The continued spread of the Arian Heresy (that Jesus is not God) in JW and Unitarian Churches.

Circular Reasoning. You are assuming as true what you are attempting to prove.

Zero proof given.

I already supplied the evidence, but you love running away.
Let me ask you this. Scripture comes right out and says YHWH is God almighty. It also comes right out and says Jesus is the son of God. So, my question is, IF Jesus is God incarnate - violating the 1C, Sh’ma, and Ex 3:15

Which it doesn't.

- why doesn’t Scripture come right out, and say these verses are superseded by the trinity doctrine

The previous passages prove Jesus is YHWH.
I gave proof with passages of the Bible backing it up.
Oh? What verse reads something like The nature of God is a trinity - consisting of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit who are co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal - and if you do not believe this, you cannot be saved but are damned to hell forever?
Yes, He asked them their name.
Tell me you name is a command not a question. Ever see Star Wars, Episode III? Darth Sidious ‘suggested’ General Grievous moved the separatist leaders to Mustafa.

It’s like you are obtuse about language usage, flip what is literal and figurative. In any event, so what if Jesus rhetorically asks a demon a question??? What significance do you assign to this?
Yes. Have you?
Can't say I have. Nevertheless, several years ago I read an outstanding book on spiritual manifestations and visitations written by Seraphim Rose. It is called "Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future". It takes you through Hinduism, Charismatic Revivals, etc... and describes to you the spiritual under-currents of many movements. Just an outstanding book. It was written around 1980 so it's a little dated but the insights it gives are more relevant than ever.
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