The Creator of all things is YHWH/ God

remember, you are still in denial.
(smile) .... lol, lol, lol, let's see, you cannot answer who laid the foundation of the Earth. nor can you answer, "Who MADE ALL THINGS", per John 1:3 and Isaiah 44:24.

nor can you answer who sits on the throne and who stand before it in Revelation chapter 4 & 5. these are the things that the scriptures speak of when man deny the truth and believe a lie. Judgment Day by the Law. o_O 101G cannot make a horse ... or any other to drink, just bring them to the water. no reply is needed, for this is not an argument, no, just an observation...... :ninja: YIKES!

That's what you are refusing to do with plural pronouns.

Thanks for making that easy for me.

Your Oneness of perversity bites the dust.
LOL, LOL, LOL, talk ia cheap, scripture is true, are your beliefs ... TRUE? if so, who laid the foundation of the earth? truth or Lie... your choice.


"We" and "Our" are plural pronouns.
as one or many. if many you're into polythetic belief. for as in scripture, the "we" and the "US" at Genesis 1:26 is only one person that was to come in flesh. is this not what the Lord Jesus said of plural pronouns, now Fred, do you believe the Lord Jesus? I believe you do. so, if the Lord Jesus said it is only "ONE" person who made man male and female you would believe him right? well he said it, Listen and Learn. Matthew 19:3 "The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?" Matthew 19:4 "And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female," and the "he" here is God, because our brother Mark confirm this. Mark 10:6 "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female." BINGO, God is a HE in the beginning when he made man Male and Female. now argue with God, and not 101G.

as one or many.

As always, which means Jesus isn't the Father.

I didn't have to read any more of your garbage beyond what I have quoted from you above.
It would just be more of trying to untangle your massive amount of nonsense. I am not reading what belongs in the sewer, especially from someone who refuses to understand what a plural pronoun is.
As always, which means Jesus isn't the Father.

I didn't have to read any more of your garbage beyond what I have quoted from you above.
It would just be more of trying to untangle your massive amount of nonsense. I am not reading what belongs in the sewer, especially from someone who refuses to understand what a plural pronoun is.
fine.... :D

As always, which means Jesus isn't the Father.

I didn't have to read any more of your garbage beyond what I have quoted from you above.
It would just be more of trying to untangle your massive amount of nonsense. I am not reading what belongs in the sewer, especially from someone who refuses to understand what a plural pronoun is.
ditto the Son is not the Father just like you are not your father and your son is not you. :)
ditto the Son is not the Father just like you are not your father and your son is not you.
that's biological thinking. the term Father nor Son in the bible speaks of NATURAL NATURES. the term Farther and Sos are not relational either.

now if you say the son is not the Father, and vice versa, who is God own ARM per Isaiah 63:5 and Isaiah chapter 53?

that's biological thinking. the term Father nor Son in the bible speaks of NATURAL NATURES. the term Farther and Sos are not relational either.

now if you say the son is not the Father, and vice versa, who is God own ARM per Isaiah 63:5 and Isaiah chapter 53?

no its Biblical thinking. :)
no its Biblical thinking. :)
ok if you say so, then tell us is the Son biological thinking here? Hebrews 1:1 "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,"Hebrews 1:2 "Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;"Hebrews 1:3 "Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;"

here the EXPRESS IMAGE ....... of, of, of, his Person is “character
G5481 χαρακτήρ charakter (cha-rak-teer') n.
1. an engraver (the tool or the person).
2. (by implication) an engraving.
3. (hence) a “character,” the figure stamped.
4. (by extension) an exact copy.
5. (figuratively) a representation.
[from charasso “to sharpen to a point” (akin to G1125 through the idea of scratching)]
KJV: express image
Compare: G1125, G1504

and to back this up, the term Son, is not biological. 101G is using the Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.

SON: [ 1,,G5207, huios ]
primarily signifies the relation of offspring to parent (See John 9:18-John 9:20; Gal 4:30. It is often used metaphorically of prominent moral characteristics (See below). It is used in the NT of (a) male offspring, Gal 4:30; (b) legitimate, as opposed to illegitimate offspring, Heb 12:8; (c) descendants, without reference to sex, Rom 9:27; (d) friends attending a wedding, Matt 9:15; (e) those who enjoy certain privileges, Acts 3:25; (f) those who act in a certain way, whether evil, Matt 23:31, or good, Gal 3:7; (g) those who manifest a certain character, whether evil, Acts 13:10; Eph 2:2, or good, Luke 6:35; Acts 4:36; Rom 8:14; (h) the destiny that corresponds with the character, whether evil, Matt 23:15; John 17:12; 2Thess 2:3, or good, Luke 20:36; (i) the dignity of the relationship with God whereinto men are brought by the Holy Spirit when they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, Rom 8:19; Gal 3:26. ...

so the term Son is not in reference to biology when it comes to the Lord Jesus. now again, is the "ARM" of God in Isaiah 63:5 the same Person in Isaiah chapter 53? yes or No.

ok if you say so, then tell us is the Son biological thinking here? Hebrews 1:1 "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,"Hebrews 1:2 "Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;"Hebrews 1:3 "Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;"

here the EXPRESS IMAGE ....... of, of, of, his Person is “character
G5481 χαρακτήρ charakter (cha-rak-teer') n.
1. an engraver (the tool or the person).
2. (by implication) an engraving.
3. (hence) a “character,” the figure stamped.
4. (by extension) an exact copy.
5. (figuratively) a representation.
[from charasso “to sharpen to a point” (akin to G1125 through the idea of scratching)]
KJV: express image
Compare: G1125, G1504

and to back this up, the term Son, is not biological. 101G is using the Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.

SON: [ 1,,G5207, huios ]
primarily signifies the relation of offspring to parent (See John 9:18-John 9:20; Gal 4:30. It is often used metaphorically of prominent moral characteristics (See below). It is used in the NT of (a) male offspring, Gal 4:30; (b) legitimate, as opposed to illegitimate offspring, Heb 12:8; (c) descendants, without reference to sex, Rom 9:27; (d) friends attending a wedding, Matt 9:15; (e) those who enjoy certain privileges, Acts 3:25; (f) those who act in a certain way, whether evil, Matt 23:31, or good, Gal 3:7; (g) those who manifest a certain character, whether evil, Acts 13:10; Eph 2:2, or good, Luke 6:35; Acts 4:36; Rom 8:14; (h) the destiny that corresponds with the character, whether evil, Matt 23:15; John 17:12; 2Thess 2:3, or good, Luke 20:36; (i) the dignity of the relationship with God whereinto men are brought by the Holy Spirit when they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, Rom 8:19; Gal 3:26. ...

so the term Son is not in reference to biology when it comes to the Lord Jesus. now again, is the "ARM" of God in Isaiah 63:5 the same Person in Isaiah chapter 53? yes or No.

false dichotomy fallacy. :)
Jesus didn’t pray to Himself.

Do you pray to yourself ?
thanks for asking. 101G talks to himself? don't you? but to answer your question, he prayed to his ORDINAL Self in the ECHAD of Diversity. which you have no clue. we suggest you find out what ECHAD in Ordinal designations means.... (smile). now, this is not for an argument, but for edification


The Creator of all things is YHWH/ God​

'Looking for that blessed hope,
and the glorious appearing
of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
(Tit 2:13)

Praise His Holy Name!

The Creator of all things is YHWH/ God​

'Looking for that blessed hope,
and the glorious appearing
of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
(Tit 2:13)

Praise His Holy Name!
THAT'S HIM, AND HIM ALONE. the Great God, the Lord Jesus our SAVIOUR, and CREATOR.

Dear friends

Please review these 5 scriptural evidences:

1. Jesus recognized that the only God that his audience knew, the God of Israel, had created man and woman. He referred to God as "He" and did not claim for Himself any authorship.
Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female...,(Mathew 19:4)

2. Paul recognized that God created all things through Christ. This is clear in Ephesians 3:9 "...God, who created all things through Jesus Christ"

3. When preaching to the people of Athens, Paul recognizes God as the Creator: God who made the world and all things in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by hands." (Acts 17:24) and Paul does it in his speech long before any mentioning of Jesus. When Paul mentions Jesus, he actually presents him as a man appointed by that Creator (17:31)

4. In writing to Timohty, Paul recognizes God as the creator of all good things (1 Tim 4:3,4), and Paul identifies "God" specifically as Our Father since the very beginning of his epistle, as He does over and over: "Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord." (1:2)

5. Peter refers to God as "faithful Creator". (1 P: 4:17-19) We know Peter is referring to the Father of Jesus and not to Jesus when He says "God", because He defines God like that since the beginning of his epistle. "Blessed be
the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 P 1:3)

Please notice that When the Bible refers to Jesus Christ as Creator, it uses prepositions like "through", because Jesus Christ represents the Word of God, and God used his Word (his Decree, his Wisdom, his Logos) as the
means to create all things.
In the same way Jesus is represented as the "Lamb of God", Jesus is represented as the "Word of God"... but Jesus is neither a literal lamb nor a literal word.

Through Christ, God makes from us a new creation. That's why Paul and other apostles use the physical creation performed through Jesus Christ as a metaphor of the new creation that God performs in our lives spiritually. But as Jews, they knew well that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the Creator.
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