . LIE . fat lie .
IF the jews knew GOD and LOVED GOD , if they knew torah and heeded moses and torah , had they beleived moses
You see , some of us really have been loving to read that bible . Been doing it , BY HIS GRACE , for over eighteen years
every day for hours my friend . IT SURE can make a man wise unto salvation through faith in JESUS THE CHRIST .
NOW you see why i have long begged people to get back into the BIBLE FOR THEMSELVES . it will clear out the wacked
out junk men taught .
We can do this all day my dear friend .
Remember when i said What is the greastest commandment . TO LOVE GOD with all your heart etc
Wanna hear what JESUS THE CHRIST told the unbelieving jews who said GOD was their father .
IF YE HAD LOVED GOD you would have LOVED ME , FOR I CAME FORTH OF GOD . OOOPS . that just shut down all judazers
and the false all inclusve dung pile .
NOW for the second part .
what did JESUS say . IF YE LOVED ME you would KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS .
but many seem to love another gospel , one that implies its not necessary to BELIEVE ON JESUS THE CHRIST .
JOHN knew them for what they are , OF ANTI CHRIST .
HE who loveth the world , aka lusts of the flesh , sins , DOES NOT HAVE THE LOVE OF THE FATHER . well that just shut down
those who try and make JESUS Into a ministir of any sin . NOW DIDNT it .
HE who DOES not hear us , aka our gospel , IS NOT OF GOD , said JOHN , BUT JESUS SAID IT FIRST .
But many try and say oh them other relgioins and even unbeliving jews do KNOW GOD . LIE . fat lie .
IF the jews knew GOD and LOVED GOD , if they knew torah and heeded moses and torah , had they beleived moses
You see , some of us really have been loving to read that bible . Been doing it , BY HIS GRACE , for over eighteen years
every day for hours my friend . IT SURE can make a man wise unto salvation through faith in JESUS THE CHRIST .
NOW you see why i have long begged people to get back into the BIBLE FOR THEMSELVES . it will clear out the wacked
out junk men taught .

Gotta go for now!
First, three thousand Jews were born again on their Feast of Harvests (Acts 2) and were the foundation of the Church Jesus Promised to build, and He populated it with Jews. Why not? He was the fulfillment of covenant and prophecies God gave to His people Israel.

Second, Saul is addressing Jewish Christians who were concerned about their standing in the Abraham Covenant now that they were Christ followers. Pay attention to the context. Here it is for the hundredth time for those who can't read or want to inject their own beliefs into the Word of God:

Writing to Jewish Christians Saul says:

23 But before faith came, we [JEWS] were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.
24 Wherefore the law was our [JEWS] schoolmaster to bring us [JEWS] unto Christ, that we [JEWS] might be justified by faith.
25 But after that faith is come, we [JEWS] are no longer under a schoolmaster.
26 For ye [JEWS] are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
27 For as many of you [JEWS] as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 And if ye [JEWS] be Christ’s, then are ye [still JEWS and still] Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Gal. 3:23–29.

Gentiles were never under the Law (schoolmaster), and the part about "children of God through faith"? The children of God who were under the schoolmaster (Law) were the children of Israel.
And knowing Saul was a rabbi and wrote like a rabbi utilizing rabbinical thought into his writing/arguments the way a rabbi debated issues Saul addressed the rabbinical idea - their belief, really - when they prayed to God would utter, "Lord, I thank thee I was not born a Gentile, and a woman, and a slave", but Saul destroys that theology of the religious order by saying, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
Look it up. It's Jewish rabbinical history and part of the religious order culture.

Let me help you:

The prayer is part of a set of daily blessings known as the Birkat HaShachar or "Blessings of the Morning." These blessings express gratitude for various aspects of one's life.

One of these blessings thanks God for not being born a Gentile, a woman, or a slave. This prayer reflects the societal and historical context in which it was written. In ancient and medieval Jewish society, these groups were often considered inferior or marginalized.

However, it's important to note that the prayer has been subject to much debate and criticism in recent centuries. Many scholars and religious leaders have argued that it is discriminatory and offensive. They point out that it perpetuates harmful stereotypes and reinforces a hierarchical view of society.

Today, many Jewish communities have chosen to modify or omit this blessing from their daily prayers. While it remains a part of traditional Jewish liturgy, its meaning and significance are constantly being re-evaluated.

But t the Jewish Christian, Saul's words in Galatian 3 23-29 destroys that theology.

Get a clue.
The Bible never mentions "Jewish Christians" and so it's not biblical whatever you're teaching.
You do realize the three salvation Hebrew covenants are between God, Abram the Hebrew and his seed, a people later to be known as the children of Israel. God made no covenant with non-Hebrew Gentiles. And your passage above quotes Saul writing to Jewish Christians in Thessalonica. Any mention of "Gentiles" would have to be persons of Jew-Gentile mixed heritage just as the Samaritans were the result of Jew-Gentile unions and offspring through rape, intermarriage to survive, concubinage, and slavery. As long as the offspring of Jew-Gentile unions they were still Abraham's seed and would be heirs according to the Promise (of God to Abraham.)
The Mosaic Covenant is between God and the children of Israel, and the New Covenant is between God, the northern ten tribes of the House of Israel and the southern two tribes of the House of Judah. There is no covenant in the Hebrew Scripture between God and non-Hebrew Gentiles. None.
1. Then where are their derivative? If they were so widely used, then there would be proto-Hebrew manuscripts somewhere.
2. Jesus quoted the Greek source of Isaiah 61. There is no "recovery of sight to the blind" in the MT.

Your narrative fails.
The Jews in Jerusalem had the Hebrew Scripture.
Jesus quoted from the Hebrew. But if you want to make things up which is what most here do in order to insert non-Hebrew Gentiles in the Hebrew covenants go ahead.
The Bible never mentions "Jewish Christians" and so it's not biblical whatever you're teaching.
It doesn't have to. The Christ followers that were first called "Christians" at Antioch were Jewish. The rest is not hard to understand especially when one understanding God is working with Israel through covenant and prophecies from Hebrew prophets to the Hebrew people. And God operates through covenant. Such as the Passover meal in the upper room. There were 12 Jewish men at that meal and eleven Jewish men in the upper room to whom the Holy Spirit of Promise (promised to Israel) came and baptized into the Jewish body of Christ. Three thousand Jews at the Jewish Feast of Harvest were born again and saved that morning and Christ added daily to His Church of Jews such as should be saved. Jewish Messiah saving Jewish men and women according to covenant and prophecies. The Church Jesus Promised to build He populated with Jewish men and women because He was obligated as per covenant and prophecies. The Abraham Covenant is between God, Abram the Hebrew, and Abram's seed, a people later to be called children of Jacob/Israel.
The Mosaic Covenant is between God and the children of Israel, and the New Covenant is between God and the Houses of Israel and Judah. They are God's Chosen people ABOVE all people in the earth. Imagine that.
It doesn't have to. The Christ followers that were first called "Christians" at Antioch were Jewish. The rest is not hard to understand especially when one understanding God is working with Israel through covenant and prophecies from Hebrew prophets to the Hebrew people. And God operates through covenant. Such as the Passover meal in the upper room. There were 12 Jewish men at that meal and eleven Jewish men in the upper room to whom the Holy Spirit of Promise (promised to Israel) came and baptized into the Jewish body of Christ. Three thousand Jews at the Jewish Feast of Harvest were born again and saved that morning and Christ added daily to His Church of Jews such as should be saved. Jewish Messiah saving Jewish men and women according to covenant and prophecies. The Church Jesus Promised to build He populated with Jewish men and women because He was obligated as per covenant and prophecies. The Abraham Covenant is between God, Abram the Hebrew, and Abram's seed, a people later to be called children of Jacob/Israel.
The Mosaic Covenant is between God and the children of Israel, and the New Covenant is between God and the Houses of Israel and Judah. They are God's Chosen people ABOVE all people in the earth. Imagine that.
They were not Jewish according to the Bible if they were Christian. In your mind they may be Jewish. But not in the language of the Bible. They may have been Jews before they got born again or they may have been Gentiles. Once saved God refers to them as Christians. Not Jews. Not Gentiles. And not Jewish Christians. And the spirit was not poured out in the upper room since 3 thousand men could not fit in the sleeping area for men. They were in the Temple.
The Jews in Jerusalem had the Hebrew Scripture.
Jesus quoted from the Hebrew. But if you want to make things up which is what most here do in order to insert non-Hebrew Gentiles in the Hebrew covenants go ahead.
I see claims from you without evidence. Luke recorded what Jesus said. Jesus referenced "recovery of sight to the blind". Since you know late Hebrew so well..... Try back dating "recovery of sight to the blind" into any surviving Hebrew text of Isaiah. Go for it. You made the claim. I didn't
They were not Jewish according to the Bible if they were Christian.
Three thousand Jews were born again as recorded in Acts by Luke and they were ALL Jewish Christian or Christ-followers. Jesus Christ was Promised to the Hebrew people in order to save the Hebrew people, hence His Name "Jesus" for He shall save His people from their sin (Matt. 1:21.) Jesus didn't die to atone for non-Hebrew Gentiles. He came to atone for the sins of the children of Israel and only they are recipients of eternal life.
The animal sacrifice under the Law was to atone for the sins of the children of Israel as commanded by the Law and this was done yearly until God would send forth His Son under the Law made of a woman to redeem those under the Law and this identifies the children of Israel.
The high priest never left Israel and go to the Gentile people that surround them and offer sacrifices for them or pray for them. The high priest was commanded by God in the Law to offer animal sacrifices to atone for the sins of the children of Israel. And since Scripture cannot be broken and Jesus came to fulfill the Law, then this fulfilling included to die as substitute in place of the animal so that by His very own blood would be shed for the sins of the children of Israel and only them as they were the people under the Law and God's chosen people ABOVE all the people in the earth. Jesus fulfilled the Law and died for the sins of the children of Israel in same fashion as the animals were sacrificed for the sins of the children of Israel except His sacrifice was once and for all the children of Israel as saith the Law.

4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,
5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. Gal. 4:4–5.

And those that were under the Law were the children of Abraham.
In your mind they may be Jewish. But not in the language of the Bible. They may have been Jews before they got born again or they may have been Gentiles.
Again, Jesus died for the sins of the children of Israel as saith the Law. If you want to believe in lies that state Jesus died for the whole world then you teach universalism which isn't true. For if Jesus died for the whole world, then why aren't the whole world saved? Was there something wrong with His sacrifice?
Once saved God refers to them as Christians. Not Jews. Not Gentiles. And not Jewish Christians.
Those that awaited Messiah were Christian. Moses was Christian. David was Christian. Every Hebrew who awaited the coming of their Messiah and Deliverer were Christian but that's the Greek name. The Hebrew name is Messias. And the children of Israel all awaited His coming and thus were Christ/Messiah followers.
And the spirit was not poured out in the upper room since 3 thousand men could not fit in the sleeping area for men. They were in the Temple.
Can't you read?

5 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.
6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.
7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans?
8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?
9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia,
10 Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes,
11 Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.
12 And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this?
13 Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine.
Acts 2:5–13.

Matching the languages that were represented that morning shows us from where these Jews living in Gentile lands came from.


And these same Jews that were born again - three thousand - went back to their homes in Gentile lands taking with them an outline of Peter's sermon, their experiences with the Holy Spirit of Promise:

....and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
39 For the promise is unto you, [Jews] and to your children, and to all [Jews] that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. Acts 2:38–39.

The Holy Spirit was NEVER Promised to Gentiles. Scripture cannot be broken. Thus, the Holy Spirit of Promise PROMISED to the children of Israel in many places in Scripture - especially Jeremiah 31:31-34, was a Promise made to God's covenant people - NOT to Gentiles. So, if Scripture cannot be broken, then the only people who were marked to receive the Holy Spirit would be those to whom He was Promised that that identifies the children of Israel - Jews.

But if you want to violate Scripture, if you want to break Scripture, then continue to believe in something not true and that thing that is not true is the teaching that non-Hebrew Gentiles were promised the Holy Spirit of Promise. Go ahead and post your evidence, post your Scripture that says the Holy Spirit was promised to Gentiles.

Psst...there are no such Scripture. So, where does that teaching come from if it cannot be found in Scripture?

I see claims from you without evidence. Luke recorded what Jesus said. Jesus referenced "recovery of sight to the blind". Since you know late Hebrew so well..... Try back dating "recovery of sight to the blind" into any surviving Hebrew text of Isaiah. Go for it. You made the claim. I didn't
What I do know is that God's Word is eternal just as His Promises are eternal. The Scripture of the Old Testament is NOT obsolete or abolished. The Abrahamic Covenant is everlasting (Gen. 17:7.

7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. Gen. 17:7.

8 He hath remembered his covenant for ever,
The word which he commanded to a thousand generations.
9 Which covenant he made with Abraham,
And his oath unto Isaac;
10 And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law,
And to Israel for an everlasting covenant:
Ps 105:8–10.

Not one jot or tittle shall pass away FROM THE LAW until all has been fulfilled. And not all has been fulfilled. It's called eschatology. Last things. And last things have not happened yet.

So, there you have it. God's Word, His covenants, His Law is eternal never to end.

What I do know is that God's Word is eternal just as His Promises are eternal. The Scripture of the Old Testament is NOT obsolete or abolished. The Abrahamic Covenant is everlasting (Gen. 17:7.

7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. Gen. 17:7.

8 He hath remembered his covenant for ever,
The word which he commanded to a thousand generations.
9 Which covenant he made with Abraham,
And his oath unto Isaac;
10 And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law,
And to Israel for an everlasting covenant:
Ps 105:8–10.

Not one jot or tittle shall pass away FROM THE LAW until all has been fulfilled. And not all has been fulfilled. It's called eschatology. Last things. And last things have not happened yet.

So, there you have it. God's Word, His covenants, His Law is eternal never to end.


So you're not going to actually defend your claim.... I expected no less.

God did preserve the Scriptures in the Greek OT. The Greek OT is exactly what Jesus quoted to those surrounding them.

Just FYI....

Hebrew was a very immature language during the time of Christ. It was immature because of the sins of Israel and how Israel was devastated by the sins of their fathers. Hebrew has matured to a degree since that time. However, don't try to inject what is present now "into the past".

That is nothing more than an evil deception that comes from an evil heart that seeks to promote one group people over another people.

God loves all the children of Adam. I know you don't mind casting certain people away from God. I'm so glad that you're not God.
Three thousand Jews were born again as recorded in Acts by Luke and they were ALL Jewish Christian or Christ-followers.
You don't believe Luke wrote anything under the inspiration of God. Quit lying.

Rom_2:25 For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.

Act 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.
Act 7:52 Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers:
Act 7:53 Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.
False dichotomy ... not an "either/or" choice.

The OT is "fulfilled" in the NT. That means that the OLD has "passed away", but one must still KNOW the old to understand what has been "fulfilled". So the OT is neither "obsolete" nor "valid".
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