Requirements to receiving salvation

So I see we are in agreement yet they were considered to be the epitome of Biblical scholarship. Fun eh?
I wouldn't say they were the epitome of Biblical scholarship. They believed they were that epitome, but they had built a wall of human commands around the commands of God, and they taught these human commands as if they were the commands of God, and for this they were condemned as breaking the commands of God.
I did not quote these bits to prove anything as you well know so laughing at my lack of proof is disingenuous at best.

I only quoted them to prove that the idea of our pre-conception existence is a widely held belief and an old belief, not something new:

was my intro to my use of these quotes. Do not misrepresent my words again please as it is the only reason I put people on ignore.
I never said they were new concepts. I said they were foreign to Biblical doctrine.
I never said they were new concepts. I said they were foreign to Biblical doctrine.
I said they seemed to look like new concepts to you by your lack of understanding them but you replied my quotes were proof of nothing when I didn't quote them as proof of anything except that PCE was an old concept and had a common reach into all parts of Christian theology for centuries...
I said they seemed to look like new concepts to you by your lack of understanding them but you replied my quotes were proof of nothing when I didn't quote them as proof of anything except that PCE was an old concept and had a common reach into all parts of Christian theology for centuries...
They are new to me, because I don't study false religions or man-made doctrines. I study the Word of God (the Bible) only, because through understanding the truth I can recognize everything else as not truth.
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