Well-known member
Not really-you are going to have a hard time in any given debate against a CatholicThe Roman Catholic Church is full of “scholars”. Get what I’m saying?
Not really-you are going to have a hard time in any given debate against a CatholicThe Roman Catholic Church is full of “scholars”. Get what I’m saying?
very good to be firmly grounded in Scriptures.Another thing, why do you need eight years of college to read or teach your Bible? It is a first century article written to first century believers. Nobody had a Bible school in the first century. I can teach you the entire Bible on picture charts in 10, one hour lessons. All they are doing is learning commentary and teaching people extra biblical literature along with their slanted view of scripture.
Absolutely not.Most of the scholars that I’ve read from are whack jobs.
None of these translations say that spirits cannot be seen.
And a good ol' scripture cross referencing tool and introduction of any book in the Bible.Anyone that goes around quoting scholars are saying that they don’t read their Bible or understand it properly. All you need is your Bible. And maybe an old dictionary to help you with a couple of words in it.
Excellent site-Not Hardly!
Ahaziah Contradiction
Why Does the Bible Contradict Itself? A Case Study of Ahaziah's Age Assumptions 1. God is. 2. God gave Scripture. 3. Scripture is absolute truth. 4. The King James Version is Scripture. 5. Satan and man are at war against God and truth. 6. God promised to destroy the
No, they are extra biblical commentary. They are 99% in accurate with scripture.Not really-you are going to have a hard time in any given debate against a Catholic
Glad you give them a 99%-much more than me, percentage wise and most of us are using commentaries-selectively, of course.No, they are extra biblical commentary. They are 99% in accurate with scripture.
Not at all.If you think for yourself and your dabbling with the Bible, why do you say “scholars say“? You do realize that is saying that you don’t know what you’re talking about and you let other people do you’re thinking for you correct?
Love this-and you mentioning the Holy Spirit @BelieveNot at all.
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. John 16:13
The holy spirit can guide you to some highly educated scholars. That's how we learn. Then there's people that don't need to learn anything because they think they already know everything. They usually have a spirit of pride and arrogance.
Boast no more so very proudly,
Do not let arrogance come out of your mouth;
For the Lord is a God
1 Samuel 2:3
Correct-a constant yielding to the Holy Spirit-Good stuff. I like the way it started:
Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. Psalm 143:10
Sorry, but in that verse, Jesus says that spirits do not have flesh and bone, not that they cannot be seen. I have given you many examples from Scripture where spirits have been seen.Jesus says it in every one of them...
Read carefully. is a very good site, friends that I have known for almost years~We live within thirty to forty five minutes from each others. The only thing we disagree with that truly matters is ecasthology. We had to separate over doctrine. They teach 70 A.D. theory which I must stand against, other than that, they love and fear God, without question, sincere, godly folks. We separated from each other about 12 years ago over this~more me leaving them, since they would not even consider anything else other than 70 A. D.Good stuff. I like the way it started:
Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. Psalm 143:10
I mean, we have to comment on some things. But the Bible really needs no explanation for people that understand what it’s basically all about. When I teach a Bible study, I have them read the scripture, this way I can’t redefine it for them. I want people to become sola scriptura.Glad you give them a 99%-much more than me, percentage wise and most of us are using commentaries-selectively, of course.
No, the Holy Ghost will guide you directly to the Bible. Not to some man that has a PhD concerning a first century document.Not at all.
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. John 16:13
The holy spirit can guide you to some highly educated scholars. That's how we learn. Then there's people that don't need to learn anything because they think they already know everything. They usually have a spirit of pride and arrogance.
Boast no more so very proudly,
Do not let arrogance come out of your mouth;
For the Lord is a God
1 Samuel 2:3
Try this on for size:
I have no problem with that and commend you.I mean, we have to comment on some things. But the Bible really needs no explanation for people that understand what it’s basically all about. When I teach a Bible study, I have them read the scripture, this way I can’t redefine it for them. I want people to become sola scriptura.
Even that is not scriptural. Jesus gave the body of Christ pastors and teachers, so we need to glean truth from their teaching, if indeed they are truly gifted by God to teach. A true teacher will present not only his opinion, but will present other opinions as well, and then explain and show why the other positions are not Biblical. If a "teacher" is not willing to do that, then he's not really called by God to teach. He just wants to present his own opinion, as if that is the true gospel, without mentioning other opinions, much less showing how the other opinions are not scriptural.I mean, we have to comment on some things. But the Bible really needs no explanation for people that understand what it’s basically all about. When I teach a Bible study, I have them read the scripture, this way I can’t redefine it for them. I want people to become sola scriptura.
God uses men to teach His word all the time. Jesus set the example with his 12 apostles.No, the Holy Ghost will guide you directly to the Bible. Not to some man that has a PhD concerning a first century document.
That's what I'm talking about.Even that is not totally scriptural. Jesus gave the body of Christ pastors and teachers, so we need to glean truth from their teaching, if indeed they are truly gifted by God to teach. A true teacher will present not only his opinion, but will present other opinions as well, and then explain and show why the other positions are not Biblical. If a "teacher" is not willing to do that, then he's not really called by God to teach. He just wants to present his own opinion, as if that is the true gospel, without mentioning other opinions, much less showing how the other opinions are not scriptural.
Just yesterday, I heard Jack Hibbs say more than once that Ezekiel prophesies that the Jewish people would return to their land IN UNBELIEF. So he says that is what happened in 1948. But HE GAVE NO SPECIFIC VERSE TO PROVE HIS POINT. That's not a true teacher. He couldn't even back up what he said.