Was the Transfiguration revelation prophetic? Keep in mind.
John 7:39
39 He said this in reference to the Spirit that those who came to believe in him were to receive. There was, of course, no Spirit yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.
Jesus wasn't glorified ie, resumed His functionality as God until after the Ascension.
That is a very good question. You really got me thinking.
I'll give it my best shot hoping I do not fall into any heresy.
I don't think its prophetic. I think the Transfiguration is literally at that moment.
Jesus' Glorification is Jesus resuming his Divine functions and Divine place on His Father's Throne.
That still had not happened at His Transfiguration.
That's because His Cross, Resurrection, and Ascension had still not occurred.
So why does it look prophetic?
I think what's really happening is that the emblazoned Uncreated Light that we see at the Transfiguration is the Holy Spirit radiating from within Christ.
We often forget that it is the Holy Spirit Who was continuously with Christ after His Baptism and throughout Christ's Functionally-Self-Emptying state.
Note that the Transfiguration happened
after Jesus' Baptism.
That's very interesting because that opens up the possibility that we ourselves could be emblazoned with the Holy Spirit at our Glorification.
Does Christ's Baptism take anything away from Christ's Incarnation whereby his Divine Nature permeated his human nature?
No, not at all. His human nature was in fact permeated by his Divine Nature. Scripture confirms that.
His Personhood was still the Uncreated God Person (Word of God).
But that was not the end of the story - his Glorification had not occurred yet.
Christ still had to destroy the sin barrier between sinful man (not Christ) and God as our Expiation on the Cross.
Christ still had to cripple Death at his Resurrection.
Christ still had to carry human nature into the very abode of His Father at His Ascension.
Christ still had to resume his Divine functions and Divine place at His Father's Right Hand, thus resuming his Glorification.
Anyways, that's my best shot. Please do tell me if you noticed any heresies along the way.