Mark 16:16~"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

If the body of Jesus is not omnipresent, how will every eye see him at his return?

Will the 6' Jesus circle the earth millions of times above ground slowly or will everyone instantly see him because he is bodily omnipresent?
Paul knows that Jesus has a celestial body post resurrection(Acts 9, 1 Cor 15).

The question is, how big is that body in heaven.

Paul described it as omnipresent light in Acts 9 and celestial in 1 Cor 15.

Christendom denies it.
You stressed Jesus had a physical body, but since it is omnipresent and celestial (which I do not deny in the slightest) it almost certainly is not physical. Christendom, at least my tiny, insignificant part of it, does not deny His Heavenly body is omnipresent or celestial, I just don't think that it is still physical.
Let's start here:

Little children know David killed Goliath. But most Bible versions say Elhanan killed Goliath. What does your Bible say? Which Bible has it right?​

The NIV says Elhanan killed Goliath.​

The NASV says Elhanan killed Goliath.​

The ESV says Elhanan killed Goliath.​

Try other versions – Elhanan killed Goliath. Even try the Masoretic Hebrew text – Elhanan again. But they are wrong, for we know David killed Goliath, and Elhanan killed Goliath’s brother Lahmi (I Sam 17:50-51; I Chr 20:5).

Why do modern Bibles have such an obvious error? Translators love money more than God, so they copy each other’s errors to protect their jobs and keep new versions coming every year.

This verse was correctly translated 400 years ago in the King James Version, but today’s translators would have to get a real job, if they endorsed the KJV.

Here is the King James Version:​

The Lord blinded modern translators to expose their ignorance (I Cor 1:19-20; 3:19-20). And He providentially guided the KJV translators to give us this verse correctly, without errors or confusion. The KJV is consistent: David killed Goliath, and Elhanan killed Goliath’s brother Lahmi.

Peter said Scripture is “more sure” than God’s voice from heaven (II Pet 1:16-21), and this more sure Word of God is the King James Version. The versions with Elhanan killing Goliath in II Sam 21:19 are surely wrong!

Jesus said, “Scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35). If your Bible was broken by this simple question about David and Goliath, you need to get rid of it, for the Lord has shown you that it is not Scripture.

Who killed Goliath in your Bible?

Those aren't the versions I read.
Based on post 1101 it was in relation to the ending of Mark's gospel that you made your comment I was responding to.
Question, does the human size body of Jesus move at the speed of light around the globe to appear to man or is the body omnipresent and everywhere simultaneously?
It does not move at the speed of light~it has more power than even the speed of light. Jesus' body had power to appear and disappeared at the very thought of doing so.

Mark 16:12​

“After that he appeared in another form unto two of them, as they walked, and went into the country.”

Mark 16:14​

“Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.”

or is the body omnipresent and everywhere simultaneously?
His body is not everywhere simultaneously, but being the mighty God in his Deity which he had while on earth, he knew all things, everywhere at once. (John 1:48) While on earth, Jesus was still heaven in his Divine nature as the I AM THAT I AM.

John 3:13​

“And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.”
Red, we know that David killed Goliath (he removed his head), and the events in 2 Sam 21 occur many years later (David had no servants when he killed Goliath, but in 2 Sam 21 he had many). We also have confirmation in 1 Chr 20:5 that it was Lahmi, the brother of Goliath that was killed by Elhanan. But all this does not make the KJV the only honest and true translation of Scripture. One example of the KJV's translators dishonesty was their transliteration of the Greek word "baptizo" into "baptize", instead of translating it to "immerse". There are errors, omissions, additions, and other problems with the translation of every version of the Scriptures. The best option is to study several translations, with reference to the original language, so that the personal bias of the translators is mitigated as best as may be.
400 years ago before you were born or your commentaries were created the ancient translators said baptize. Immerse is a commentary that means the same thing. That is a non-issue. Baptize means immerse. Everyone knows that.
You stressed Jesus had a physical body, but since it is omnipresent and celestial (which I do not deny in the slightest) it almost certainly is not physical. Christendom, at least my tiny, insignificant part of it, does not deny His Heavenly body is omnipresent or celestial, I just don't think that it is still physical.
What I said was Jesus has a celestial body post resurrection. Everybody seems to have a problem with the heavenly body. Especially if it is comprised o light and omnipresent. They want a little teeny Jesus to make them feel better.
It does not move at the speed of light~it has more power than even the speed of light. Jesus' body had power to appear and disappeared at the very thought of doing so.

Mark 16:12​

“After that he appeared in another form unto two of them, as they walked, and went into the country.”

Mark 16:14​

“Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.”

His body is not everywhere simultaneously, but being the mighty God in his Deity which he had while on earth, he knew all things, everywhere at once. (John 1:48) While on earth, Jesus was still heaven in his Divine nature as the I AM THAT I AM.

John 3:13​

“And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.”
So if Jesus has a human size body and is not light or omnipresent, and he is everywhere at once, that makes him omnipresent. If he is not omnipresent, then he zips around at the speed of light to whom ever.
Unless you guys think that Jesus is a divine second part of an omnipresent, Trinity and his body is just a theophany type shell of humanity. What is it?
Question, do the first and third persons also have humanity or just the second person? Wouldn’t that make three divine person with one humanity attachment on the second one?
Know God's character by understanding His names! The Bible has over 100 names to describe God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the trinity. Each name and attribute teaches us something about God and includes a message of hope and encouragement for believers. Amen!
400 years ago before you were born or your commentaries were created the ancient translators said baptize. Immerse is a commentary that means the same thing. That is a non-issue. Baptize means immerse. Everyone knows that.
I have not written any commentaries, so I don't know why you call them mine. But the translators of the KJV did not "baptize" by immersion, but by sprinkling and pouring, as the catholic church still primarily does today. They transliterated the word to cover their false practice. You are right that baptize means to immerse, but not everyone knows that.
And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.”

This means the son of Mary is in eternity and time simultaneously.
I have not written any commentaries, so I don't know why you call them mine. But the translators of the KJV did not "baptize" by immersion, but by sprinkling and pouring, as the catholic church still primarily does today. They transliterated the word to cover their false practice. You are right that baptize means to immerse, but not everyone knows that.
The translators were RCC?

Who told you that?
What I said was Jesus has a celestial body post resurrection. Everybody seems to have a problem with the heavenly body. Especially if it is comprised o light and omnipresent. They want a little teeny Jesus to make them feel better.
Not until the last post did you say anything about His body being celestial. You began talking about His body post resurrection (which was physical) and have made no effort to distinguish that physical body from any other form of body which He possesses in Heaven. Yes, Jesus is omnipresent in His current body in Heaven, but that is not the same body in which He lived on Earth. As far as I can tell, He left His physical body when He passed out of sight through the clouds and entered Heaven, and He now has a new, Heavenly, celestial body.
The translators were RCC?

Who told you that?
The translators of the KJV were from the church of England, which split off from the catholic church shortly before. They were catholic in all but name, because they only split so that the King could divorce his wife. Instead of being papist, they were royalists (the King or Queen of England being the "head of the church"), which the church of England remains today.
Not until the last post did you say anything about His body being celestial. You began talking about His body post resurrection (which was physical) and have made no effort to distinguish that physical body from any other form of body which He possesses in Heaven. Yes, Jesus is omnipresent in His current body in Heaven, but that is not the same body in which He lived on Earth. As far as I can tell, He left His physical body when He passed out of sight through the clouds and entered Heaven, and He now has a new, Heavenly, celestial body.
Jesus is omnipresent light as depicted in Acts 9 and Rev 21.
He can appear as anything though.
That is because he has all power.
Why did Jesus say he had no personal power, but God did things through him before he died, then for the first time, claim to have all God's power after he resurrected?

What happened to him?
Jesus emptied himself of power in at least three ways. First, He voluntarily accepted the limitations of being a human being. Second, His glory was hidden from the people. Third, He gave up the independent use of His relative attributes (all-knowing, all-powerful, everywhere present, etc.).

Philippians 2:7

The verse says that Jesus “emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men” (ESV). The word translated “emptied” is a form of kenoó, from which we get the word kenosis. This word means to empty or to make empty.
Jesus emptied himself of power in at least three ways. First, He voluntarily accepted the limitations of being a human being. Second, His glory was hidden from the people. Third, He gave up the independent use of His relative attributes (all-knowing, all-powerful, everywhere present, etc.).

Philippians 2:7

The verse says that Jesus “emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men” (ESV). The word translated “emptied” is a form of kenoó, from which we get the word kenosis. This word means to empty or to make empty.
Did God empty Himself or did the man Christ Jesus empty himself?
Did God empty Himself or did the man Christ Jesus empty himself?
Jesus is God. Jesus claimed to be God in John 10:30 when He said, “I and the Father are one.” He repeated this claim on the night of His betrayal when He told Philip, “If you’ve seen me you have seen the Father” (John 14:9).

John said that Jesus is God in the first verse of his Gospel, calling Jesus “the Word”.

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1).

To verify that he was talking about Jesus, he said, “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).

God Himself agreed with this in Hebrews 1:8. Speaking of His Son He said. “Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom.”

Finally, In Revelation 1:8, God said, “I am the Alpha and the Omega” and in Rev. 22:13, Jesus said, “I am the Alpha and the Omega.” The only way this could be true of both is if they are one and the same.
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