The Importance of Studying Bible Prophecy

Eschatology: What the Bible Says Will Happen in End Times​

Correction: What professional "Theologians" have THEORIZED about what they THINK MIGHT HAPPEN as we progress toward the end of the age. "What the Bible says" in total is: It's gonna get rough. Christian folks in Russia, China, Areas controlled by ISLAM, etc. would have a tough time knowing the difference, since they'r being murdered/tortured anyway, and have been for many years.

BUT HEY!!!! I've got BIBLICAL PROOF - 88 reasons, in fact - that the Rapture WILL HAPPEN in 1988!!!!! I can hardly wait!!!!
False prophets have a tendency to be wrong. The bible on the other hand is the word of God. And we know we can trust it. We also can't let a few bad apples spoil the whole barrel. There are some good end time Teachers, you just need to use discernment. If they sound off key don't listen to them.
Correction: What professional "Theologians" have THEORIZED about what they THINK MIGHT HAPPEN as we progress toward the end of the age. "What the Bible says" in total is: It's gonna get rough. Christian folks in Russia, China, Areas controlled by ISLAM, etc. would have a tough time knowing the difference, since they'r being murdered/tortured anyway, and have been for many years.

BUT HEY!!!! I've got BIBLICAL PROOF - 88 reasons, in fact - that the Rapture WILL HAPPEN in 1988!!!!! I can hardly wait!!!!
I was on a trip to the zoo in 1978 (I must have been about 2.) Some people handed out papers saying the end would come in 10 years. I'm afraid I too missed the rapture. I only had become a Christian a half-dozen years before that rapture.
I studied eschatology from different angles. Now I'm pretty much convinced that we are in the Rev 20:7-10 era, even for the last 100 or so years. At the same time, it seems the deceptive interpretation of Revelation (especially in the dispensationalist view) is being contrived to be fulfilled. I think the goal is to present a false messiah but probably to also show bad consequences at that time. My guess is that their false interpretation of Revelation is being done but God will actually destroy those nations who are deceived against God and Christians, as per Rev 20:7-10. So, essentially, we are still heading toward fulfillment of Rev 20:7-10 and this will be recognized as soon-to-happen when the non-Christians greatly despise Christians.
I also have drawn up a list of events and prophesies that are sorted by categories and the rough sequence these happen. The goal was to show not only that the events as evidence of having been fulfilled but also that the sequence requires a first-century fulfillment.
Beyond the prophecies of events, I still find scripture talking about a future bodily resurrection for us to enjoy the Earth again. That is where my curiosity (on this general topic) lies for now.
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GINOLJC, to all.
101G agree that the Olive that poured into the vessels is the Holy Spirit. "This statement seems to be a continuation of a prophecy God gave the prophet Zechariah to show that God accomplishes things through the power of His Spirit (Zechariah 4:2-10)."
for both John and the Christ was anointed with the Holy Spirit. John from birth and the Lord Jesus at his Baptism.

and 101G also agree with the article statement concerning John the Baptist, "The explanation of the two witnesses that seems to best fit the Scriptures is that they will be two humans who will prophesy in the spirit and the power of Elijah during the Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord."
Christ is the Witness who comes to his Temple. Malachi 3:1 "Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts."

Hello there,

The Church which is the Body of Christ is not the subject of Old Testament prophecy, for it was hid in God since the world began (Eph. 4:9: Col. 1:26): and it's future is clearly foretold in the epistles which contain the revelation of 'The Mystery' (Eph. Phil, Col. 1 & 2 Tim. Tit. and Phile.) . Which is not 'The Mystery of Christ', for that had been the subject of the prophets in the Old Testament, in type and shadow, and revealed to the Apostles and Prophets of the New Testament in God's time, including Paul. It is not the subject of the book of Revelation.

The Mystery, revealed in Ephesians 4, was divinely revealed only to the Apostle Paul Himself, as the Lord's Prisoner. It was therefore not the subject of the book of Revelation either, or of the epistles of Paul written prior to Acts 28, the general epistles, the book of Acts, the gospels, or the Old Testament Scriptures.

The book of Revelation is Hebrew in character and content, and the future of the children of Israel is it's subject.

In Christ Jesus
Hello there,

The Church which is the Body of Christ is not the subject of Old Testament prophecy, for it was hid in God since the world began (Eph. 4:9: Col. 1:26): and it's future is clearly foretold in the epistles which contain the revelation of 'The Mystery' (Eph. Phil, Col. 1 & 2 Tim. Tit. and Phile.) . Which is not 'The Mystery of Christ', for that had been the subject of the prophets in the Old Testament, in type and shadow, and revealed to the Apostles and Prophets of the New Testament in God's time, including Paul. It is not the subject of the book of Revelation.

The Mystery, revealed in Ephesians 4, was divinely revealed only to the Apostle Paul Himself, as the Lord's Prisoner. It was therefore not the subject of the book of Revelation either, or of the epistles of Paul written prior to Acts 28, the general epistles, the book of Acts, the gospels, or the Old Testament Scriptures.

The book of Revelation is Hebrew in character and content, and the future of the children of Israel is it's subject.

In Christ Jesus
GINOLJC, to all.
the OT Prophets spoke of these mysteries by God but did not clearly understand them until the Light shined in our hearts by the Gospel of the two witnesses, the Lord Jesus and John the Baptist. for all the apostles letters or epistles are based on the testimony of the Gospels witness the Lord Jesus the Christ, (God manifested in flesh). for the OT prophets prophesied these things. supportive scripture, 1 Peter 1:10 "Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you:" 1 Peter 1:11 "Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow."

so Christ the Spirit did signify these things beforehand. just as the Lord Jesus clearly stated, Luke 24:44 "And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me."

I think that the book of Revelation is the first place in Scripture we should turn to for the study of God’s plan for the ages. John received these prophecies through a series of vivid visions containing symbolic images and numbers that echo those found in the prophetic books of the Old Testament. John records these visions in the chronological order in which he received them, many of them are pictures of the same events from different perspectives. He does not, however, provide a chronological order in which certain historical events are to occur. I think this is part of what makes the Book of Revelation somewhat difficult to study.

Twice in the book of Revelation we are told that the door to heaven will be opened. It is first opened to receive the church into heaven at the time of the Rapture: “After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, ‘Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this’” Rev.4:1. The door swings open a second time for Christ and His church to proceed from heaven on their militant march back to earth Rev.19:11. The first opening is for the Rapture of the saints; the second is for the return of Christ!

When Jesus arrives on earth the second time, His landing will dramatically herald the purpose of His coming. The moment His feet touch the Mount of Olives, the mountain will split apart, creating a broad passageway from Jerusalem to Jericho. As you can imagine, this will be an unprecedented geological cataclysm.

Let’s look briefly at the Bible’s description of the glory and majesty Christ will display at His second coming. Very few Christians have a biblical understanding of what will take place when Christ establishes His Kingdom, and ushers in the Millennium.

It is certain that Christ will return to establish a literal Messianic Kingdom. The Old Testament promises a kingdom This same promise was reiterated in the New Testament and by Christ Himself. There is never even the slightest indication in the Scriptures that this kingdom will be anything other than a literal kingdom. Christ will return prior to the Millennium to establish His reign.

The Messianic Kingdom is eternal. Dispensationalists have historically labeled the first 1,000 years as the Millennial Kingdom. However, the Eternal State is simply a continuation of the Kingdom of Christ. The Eternal State will be located in the new heavens and new earth, but it will be a part of the same Kingdom ushered in by Christ at the Second Coming. Therefore, it is more accurate to refer to the Messianic Kingdom with its two distinct phases: the millennial phase and the eternal phase.

So after the Second Coming of Christ, the Millennium begins. The end of the Millennium is not the end of the Kingdom. After the final judgment, the Kingdom of Christ will continue on in the Eternal State.

But isn't it the Fests of the Lord which are shadows "of things to come"? It seems they lay out God's Salvation plan perfectly. For Passover, the beginning of Salvation, to Feast of Unleavened bread, signifying a life without sin, to Pentecost, representing the Spirit of God given to those who obey Him, to Trumpets, signifying the Christ's His 2nd coming, To Atonement, signifying the locking up of satan, to Tabernacles, signifying the reign with Christ on earth for a 1000 years, to the Last Great Day, signifying the Last and Great Judgment.

How can a man understand Revelations if they don't know about the Feasts of the Lord?
Hello there,

The Church which is the Body of Christ is not the subject of Old Testament prophecy, for it was hid in God since the world began (Eph. 4:9: Col. 1:26): and it's future is clearly foretold in the epistles which contain the revelation of 'The Mystery' (Eph. Phil, Col. 1 & 2 Tim. Tit. and Phile.) . Which is not 'The Mystery of Christ', for that had been the subject of the prophets in the Old Testament, in type and shadow, and revealed to the Apostles and Prophets of the New Testament in God's time, including Paul. It is not the subject of the book of Revelation.

The Mystery, revealed in Ephesians 4, was divinely revealed only to the Apostle Paul Himself, as the Lord's Prisoner. It was therefore not the subject of the book of Revelation either, or of the epistles of Paul written prior to Acts 28, the general epistles, the book of Acts, the gospels, or the Old Testament Scriptures.

The book of Revelation is Hebrew in character and content, and the future of the children of Israel is it's subject.

In Christ Jesus
yes the purpose of the tribulation is judgment of this world which is anti-god, anti-christ and for the protection of the Jews in Israel whom the evil nations come against her and Christ returns to Triumph over here enemies.
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