I really struggle to take you seriously because you make so many logical errors and then make direct accusations of motive (accusers of brethren).
But I'll try to take you seriously for a second.
I am NOT a Classical Arminian because of any councils NOR do I point to any council.
LABELS are NOT logically proof you are DERIVING authority from previous traditions, but rather QUICK AND HANDY ways to COMMUNICATE the essentials of what you believe.
So most of your objections are non sequiturs or accusing the motives of the heart ("You did this for evil reasons, I know you did!!!!")_
So most of your objections are non sequiturs or accusing the motives of the heart ("You did this for evil reasons, I know you did!!!!")_
I don't want to sound like a snob brother-I really don't-But I would stay away from Westcott and Hort.
2 Fill ye up my joy––that, the same thing, ye esteem, the same love, possessing, joined in soul, the one thing, esteeming,–– 3 Nothing by way of faction, nothing by way of vain–glory,––but, in lowliness of mind, accounting, one another, superior to yourselves,–– 4 Not, to your own things, severally looking, but, to the things of others, severally:–– 5 The same thing, esteem, in yourselves, which also, in Christ Jesus, [ye esteem], –– 6 Who, in form of God, subsisting, not, a thing to be seized, accounted the being equal with God, 7 But, himself, emptied, taking, a servant’s form, coming to be, in men’s likeness; 8 And, in fashion, being found, as a man, humbled himself, becoming obedient as far as death, yea, death upon a cross. 9 Wherefore also, God, uplifted him far on high, and favoured him with the name which is above every name,–– 10 In order that, in the name of Jesus, every knee might bow––of beings in heaven, and on earth, and underground,–– 11 And, every tongue, might openly confess––that Jesus Christ is, Lord, unto the glory of God the Father.Yeah, I get that, but people often don't realize the other readings are right there in the columns under footnotes, just a glance away.
For some, being on the same page is just never enough.
But it's the only translation I know of that differentiates ALL the names of God and attempts to keep the order of the original languages.
Also it is the single most accurate translation overall I've found yet.
You can pick up a free copy with markings and notes here:
The Emphasised Bible - Blue Edition.pdf
I try to be-on one point there may be a heartily agreement-a slap on the back, a "like" and the next-all hell breaks loose.For some, being on the same page is just never enough
I try to be-on one point there may be a heartily agreement-a slap on the back, a "like" and the next-all hell breaks loose.
Thank you for the Utley links. Since you asked for feedback, here is mine. One of my many litmus tests I employ is the topic of infant baptism. I went straight to one of his talks on infant baptism and I was impressed by his recognition of the views on both sides of the argument. I was even impressed that he recognized that the Bible was not written for infants. Unfortunately, he didn't carry that understanding through into his assessment of infant baptism and he let fly with his presuppositions. He sounds very sincere but I would take into account his presuppositions before I believe anything he says.@Rockson-here are my teachers in Christ Jesus. Feeding my inner-man
Free Bible Commentaries and Bible Study Tools
Bible commentaries and Bible study tools by Dr. Bob Utley, Professor of Bible Interpretation. Text, MP3 and video lessons and sermons in 48 languages.www.freebiblecommentary.org
If you want to help-feel free to peruse these links and give me your feedback.
Other than that-I agree with your post.
When you find that person let me know. Your distortions of my thinking know no bounds. Best you let me do my own thinking in future.When someone claims Jesus was fully God on this earth for 33 years and denies He was equal with the Father in His Deity having all the exact attributes then we can know it’s a facade.![]()
When you find that person let me know. Your distortions of my thinking know no bounds. Best you let me do my own thinking in future.![]()
When you find that person let me know. Your distortions of my thinking know no bounds. Best you let me do my own thinking in future.![]()
We'll see.Your words don't add up to your claims. It really is that simple.
He did make the statement in response to my post but you are right, their approval means nothing. They are no-one, just like you and me.To be fair, I think he was talking about me not you.
Not that it matters.
He did make the statement in response to my post but you are right, their approval means nothing. They are no-one, just like you and me.![]()
Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:We'll see.
See you on the Day.
I see myself in the third point.Hey.
I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!
I'm the apple of God's eye!
And I'm the chief among sinners.
I see myself in the third point.
Let me pray about it-since my two edifying sources are false-according to some.Then you need to see yourself in Christ as well!
He has merited the righteousness of the chief of sinners.
Let me pray about it.