Good. Then you can't do everything that Jesus did/does. I agree.
Doesn't matter. You're not recognizing the differences at all. Let me take your examples above and deal with them....
John 14:
12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
I already told you no one was more faithful than the Lord's Christ, in my view. But like Him, there were others who also strived for the Faith of Jesus, and through this faith were able to perform many of the "Works" Jesus Himself performed. Just as Jesus promised in His Words I posted, but you didn't acknowledge.
True, when HE took his eyes off of God. But in the moment, by the Spirit of God, Peter walked on water, just as Jesus said he could do, if he had faith. Was his faith as great as the Lord's Christ, No. And yet God glorified Peter to this day, centuries after Peter was dead and buried, by showing us the Faith that was in him, and also available to us, if we only believe.
But you don't see the righteousness or faith of Peter, you only see his failures. Clearly God saw something different than you do in Peter.
This is why I listen to God, and not all of the "other voices" in the garden God placed me in.
True, when HE considered his own thoughts in his distress. Nevertheless, through the same Faith and Spirit of God that was in Christ, he too, raised a dead person back to life. And God glorified him too, that even today, centuries after he died, his works of Faith, that were many, was preserved by God and written for my admonition, to give me hope in my time of need, and encouragement when I fall. Was HE given a name above that of God's Son Jesus? No! Nevertheless, Elijah was an example of a Faithful man.
But you don't see his righteousness or his faith, you only see his failures. Clearly you and God are not on the same page concerning Elijah. Perhaps you would be better served examining your own self, and not only the failures in others.
Again, Jesus did a great "work" here, by Faith in the Power of His God, and HE raised a dead man from the dead. But look what you see? Not the great, supernatural work Jesus did, by Faith and the power of His Father. Rather, you look for or create if you can't find, an imperfection, and that is what you see.
It seems I have a different spirit in me that isn't so cynical and bitter.
Nothing even close to being like Jesus. Similar? Maybe. Close. No. There are NONE like Him. Even among the faithful. God.
That title offends you relative to loving Jesus Christ. It shouldn't at all.
Again, you create something that isn't there in your opinion, "That Title offends you". I am not offended that the Lord's Christ is better than I, stronger than I, more righteous than I at all. Neither am I offended that HE is the greatest man and most Faithful men ever to exist on earth.
Nevertheless, He gave me instruction and even though you and "many" who "Come in Christ's Name", preach to me that Jesus, like HIS Father, gave men instructions without the capacity to walk in them, I will still press toward the prize of this High calling of God, that was in Christ Jesus, simply because I don't believe you, I believe in the Jesus "of the bible.
As Paul also instructs the Body of Christ.
1 Cor. 9:
24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.
So I will not let you or Civic or Kenneth Copeland or any other "minister of righteousness" discourage me into denying the Christ's instruction by Judging Him as a Master that lays a "Yoke of Bondage" on the necks of men who place their faith in Him.
25 And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.
26 I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:
27 But I keep under my body, "and bring it into subjection": lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
I never said that He pretended be dead. He died in the flesh. Through that experience "God" tasted of death.
I am more interested in what the scripture actually says, here let's read it together.
Heb. 2:
9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, (He was made a mortal man) crowned with glory and honour; (Judged by His Works) that he by the grace of God should taste death "for every man".
He didn't "taste death" for God, HE tasted death for man. You imply that God didn't understand the death of a mortal human. I would not assume to make such a judgment. And certainly, it is foolishness to imply that "God" died.
I disagree with your teaching that "God" tasted death as there is no scripture that says He did. But His Son Jesus, a mortal man, certainly did die, in my understanding.
Jesus didn't almost fail..........Jesus easily TRIUMPHED over death. The weakness of God is great than man. Do you remember those words?
This is easy for you to preach how easy it was for the Jesus "of the bible" to fulfill His mission, in your ivory tower, since you don't believe HE overcame as a man, but was an immortal God. But when a man actually reads what is written about Him, God's truth is brought to light.
Luke 22:
41 And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast, and kneeled down, and prayed,
42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.
43 And there appeared an angel "unto him" from heaven, "strengthening him".
44 And "being in an agony" he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.
Clearly it wasn't "Easy" for Jesus to lay down His Life for me. At least not the Jesus "of the Bible".
Jesus suffered but He didn't once come close to acting contrarily to His Divine nature. You see a weak Jesus. I see a TRIUMPH Jesus. One with more power than any man. God Incarnate.
You seem to insist that you must drag Jesus down to your own sinful level.
I understand how powerful religious traditions are with their image of God created in the Likness of man. And of course, if you are going to create an image of God, make him a long-haired incredibly handsome man with a perfect profile.
You wouldn't want to create an image of God after the following description of the Jesus "of the bible".
Is. 53:
2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, "there is no beauty that we should desire him". 3 He is despised and rejected of men; "a man" of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
It isn't me who teaches that Jesus was a man, it was God Himself. I just believe Him.
You're making mistakes. I have no agenda apart from this. Just a LITTLE LEAVEN.... leavens the entire lump. You might want to apply that fact to yourself and that fact the Impeccable nature of Christ Jesus.
Realize just how pure and powerful Christ is. Till you do, you will always place yourself equal to or above Him in your theology.
I have not exalted myself over the Christ, nor have I said anything that would cause you to make up such things about me. And only a man who strives to be like Jesus, as instructed, can understand the commitment and effort HE gave to finish the Work God gave Him to do. The same Job you said was "Easy" for Jesus.
I will never diminish His effort or sacrifice by insulting Him in that manner, or insulting God for giving Him such great Glory, for simply doing, as you and Civic preach to others, what any God could do.
You no different any man. All men do.
Christ was more than a man. God Incarnate. He deserves the praise. If you can do what Jesus did... .ALL of it... then YOU deserve the praise.
Not flesh shall Glory in the presence of Jesus Christ.
He suffered once. Only three days dead..... Three days and He is alive forever more.
I don't want your praise, or the praise of man that you seek. I seek the Praise of God. It's doesn't praise God, in my view, by claiming His Son overcame sin, not by Faith or effort or commitment to His God, but because He was an immortal God, and cannot sin, and cannot die.
You are free to promote your Jesus that easily overcame this world if you like. I'm sticking to the Jesus "of the bible".