I am not saying He is not God. Just that the Father exalted Jesus *bodily* to the highest place anyone embodied
has ever been! He is the fulness of Deity in bodily form! It was something new! "God embodied." Not longer
only as an embodied man.... Now the fulness of Deity inside a body! = God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no,
not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.”
~ Mark 13:32
1. Why This is Important
a. Christian’s should have no issues with the omniscience of Jesus.
b. This topic is not trivial, non-essential, adiaphora. It is fundamental.
c. The person of Jesus is something all true Christians must agree on. It is literally creedal.
d. Why? 1) Only true God can atone for your sins, 2) Only true man could die for you
2. Reviewing What We Know
a. We know God’s attributes, the Godhead, the one person/two natures of Christ.
b. God is eternal, infinite, no “place”, knows all, same, perfect, true, boundless, above all
c. It is the union of these two that people struggle with - what happened, how?
i. Will you live forever or won’t you?
d. Heresies abound in denying the full deity, full manhood, or both at the same time.
e. A popular heresy - kenosis - emptying/laying aside/not using his deity attributes.
f. Phil 2:6-9 - Speaks of what Jesus did making himself of no reputation: how you are seen
g. Since M.A.D is “different” from others, there is a tendency to allow heresies easily. Don’t.
3. 12 Reasons Mark 13:32 does not undermine the deity of Christ
a. 1) It is not alone - Jesus knows all things = John 1:47-48, 2:24-25,16:30,18:4,21:17, 1Jn
3:20, Col 2:3, Heb 1:8-12, 13:8, Rev 2:23 - “take all scripture”
b. 2) Jesus is both God and man at the same time - hypostatic union - Col 2:9, 1Ti 3:16, Jn
1:14, (man) 1 Tim 2:5, Heb 2:14, Mt 1:23-25, Rev 19:12
c. 3) Jesus operated from both natures - he grew up, slept, thirsted, died, also walked on
water, calmed water, raised the dead by his own power. John 2:19, 8:23, 8:58, 10:18
d. 4) His deity expressed in the same context - Mark 13:31 (Isa 40:8)
e. 5) He speaks in the third person - “neither the Son”, not “nor I”
f. 6) Does he know or not? “ye” not “we” - Mk 13:33, Mt 24:44, the Son sees - Jn 6:46
g. 7) The secret things belong unto the Lord - Jesus is revealing things - Deu 29:29, Mk 13
h. 8) It puts the Son above man and from heaven - man, angels, Son, Father. Jn 1:18, 3:13
i. 9) Son and Father, not “neither the Son, but God” - These are persons in the Godhead.
i. Responsibilities (works) in the Godhead - John 15:26,16:13, Acts 1:7, Gal 4:2
j. 10) Some things Jesus was not authorized to give/know - Mk 10:40, Mt 28:18, Jn 17:8
i. Who knows when Tom Brady will retire? Neither Kraft nor Belichek nor Gisele.
k. 11) Does the Holy Spirit know? There is a third person in the Godhead who is omniscient.
i. The persons of the Godhead share the same nature - attributes. 1 Cor 2:12
l. 12) He knows that the Father knows - how? John 5:17-31, 10:30, 1 John 5:7
m. Jesus was a man that learned things, but as God he also knew all things.
n. Would God/Jesus be God if he did not know the future? No. Did Jesus know? Yes, as God
o. Any limitation/dependence/humility was in his human nature, but did not affect his deity.
Chalcedon Creed
Following the holy fathers, therefore, we all with one accord teach the profession
of faith in the one identical Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. We declare that He is
perfect both in His divinity and in His humanity, truly God and truly man,
composed of body and rational soul, that He is consubstantial with the Father in
His Divinity, and consubstantial with us in His humanity, like us in every respect
except for sin. We declare that in His Divinity, He was begotten of the Father
before time, and in His humanity He was begotten in this last age of Mary, the
virgin, the mother of God*, for us and our salvation. We declare that the one
selfsame Christ, only begotten Son and Lord, must be acknowledged in two
natures, without any co-mingling, or change or division or separation, that the
distinction between their natures is in no way removed by their union, but rather,
that the specific character of each nature is preserved, and they are united in one
person and one hypostasis. We declare that He is not split nor divided into two
persons, but that there is one, selfsame, only-begotten Son, God the Word, the
Lord Jesus Christ. This, the prophets have taught about Him from the beginning;
this, Jesus Christ Himself taught us; this, the Creed of the Fathers has handed
down to us. *(Note: Theotokos, also translated "God-bearer".)
Athanasian Creed
But it is also necessary for everlasting salvation that one faithfully believe the
incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, it is the right faith that we believe and confess that our Lord Jesus
Christ, the Son of God, is at the same time both God and man. He is God,
begotten from the substance of the Father before all ages; and He is man, born
from the substance of His mother in this age: perfect God and perfect man,
composed of a rational soul and human flesh; equal to the Father with respect to
His divinity, less than the Father with respect to His humanity. Although He is God
and man, He is not two, but one Christ: one, however, not by the conversion of
the divinity into flesh but by the assumption of the humanity into God; one
altogether, not by confusion of substance, but by unity of person.
For as the rational soul and flesh is one man, so God and man is one Christ, who
suffered for our salvation, descended into hell, rose again on the third day from
the dead, ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the
Father, God, Almighty; from whence He will come to judge the living and the
God bless brother.