We have more content readily available to us today than previous generations could have ever dreamed possible. We’re not lacking information, but we’re always in need of greater discernment. And that’s never more important than when it concerns our faith.
As you desire to grow in your faith, you need to be discerning about who you listen to. Whose books will you read for teaching and encouragement? Whose blogs and podcasts will you subscribe to? Whose Bible study material will you use in your small group? Whose preaching will you sit under?
As you desire to grow in your faith, you need to be discerning about who you listen to. Whose books will you read for teaching and encouragement? Whose blogs and podcasts will you subscribe to? Whose Bible study material will you use in your small group? Whose preaching will you sit under?
John’s first point is simple: don’t believe everything you hear. There are people in this world claiming to teach truth—to speak by the power of the Spirit of God—who are actually teaching lies. Actually, there are many. Believe it or not some of them are on online Christian forums,Beloved, do not believe every spirit… for many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1)