Revelation Bible Study Lessons

very few will not be saved from here,
since that is what 'saving is'
to be restored to our paradise home...

many pastors,
and the evil realm entities
will not be allowed to enter paradise
for if they were
a similar thing could happen as what adam did
and He will not allow that ever again...

eve is forgiven
and all the sons and daughters will
be together finally
again in paradise
and jacob and all the OT saints
and early church ones
and disciples, all souls of Him
together again in our Home
which the evil realm
made fall
Although Christians are most familiar with the first coming of Christ, it is the second coming that gets the most ink in the Bible. References to the second coming outnumber references to the first by a factor of eight to one. Scholars count 1,845 biblical references to the second coming, including 318 in the New Testament. Christ’s return is emphasized in no less than seventeen Old Testament books and seven out of every ten chapters in the New Testament. The Lord Himself referred to His return twenty-one times. The second coming is second only to faith as the most dominant subject in the New Testament.

have you considered that there are three coming or two Returns of the Lord Jesus?

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