The Hypostatic Union- the 2 Natures in Christ

You always miss the point.

Make what you think was the point into the deciding factor.

And, leave the other wondering what it was you erroneously thought he said.....
Was Adam God ? Yes or no

Was Jesus God ? Yes or no

Your answers to those two questions are what you seek. It will reveal the truth or your error.

Hope this helps !!!
Christ was revealed in His glorified state, the one He would assume upon His ascension. He was our High Priest before He was glorified. If He had zero capacity to sin, then he had zero capacity to be tempted.
Excellent! We agree on that.
Just because Christ had the capacity to sin, doesn't mean he had the desire to sin.
I still contend that Christ's transfigured human nature does not have any capacity to sin.
He functioned fully as a man, not a sinful man which is what we are, but as a real man, as God intended man to be. You keep trying to make him to be something that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself denied Himself to be while on Earth.
Are you saying that my declaration that Christ is the Uncreated God Person (Word of God) is me "trying to make him to be something that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself denied Himself to be while on Earth"?
Adam was not God end of discussion :)
And Jesus was but refused to act as God. How could our High Priest have any hope of knowing our weaknesses (experiential knowing) if He assumed His Divine power when encountering any form of testing? God cannot be subjected to testing to evil.

James 1:13
No one experiencing temptation should say, “I am being tempted by God”; for God is not subject to temptation to evil, and he himself tempts no one.

Temptation to evil doesn't register with Deity. It is effectively a non event.
Was Adam God ? Yes or no

Was Jesus God ? Yes or no

Your answers to those two questions are what you seek. It will reveal the truth or your error.

Hope this helps !!!
Your naivety does you no justice.

ps. It is Jesus IS God. Always was, always will be. :)
I think the problem is as soon as you say Jesus is fully man they automatically assume "a man like us". But we are born sinners, cut off from God and have no hope but to sin. This is not how Christ came into the world. First Adam (pre-fall) and Second Adam were alike in their humanity. Jesus had no more advantage than Adam because he had already decided before he came to not take advantage of His Divine qualities in order to do what he had to do here.
Let's be clear that Christ did self-empty himself functionally to a level of a servant, not ontologically to the level of stripping himself of His Divine Personhood. He cannot cease to be the Person He is, the Uncreated Word of God.
Was Adam God ? Yes or no

Was Jesus God ? Yes or no

Your answers to those two questions are what you seek. It will reveal the truth or your error.

Hope this helps !!!

Adam was a man. Never God.

Jesus was God who chose not to manifest Himself in ability and power as God. Something that he had the full right to be.
Jesus chose to only function and manifest Himself as a man in ability by utilizing His Soul, not His Deity to do so.

Now read what the Word of God wants to tell you....
He was not *functioning* as God!

Even though He was God, He refused to *Function* as God.

Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God
[possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God],
did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly
grasped or retained,

Rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
Philippians 2:6-8​
And Jesus was but refused to act as God. How could our High Priest have any hope of knowing our weaknesses (experiential knowing) if He assumed His Divine power when encountering any form of testing? God cannot be subjected to testing to evil.

James 1:13
No one experiencing temptation should say, “I am being tempted by God”; for God is not subject to temptation to evil, and he himself tempts no one.

Temptation to evil doesn't register with Deity. It is effectively a non event.
The Devil targeted his temptation towards Christ's human nature side. Christ's Divine side is not subject to temptation.
Little did the Devil know that Christ's human side was transfigured so the Devil's temptation attempt was useless.
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Are you saying that my declaration that Christ is the Uncreated God Person (Word of God) is me "trying to make him to be something that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself denied Himself to be while on Earth"?
No. You keep trying to make Him function as God when He made the decision not to.
Let's be clear that Christ did self-empty himself functionally to a level of a servant, not ontologically to the level of stripping himself of His Divine Personhood. He cannot cease to be the Person He is, the Uncreated Word of God.
And I am going to be seen as something completely different in the Resurrection but I will still be me.
No. You keep trying to make Him function as God when He made the decision not to.
Not true. I keep saying that Christ did self-empty himself functionally to a level of a servant. But ontologically His Divine Personhood is the Uncreated Word of God. His human nature is transfigured. Ours is not yet.
Not true. I keep saying that Christ did self-empty himself functionally to a level of a servant. But ontologically His Divine Personhood is the Uncreated Word of God. His human nature is transfigured. Ours is not yet.
Was the Transfiguration revelation prophetic? Keep in mind.

John 7:39​

39 He said this in reference to the Spirit that those who came to believe in him were to receive. There was, of course, no Spirit yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.

Jesus wasn't glorified ie, resumed His functionality as God until after the Ascension.
Was the Transfiguration revelation prophetic? Keep in mind.

John 7:39​

39 He said this in reference to the Spirit that those who came to believe in him were to receive. There was, of course, no Spirit yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.

Jesus wasn't glorified ie, resumed His functionality as God until after the Ascension.
That is a very good question. You really got me thinking. I'll give it my best shot hoping I do not fall into any heresy.

I don't think its prophetic. I think the Transfiguration is literally at that moment.
Jesus' Glorification is Jesus resuming his Divine functions and Divine place on His Father's Throne.
That still had not happened at His Transfiguration.
That's because His Cross, Resurrection, and Ascension had still not occurred.

So why does it look prophetic?
I think what's really happening is that the emblazoned Uncreated Light that we see at the Transfiguration is the Holy Spirit radiating from within Christ.
We often forget that it is the Holy Spirit Who was continuously with Christ after His Baptism and throughout Christ's Functionally-Self-Emptying state.
Note that the Transfiguration happened after Jesus' Baptism.
That's very interesting because that opens up the possibility that we ourselves could be emblazoned with the Holy Spirit at our Glorification.

Does Christ's Baptism take anything away from Christ's Incarnation whereby his Divine Nature permeated his human nature?
No, not at all. His human nature was in fact permeated by his Divine Nature. Scripture confirms that.
His Personhood was still the Uncreated God Person (Word of God).
But that was not the end of the story - his Glorification had not occurred yet.
Christ still had to destroy the sin barrier between sinful man (not Christ) and God as our Expiation on the Cross.
Christ still had to cripple Death at his Resurrection.
Christ still had to carry human nature into the very abode of His Father at His Ascension.
Christ still had to resume his Divine functions and Divine place at His Father's Right Hand, thus resuming his Glorification.

Anyways, that's my best shot. Please do tell me if you noticed any heresies along the way.
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And I am going to be seen as something completely different in the Resurrection but I will still be me.

Was the Transfiguration revelation prophetic? Keep in mind.

John 7:39​

39 He said this in reference to the Spirit that those who came to believe in him were to receive. There was, of course, no Spirit yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.

Jesus wasn't glorified ie, resumed His functionality as God until after the Ascension.
Jesus may have shone in glory, but that is not the same thing as being glorified by the Father. Glorified by the Father making His Son to be fully functioning as God in a body over all creation. Which He will continue doing until He has made all His enemies into His footstool.
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