The false claims of a "loving Calvinist"

More slander. Christ and His Church are One ! The Father Loves the Church as He Loved its Head John 17:23

23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.
1 Cor 12:12
12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.
Eph 5:30-32
30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.

31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
One in Unity does not preclude uniqueness in each.

Again. You are so immature in faith, your shouldn't even have an opinion. It is like trying to get a toddler change his own diaper.
Let's take Psalms 5:5 for instance. "You hate all evil doers". Does this mean He simply loves them less?
I believe He hates them, however Gods hate isnt like our hate because we are sinners, God hate and rejection of people is Just and right, they are outside of Christ wherein only is His Love found.
Your Calvinist ally doesn't agree with hate with meaning "lives less"

It is the truth and it isn't a personal attack. Did Jesus personally attack the Pharisees when He told them they were whited graves full of dead men's bones?
The word also means:

  1. to hate, pursue with hatred, detest
  2. to be hated, detested
Your Calvinist ally doesn't agree with hate meaning "loves less"

It is the truth and it isn't a personal attack. Did Jesus personally attack the Pharisees when He told them they were whited graves full of dead men's bones?
Your not Jesus. Personal insults are not necessary. Your showing your true colors. Have a nice day.
Neither do I.
You made an argument based upon believing it earlier in this thread. Geesh. Before I waste anymore time...

Did you really not know that the WCF and Synods of Dort were large group confessions?

I've been debating this topic for a very long time. I'm growing tired of the inconsistent Internet Calvinists trying to participate in debate when they have practical working model of what they actually believe.
Your not Jesus. Personal insults are not necessary. Your showing your true colors. Have a nice day.
It wasn't a personal insult. Neither by me nor Jesus. Truth is an absolute defense against such claims

Would Jesus had sinned of he personally insulted someone? You're not making logical sense at all in your responses. Nonem

Just how deep is your thought process?
You made an argument based upon believing it earlier in this thread. Geesh. Before I waste anymore time...

Did you really not know that the WCF and Synods of Dort were large group confessions?

I've been debating this topic for a very long time. I'm growing tired of the inconsistent Internet Calvinists trying to participate in debate when they have practical working model of what they actually believe.
So have I and so far you have only offered the usual childish insults and a know it all attitude. I will debate you on this or any other topic that you wish. Grow up and we may proceed. If not, God bless and have a blessed say.
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