Well-known member
Precisely, You are describing the invalid minority view of baptism. As far as receiving grace from God because of obedience to a ritual, that's just plane false doctrine. First you say there is no debate then you say there is a debate because of Satan. How can I trust anything you say when you can't keep your story straight?There is a debate because Satan has his claws sunk so deeply in the souls of "the majority" that they wouldn't recognize truth if it bit them.
Do you realize that the only place in all of Scripture that the idea of "faith alone" or "faith only" appears is in James 2:24 where God says, "You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone." The ONLY PLACE in all of Scripture that "faith alone" appears, and it is NOT by faith alone, but by works also that man is justified.
All of those topics are either covered in Scripture or are immaterial to the concept at large.
Who is permitted to baptize is not addressed at all, so there is no restriction on who can baptize, because it is not the baptizer who matter, but the name/authority in which person is baptized.
The word baptize in itself dictates the method of administration, because the word in the original language means to immerse/immersion. It is not sprinkling, or pouring, or splattering, etc.; immersion is the only method of immersing.
Can infants be baptized is addressed in that a person must first hear the Word and believe it before baptism has any meaning to them. So an infant who cannot understand the Word receives no value from being baptized.
But these ancillary arguments do not invalidate the necessity of baptism. Nor do they remove it from being the point at which sins are removed from a person.
That is not a confirmation of the promise. It is a reminder of the promise.
Baptism does nothing to "help Jesus out", or add to our salvation in any way. Did the widow help God to make more oil by obeying and pouring the oil into all the jars she could gather? Did the Israelites help God destroy the walls of Jericho by marching around them? Did Naaman help God cleanse him by dipping in Jordan seven times? No, none of these people helped God's miraculous, wonderful, overwhelming power change nature. But if they had not obeyed they would not have received God's blessing. The widow would have lost her son. The walls of Jericho would have remained standing. Naaman would have remained a leper. But because of their obedience they received grace from God. And these are just a few of the dozens of examples in the OT Scriptures of how God deals with Man.
The Bible gives an easy, three-word answer for how you receive the grace of God: by trusting Christ. The Bible says in John 1:17, “For the law was given through Moses, but God's unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ”. God's grace is entirely wrapped up in a person: Jesus.
You can’t get it through religion.
You can’t get it through rituals such as baptism.
You can’t get it by following the rules.
You get it through Jesus.
God’s grace is free. You simply need to accept it.