Although Christians are most familiar with the first coming of Christ, it is the second coming that gets the most ink in the Bible. References to the second coming outnumber references to the first by a factor of eight to one. Scholars count 1,845 biblical references to the second coming, including 318 in the New Testament. Christ’s return is emphasized in no less than seventeen Old Testament books and seven out of every ten chapters in the New Testament. The Lord Himself referred to His return twenty-one times. The second coming is second only to faith as the most dominant subject in the New Testament.
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Could you give me just ten places where the Old Testament says that? Or even five places?I do see that the OT refers over and over to
His sons and daughters meeting Christ on the Clouds
I think you can find them just fine.Could you give me just ten places where the Old Testament says that? Or even five places?
don't mean to get into your conversation but both Enoch and Elijah died, Hebrews 11:13 "These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." now go back and see who all these that died ... start at verse 4.
and the two witness are John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus. ...... according to the bible.
Read Hebrews again, or for the first time.There is no record in the Bible of Enoch or Elijah dying.
see death? where? this is why he was MOVED/translated from one place to another. if Enoch did not die at all, then he would be the first fruit with a none dying body and not the Lord Jesus. and there is no record of his body being quicken. ... meaning given a new body. for flesh and blood cannot enter to heaven. and as said, if he was changed then the bible LIED of the Lord Jesus having the FIRST NEW BODY..... listen, 1 Corinthians 15:51 "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed," as said if Enoch was change, then the Lord Jesus is not the First fruit, for... Hebrews 9:27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" and if Enoch has a new body, please post book chapter and verse to this effect.Of Enoch it says, "By faith Enoch was taken up so that he would not see death ..."
Read Hebrews again, or for the first time.
see death? where? this is why he was MOVED/translated from one place to another. if Enoch did not die at all, then he would be the first fruit with a none dying body and not the Lord Jesus. and there is no record of his body being quicken. ... meaning given a new body. for flesh and blood cannot enter to heaven. and as said, if he was changed then the bible LIED of the Lord Jesus having the FIRST NEW BODY..... listen, 1 Corinthians 15:51 "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed," as said if Enoch was change, then the Lord Jesus is not the First fruit, for... Hebrews 9:27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" and if Enoch has a new body, please post book chapter and verse to this effect.
now the order is clear, 1 Corinthians 15:23 "But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming." now if Enoch did not die, those alive will be change, and the oldest man was Methuselah which according to you is now not. so when the Lord returns then Enoch have to be change? because no flesh with blood live that long.
no, LEARN what Words means so one can get the full understanding of what's being said. see Faith without KNOWLEDGE is dead. .... LEARN.Instead of just accepting what the scripture says about Enoch and Elijah, or rather what it doesn't say, i.e. that they died - you are speculating about what "really" happened to them, which can easily lead into error. Again, there is no record that either of them died. You can make guesses all you want, but we can't base our doctrine on guesses.
thank you.
The Link (above) takes you to a book by E.W. Bullinger entitled, 'The Apocalypse'. It is a commentary on the book of Revelation, and one that I have found very informative.
Thank you
In Christ Jesus
Kenny, I see now where you got your information in your opening post - from David Jeremiah. At least he uses the same numbers that you quoted. I'm not surprised. Even David Jeremiah did not tell us who these "scholars" were, who claimed that there are 1845 Biblical references to the 2nd coming. David Jeremiah is a "devoted" Dispensationalist. The people of this doctrine are known to see the 2nd coming in many prophecies from the Old Testament, which almost always refer to the 1st coming.
Dispensationalism has caused so much division and confusion in the church, ever since John Nelson Darby had, in his opinion, recovered the views taught in the early church, and yet the church lost sight of those views until 1830 years later, when he "rediscovered" them. (Biography of John Nelson Darby by Max S. Weremchuk - Page 39, second paragraph.) The truth is that the early church never held the system of views that Darby did. Rather it appears that he made up a lot of his doctrine.
Dispensationalism is a large system of unBiblical doctrines, which should be avoided.
You have to trust me.That is shockingly unbelievable. So according to you there are 1527 (1845-318) Old Testament references to the 2nd Coming. What is your source for saying that, other than the general term "scholars"? Can you name the scholars and the source of them saying that? Could you give me a list of just 20 Old Testament references to the 2nd coming? Or even 10?
Dr David Jeremiah is the best.It's really amazing that David Jeremiah speaks of (and agrees with) scholars who claim there are 1845 Biblical references to the Second Coming of Christ in the Old Testament. Yet he only cites TWO! In fact, one of the two is not even found in the Old Testament - Jude 14-15 And he mistakenly thinks that his 2nd reference, Daniel 7:13-14, refers to the 2nd Coming, but it does not:
"I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, and He came up to the Ancient of Days and was presented before Him. And to Him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom."
Actually, this refers to His ascension INTO heaven after His resurrection - to appear before the Ancient of Days (God, the Father). This is not a reference to His 2nd Coming.
Nor is Jude 14-15 referring to the 2nd Coming. Jude says that Enoch prophesied judgment on ALL. Enoch's son was Methuselah, who died the same year that the flood began. We don't know if he died of natural causes, or if he drowned in the flood. Enoch's prophecy seems to be pointing to the flood, which was a judgment on ALL.
Unfortunately, he can't back up his claims about how many times the 2nd coming is referred to in the Old Testament. I don't see how that makes him "the best". I guess if you think Dispensationalism is "the best", then anyone who follows it, must be the best too. Then you jump on his band wagon, as if he is speaking the gospel truth, but it appears just the opposite. As is always the case, the doctrine of Dispensationalism brings forth bad fruit. If there are 1845 references to the 2nd Coming in the Bible, according to scholars, is asking for a list of 10 or 20 from the Old Testament too much to ask? Apparently someone actually counted them, so they must have a complete list somewhere. If they can't produce that, then why should we or anyone believe them? If they can't produce such a list, they should never have made such a false claim, and nobody should follow them.Dr David Jeremiah is the best.
You have to trust me.