Pauls use of Predestination

Hello? What part was left to chance if it's not all.

Not playing your games. Time to step up

It is not a game to me. I want a clear definition of "chance" that we both can agree upon.

How about

chance = "the occurrence and development of events in the absence of any obvious design"
Why definitions are important......

When it comes to tactics....Calvinist are always seeking to live in "uncertainty". For example.

When you read any writing relative to history, you're reading an record of what happened. NOT.... what DIDN'T happen. Thusly, the Calvinist always asks these types of question when they're struggling. They are actually asking you to take "what is recorded as happened" and provide evidence that it DIDN'T happen. Which is crazy.... right? It really is an absurd equation on their part......

Do the Scriptures record what happen or what didn't happen?

They will never admit that the onus is upon them to establish their claims
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🙄 Yes. My goodness

How hard was this?

1. God didn't dispose the evil in the heart of those few kings that sought to murder Jesus.

Act 4:26 The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord, and against his Christ.

2. Tiberius the Emperor of Rome chance didn't join Herod and Pilate.
How hard was this?

1. God didn't dispose the evil in the heart of those few kings that sought to murder Jesus.

Act 4:26 The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord, and against his Christ.

2. Tiberius the Emperor of Rome chance didn't join Herod and Pilate.
How do you know it was by chance? Maybe it was not part of the plan.

Now your just guessing hoping something sticks
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